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A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Printable Version

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A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Pinko - 07-01-2014

A friend and I were patrolling Kusari on our KSP ships when my friend met a criminal in a heavily armored ship. As I was still more or less setting up, I quickly turned around to give chase, but I was still a system away. My friend followed the target through New Tokyo, but it was enduring the beating quite well and it entered the Hiroshima guard system. The criminal, being in a well armored ship, could more or less impunitively attempt to escape, even firing at my Police friend, while my friend was now being shot at by a bajillion angry KNF guard ships.

This led to my friend being destroyed, and the criminal got away scot free and kept on his joyful cruise. Now, I know we shouldn't be in a guard system, but is it necessary for a Military Guard's to be hostile to its own's House Police? I feel like simply lowering the rep enough to not let you dock would be more appropriate here if only to evade situations like this.

DELETE - SnakThree - 07-01-2014


RE: A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Nerva - 07-01-2014

You can try mounting a KNF ID and undocking. It should rep hack KNF Guard to 1.0.

That is if the default configuration file matches the one in use on the server.

RE: A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Pinko - 07-01-2014

(07-01-2014, 06:37 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Do few missions for KNF.

It's a pain, as I do have a few KSP ships. I don't have that much time to spend on the game.

RE: A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Ponge - 07-01-2014

(07-01-2014, 07:09 PM)Dancing Lady Wrote:
(07-01-2014, 06:37 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Do few missions for KNF.

It's a pain, as I do have a few KSP ships. I don't have that much time to spend on the game.

Then your best bet is to do as Corundum suggested:
ask your friend to make a KNF restart, and trade the KNF ID to all your chars with his help in Connecticut, then mount back the KSP ID. You'll have full KNF guard rep, and no other rep should be messed up, as the two ID's rep is quite the same.

RE: A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Leppy - 07-02-2014

(07-01-2014, 07:33 PM)Ponge Wrote:
(07-01-2014, 07:09 PM)Dancing Lady Wrote:
(07-01-2014, 06:37 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Do few missions for KNF.

It's a pain, as I do have a few KSP ships. I don't have that much time to spend on the game.

Then your best bet is to do as Corundum suggested:
ask your friend to make a KNF restart, and trade the KNF ID to all your chars with his help in Connecticut, then mount back the KSP ID. You'll have full KNF guard rep, and no other rep should be messed up, as the two ID's rep is quite the same.

Its nice that a workaround exists for that, but it would be better to make it more automatic (with all IDs) if possible

RE: A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Zen_Mechanics - 07-02-2014

They should have kept the guard ID - then you won't have people going to places with it - and if anyone did, he would have used the normal one. Like - Outcast guard ID in ny doesnt make sense, but a plain one does - and I still think that only guard ID's should be able to use caps in their respective field of operation.

RE: A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Sabru - 07-02-2014

(07-02-2014, 03:32 PM)Zen_Mechanics Wrote: They should have kept the guard ID - then you won't have people going to places with it - and if anyone did, he would have used the normal one. Like - Outcast guard ID in ny doesnt make sense, but a plain one does - and I still think that only guard ID's should be able to use caps in their respective field of operation.

tel advocating restrictions on cap usage? wonders will never cease.

* Sabru looks out the window to check for any flying pigs

RE: A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Zen_Mechanics - 07-02-2014

Not restricting, but giving two choices to those who wish to deploy caps, at a price. Think about it, if people actually want to use caps they can easily obtain them with the guard ID. And still have other characters with the generic to go to other places.

RE: A nonsensical situation about current Guard systems. - Pinko - 07-02-2014

(07-02-2014, 03:38 PM)Sabre Wrote:
(07-02-2014, 03:32 PM)Zen_Mechanics Wrote: They should have kept the guard ID - then you won't have people going to places with it - and if anyone did, he would have used the normal one. Like - Outcast guard ID in ny doesnt make sense, but a plain one does - and I still think that only guard ID's should be able to use caps in their respective field of operation.

tel advocating restrictions on cap usage? wonders will never cease.

* Sabre looks out the window to check for any flying pigs

Iunno how recently you joined Discovery, but that's actually how it used to work until .85, if not a bit later: Guard IDs had caps, while regular IDs didn't. Not that I ever want this system to return, it was pretty bad to be quite honest. It was also assumed that Guards had a more restricted ZoI than normal ships.