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Krüger Mineralien ''Employee'' of the Month! - Printable Version

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Krüger Mineralien ''Employee'' of the Month! - Kruger - 06-30-2014

[Image: IncomingTransmission_zps7355724f.png]

To: Krüger Mineralien Employees
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
Subject: Employee of the Month

Guten tag fellow miners, transport captains and security officers,

Krüger Mineralien is offering ''Krüger Employee of the month'' award to all employees, in form of competition, starting from the first of July 821 A.S. to help improve our already incredible morale and to increase Krüger and Rheinland economy. Each month competition will start on the first day in the month and will end on the last day in the month. Whoever gathers the most hours in one month period, on their respective ships, will win a generous reword. Both second and third place will also receive rewards of similar but smaller sizes.

Awards for first, second and third place are as follows:
  1. First place
    ---Brand new DU5-7Y "Hegemon" Civilian Mining Ship or 568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth" Rheinland Transport or 204-ARKM-B10 "Ragnar" Rheinland Armored Transport or MEMV-971-AH "Arrastra" Civilian Heavy Miner equipped with Universal Armor Upgrade MK VIII and 300 million Sirius credits in ships secure safe if the winner is a captain of mining ship.
    *Ship type depends on the choosing of winning captain.
    ---Brand new RT-41-PFT "Uruz" Rheinland Container Transport or "Colossus" Rheinland Train equipped with Capital Armor Upgrade MK VI and 300 million Sirius credits in ships secure safe if the winner is a captain of transport ship.
    *Ship type depends on the choosing of winning captain.
    ---Brand new 4TS "Tiger Shark" Rheinland Civilian Light Fighter or CTE-4000 "Griffin" Civilian Light Fighter or CTE-6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter or CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber or WAR-4b "Waran" Civilian Bomber equipped with Universal Armor Upgrade MK VIII or CTE-12400 "Condor" Civilian Gunboat equipped with Capital Armor Upgrade MK VI and 300 million Sirius credits in ships secure safe if the winner is a security officer.
    *Ship type depends on the choosing of winning captain.
  2. Second place
    200 million Sirius credits transferred to desired bank account.
  3. Third place
    100 million Sirius credits transferred to desired bank account.

So miners mine more silver and cobalt ore, transport captains deliver the ore quicker to Kusari and Gallic markets and security officers keep them all safe. Make our Vaterland pround and bring honor and wealth to our company. I wish you all good luck and prosper in the coming times.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ulrich Schweighöfer
[Image: EndOfTransmission_zps9863542e.png]

RE: Krüger Mineralien ''Employee'' of the Month! - Kruger - 08-26-2014

[Image: IncomingTransmission_zps7355724f.png]

To: Krüger Mineralien Employees
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
Subject: July's Employee of the Month

Guten tag fellow miners, transport captains and security officers,

I can inform you with a little delay that the winner of first place prize for Krüger Mineralien first ''Employee'' of the Month competion is Hans Reguen, an employee in Krüger Mineralien transportation fleet, who managed to work not only the time predetermined by Krüger Mineralien Board of Directors but has also worked overtime and earned him self a brand new RT-41-PFT "Uruz" Rheinland Container Transport equipped with Capital Armor Upgrade MK VI and 300 million Sirius credits in ships secure safe.

Second place

Second place price in July's ''Employee'' of the Month goes to our Security Chief, Hans Hofmann, for being the best at escorting Krüger Mineralien convoys even though he doesn't have to and could sit in his office and command others to do it. His award is 200 million Sirius credits sent to his bank account.

Third place

Third place price goes Helmut Kohl, the hardworking employee within Krüger Mineralien mining fleet. His award is 100 million Sirius credits sent to his bank account.

Just a reminder to all Krüger Mineralien employees, whoever collects the most work time hours on their workers' pass card will receive first place price for the month of August. This competition starts on the first day of every month and ends on the last day in the month. Best of luck to all employees.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ulrich Schweighöfer
[Image: EndOfTransmission_zps9863542e.png]

RE: Krüger Mineralien ''Employee'' of the Month! - Kruger - 09-12-2014

[Image: IncomingTransmission_zps7355724f.png]

To: Krüger Mineralien Employees
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
Subject: August's Employee of the Month

Guten tag fellow miners, transport captains and security officers,

I can inform you all that the winner of first place prize for Krüger Mineralien second ''Employee of the Month'' competition is Robert Müller, an employee in Krüger Mineralien mining fleet who, with hard work, managed to win a brand new 568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth" Rheinland Transport equipped with Universal Armor Upgrade MK VIII and 300 million Sirius credits in ships secure safe.

Second place price in August's ''Employee'' of the Month goes to our Security Chief, Hans Hofmann, for being the best at escorting Krüger Mineralien convoys. His award is 200 million Sirius credits sent to his bank account.

Third place price in August's ''Employee'' of the Month goes to Verena Michelitsch, the hardworking employee within Krüger Mineralien transport fleet. Her award of 100 million Sirius credits has been sent to her bank account.

Just a reminder to all Krüger Mineralien employees, whoever collects the most work time hours on their workers' pass card will receive first place price for the month of September. This competition starts on the first day of every month and ends on the last day in the month. Best of luck to all employees.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ulrich Schweighöfer
[Image: EndOfTransmission_zps9863542e.png]

RE: Krüger Mineralien ''Employee'' of the Month! - Kruger - 10-28-2014

[Image: IncomingTransmission_zps7355724f.png]

To: Krüger Mineralien Employees
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
Subject: September's Employee of the Month

Guten tag fellow miners, transport captains and security officers,

I pleased to inform you all that the winner of first place prize for Krüger Mineralien third ''Employee of the Month'' competition is Mark Steinberg, an employee in Krüger Mineralien transporting fleet who, with hard work, managed to win a brand new 568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth" Rheinland Transport equipped with Capital Armor Upgrade MK VI and 300 million Sirius credits in ships secure safe.

Second place price in September's ''Employee of the Month'' goes to Steffen Stein, the hardworking employee within Krüger Mineralien transporting fleet. His award of 200 million Sirius credits has been sent to his bank account.

Third place price in September's ''Employee of the Month'' goes to Robert Müller, the hardworking employee within Krüger Mineralien mining fleet. His award of 100 million Sirius credits has been sent to his bank account.

Just a reminder to all Krüger Mineralien employees, whoever collects the most work time hours on their workers' pass card will receive first place price for the month of October. This competition starts on the first day of every month and ends on the last day in the month. Best of luck to all employees.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ulrich Schweighöfer
[Image: EndOfTransmission_zps9863542e.png]

RE: Krüger Mineralien ''Employee'' of the Month! - Kruger - 06-03-2015

[Image: IncomingTransmission_zps7355724f.png]

To: Krüger Mineralien Employees
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
Subject: 2015 May's Employee of the Month

Guten tag fellow miners, transport captains and security officers,

The ''Employee of the Month'' protocol is reinstated and the May's winners are as follows:

First place prize for Krüger Mineralien third ''Employee of the Month'' competition is Viktor Nikolovach, an employee in Krüger Mineralien transporting fleet who, with hard work, managed to win a brand new "Colossus" Rheinland Train equipped with Capital Armor Upgrade MK VI and 300 million Sirius credits in ships secure safe.

Second place price in May's ''Employee of the Month'' goes to John Smith, the hardworking employee within Krüger Mineralien transporting fleet. His award of 200 million Sirius credits has been sent to his bank account.

Third place price in May's ''Employee of the Month'' goes to Verena Michelitsch, the hardworking employee within Krüger Mineralien transporting fleet. Her award of 100 million Sirius credits has been sent to his bank account.

Just a reminder to all Krüger Mineralien employees, whoever collects the most work time hours on their workers' pass card will receive first place price for the month of Jun. This competition starts on the first day of every month and ends on the last day in the month. Best of luck to all employees.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ulrich Schweighöfer
[Image: EndOfTransmission_zps9863542e.png]