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Possibilities against dishonest players? - Printable Version

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Possibilities against dishonest players? - Lord.MacRae - 06-30-2014

Hello people,

after reading Pawlak's loan thread I am asking myself, what can he do when a player is not returning a loan. Dishonest people can be found everywhere, just piggishly shuffeling all together without the intend to be honest. Or if a player in game was lend a ship and is not returning it.
Renaming the ship or selling it is easy and immediately he is "incognito" and not trackable by the lender anymore. In the forum he just could use an alt to request the loan and then would never log in again.
What can the loaner do to get his money or ship back? Telling the admins?

Greetings Duncan

RE: Possibilities against dishonest players? - Sath - 06-30-2014

The admins ususally perma ban the one who is scamming, I guess, I have seen two of those cases. Ususally the loan provider complains to the admin and the admin takes necessary actions.

RE: Possibilities against dishonest players? - Thunderer - 06-30-2014

The admins can track things like renaming. The player not returning the credits would be sanctioned. I don't know whether the loaner would receive their credits back at the end.
If the loan was a role-play one, the only way is to put a bounty on the dishonest character's head, or destroy his ship or something yourself. Except if there are some rules about role-play loans (like there are about piracy).

RE: Possibilities against dishonest players? - Sath - 06-30-2014

The loaner wont be repaid back. Atleast in those two cases, Freeroamer and Wragas' loan amount was not returned.

RE: Possibilities against dishonest players? - Lord.MacRae - 06-30-2014

(06-30-2014, 12:17 PM)Thunderer Wrote: If the loan was a role-play one, the only way is to put a bounty on the dishonest character's head, or destroy his ship or something yourself.
Exatly that were my thoughts. After the dishonest player renamed his ship, no bounty will ever punish him as he has vanished.
Think about that situation, a "new player" is asking you for money to buy a ship, or you give him a ship via movechar and he is promising to pay his debts. Then you never see him again. Bounty would be not possible, so admins seem to be the last way?

(06-30-2014, 12:20 PM)Moriarty. Wrote: The loaner wont be repaid back. Atleast in those two cases, Freeroamer and Wragas' loan amount was not returned.
Oh ... there already were players that did not balance their debts with Pawlak? What can Pawlak do or what did he do? Just telling the admins, then punish the "forum character" and then having lost all that money seems a little ... insufficient.
With that enourmous risk, why anyone should ever give loans again? It should be a point of honor to balance the debts, but perhaps hope too much for "the good" in humanit again.

RE: Possibilities against dishonest players? - Sath - 06-30-2014

That is the point of it. Giving out loans is at the loaners own risk. It is stated by admins on those threads. And you just cant give out loans to people before knowing them, and believe that everyone will pay back accordingly.

That is something, people, who wish to start a loaning service should put up with.

RE: Possibilities against dishonest players? - Ponge - 06-30-2014

As far as I know, Admins punish very severely (permaban/deleting all ships) those who scam other players and "hide" from paying back a loan. However, the loaner won't be paid back. Same applies to ship/equipment trade.

And yes, as Moriarty said, it is the risk of the loaner.