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Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - Printable Version

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Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - KaiserDietz - 07-02-2014

Attack on Nansei

Frustrated by the stagnation of political change in the Kusari parliament, the Emperor has grown restless. The return to power is imminent and he needs to pave the way for a successful campaign in Kyushu. There are two ways in: the jumphole and the jumpgate, both inaccessible to larger battlegroups, namely the hidden battleships. The KDS-Nagumo stands vigil over the gate, and Nansei Research Complex advanced scanners have the ability to cut through the dense particles of the Ohka Dust Field, revealing the presence of all but the most subtle craft. Recent intelligence leaked from the Exile’s ally Samura, the builders of Nansei, reveal structural weakness in the housings of the sensor array, giving the opportunity to cripple the eyes and ears of the navy in the system. This undertaking will be perilous, suicidal.

Phase 1 (30 Minutes) :

Participants: Exiles, Alliance or Council, and Navy

A small Farmer Alliance group will attack from the south of the research base, distracting the small station guard, which lacks heavy fire power. The Exiles will jump in from Tau-23 and attack from the north, flanking the Navy positions. The Navy will be badly outnumbered.

Exile objectives: By eliminating the Navy defenses, they will have a chance to destroy the sensor array directly.
Navy objectives: Survive until heavy support arrives. Stay alive.

[IMG float= left][/IMG]
Phase 2:

Participants: Anyone with a reason to be there.

Whether the garrison dies or not, reinforcements will arrive in the form of a large battle group (anyone). At this point all hell will have broken loose, and anyone with a reason to be there can join the fight. Knowing that a precision strike is no longer possible, a few Exile pilots overload their engines and charge into the solar panels on the station, effectively cutting power to all systems. If the Exiles achieve victory in phase one, they will sacrifice their vessels to give the volunteer allies a chance to escape the ensuing bloodbath. If your ship has died in Phase 1, you may rejoin as another character.

Exile objectives: Die with honor, inflict as much pain as possible
Navy objectives: Crush the attack force.

Mission Ramifications:

If the Exiles achieve success in Phase 1:
- No civilian casualties

If the Exiles experience failure in Phase 1:
- Death of all personnel on the research station
- Heavy hit to public popularity
- Death of Allied Forces resulting in distrust between the exiles and their allies
-Republic Tactical Victory

In Either Case:
- Exile strategic victory
- Sensor array destroyed
- The Nagumo, now blind is forced to retreat to Aso or Kyushu
- The death or capture of all Exile forces

RP Reason explained:
This event is designed to “field test” a Kusari civil war scenario and see how compatible it is with Disco. You can read up more on a bunch of proposed plans here: . This event will neither imply, nor create a civil war, just test its viability.

RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - KaiserDietz - 07-02-2014


RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - KaiserDietz - 07-02-2014


RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - KaiserDietz - 07-02-2014

Side note: Feedback is requested.

RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - Singularity - 07-03-2014

As said its an excellent idea to check how the "civil" war (if happened) will play out. Full supported and would like to actually test it ingame.

You know we are in.. Wink

RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - Vulkhard Muller - 07-03-2014

Kinda sad not to see Blood Dragons as a listed party but hey *shrugs*

on topic: very interested in seeing this event if it happens!!

RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - Highland Laddie - 07-03-2014

@ Vulk - The Blood Dragons were originally fighting the Emperor. Why would they fight for his return to power?

RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - Singularity - 07-03-2014

@ Muller - I think the Blood dragons can be there as "interested parties" in Phase 2, because more or less the civil war turns out to be between these 3 major parties.

@ Laddie - Well, BD won't be fighting for his return, but they sure would be interested in taking out such huge target both the sides. Except that the Dragons won't be knowing of such and hence the BD parties involved would be a small patrolling group in Kyushu.

RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - tothebonezone - 07-03-2014

Sounds like a reason for me to log on my Exile for once.

I'll wait and see the rules and restrictions that might pop up.

RE: Prelude to War: Attack on Nansei || Exiles, KNF and respective allies - larzac - 07-03-2014

Yep, would be good to add a Blood Dragon part, with maybe different objectives.
If the civil war happen, there will be 3 groups probably, we should try to do same here.
For example, in the 2nd part, if a KNF BS is involve, the mission of BD could be to destroy it, and after engage other parties there.
Like this, we could have a lot of possible end, not just: Exiles will be rape at the end whatever they do.
With BD involve, Any group could win because it's probable that the strongest faction there will be again 2 others. Finally, there will be only one faction at the end of the 2nd part, and as you stated, different result.
For example, a win of Exiles could mean that they take the station, or the BS.
A win of BD could mean that they capture the BS and retreat with it, or just destroy all enemies fleet. I think that you should add goals for the second part for every faction, to have a better interest than just pew pew. It's just ideas like that, i let you see.