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To: The [M]ollys of Dublin - Printable Version

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To: The [M]ollys of Dublin - Vulkhard Muller - 07-02-2014

[Image: KyleWinstonTransmissionbar_zpsbb7b317c.png]

Greetings Mollys -

Our allies within Bretonia and comrades in a struggle for a unified Sirius. We of the SCRA have run into a small problem to be frank. We are building a prototype SCRA carrier and the engineers say the best objects they know of to keep the reactor cool and from going critical is a commodity well outside the range of our grasp, Cryocubes. It has been noted by the Red Hessians that you have come into large quantities of Cryocubes. Assuming this is true, we are requesting the delivery of 3,000 units of them to Mykolaiv Research Station. This access is temporary mind you, and once the delivery is complete you will have to request transit rights here. On a side note, would you be interested in continuing the aid with the construction of our Carrier?

I eagerly await your response.

-Senior Lieutenant Kyle Winston

RE: To: The Mollys of Dublin - Arioch - 07-02-2014

[Image: qfa6uPb.gif]

*She flashes a smile*

Evenin' Lt. Winston,

A pleasure t' hear from ta SCRA again. I must extend meh gratitude for your help in yesterday's attack on ta foul BMM base in our system. Unfortunately our attack was cut short, but rest assured we will resume our offensive.

Now, on t' your request. I'm confident we can help in this regard. I will address you on this comm channel once deliveries have been made. As far as requesting access, I will ensure a member of meh council will respond.

*She nods and turns away*

Sadhbh McCool
[M]olly Council

RE: To: The [M]ollys of Dublin - Arioch - 07-03-2014

[Image: fpf9bsl.gif]

*She smiles as she begins*

'Ello Lt. Winston,

As promised, a shipment of Cryocubes was delivered t' Mykolaiv Station within your system of Omega 52. Our pilots even included some extra for your teams, as we know that situations can arise an' unexpected circumstances pop up that require additional materials. We hope this will be satisfactory.

In lue of payment, of which you did not specify nor provide, I trust that transit rights will be granted for myself an' other Mollys. I feel this is an acceptable trade of services.

Perhaps next time we will even bring some of our Dublin Whiskey for your lads an' lasses. When off duty of course. Wouldn't want you Coalition folk t' be drunk on ta job!

*She laughs and turns away*

Sadhbh McCool
[M]olly Council

RE: To: The [M]ollys of Dublin - Tabris - 07-03-2014

[Image: Warner.png]

Comm ID: Field Marshal Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

Subject: Transit Permissions.

"On behalf of our engineers on Mykolaiv I thank you for your aid in this endeavour, the Coalition hopes that you had the opportunity to sample Odessa Vodka during your visit and that our alliance continues to stand strong in the face of both the Bretonian Royal threat and the increasing threat of the Corsair 'Empire' in the Coalition's Omega-49 Protectorate.

As recognition of aid rendered for the Tempest Project the Coalition will be permitting Red-Level clearance to Omega-52 by members of the Molly Republic's [M] designated vessels for the purposes of trade and fleet movements to better out-wit the Corsair threat.

May we be victorious in the days to come comrade McCool. Ura!"

Ben Warner, Field Marshal
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса