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Tinkers&Transports ( Brainstorming ) - Printable Version

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Tinkers&Transports ( Brainstorming ) - FynnMcScrap - 07-06-2014

Not jet quite finished, but as I set the TAG today I wanted to start publishing.

T&T/ will be a neutral Trading Cooperation with - hopefully - soon a home base in Texas.

The whole Idea is that there are so far 2 Junker factions :
Lets say the neutral quasi-lawfuls. ( .:j:. / Junker Congress )
And then the more piracy and UN-lawful interested Players can opt to join the Marauders ( JM| ).
But what about those lost souls out here who are just caught up in the middle of Corporate Interests, Junker bad reputation and lawful zealots - er ... lawful watchfullness and order - loving care for their buisness here?

Of course we know there is profit in smuggling, and of course we truly would love to seen all Xenos and Hogosha pushed back into some sleeper ship and sent to ... hm, Alpha Centauri ?
But if you realy think about it , this is mostely just wishfull thinking. Nice to discuss with a bottle of Rheinland Beer after work or while trying to figure out what really caused the headache whilst scrapping. The Sake or some Bretonnian Sausage.

But what happens if a simple Junker gets an idea and then gets support by interested Freelance Traders ?
What if there where a Place where a Freelance Trader could pick up Premium Scrap to haul to Tokio,
and not to some Pirate .... er, Borderworld Stronghold.
If he could pick up valuable but lawful commoditys and tradeables in Kusari space and haul them back ?

Probably a lot of opposition, some support and some ... interesting Roleplay ?
After all : Everybody knowns Junkers are just a bunch of stealing, backstabbing and shabby Smugglers after all. Right ?
I think its time to prove "them" wrong.
Even if we are - de facto - smuggling PremScrap to Kusari and H-Fuel back.
Oh - I forgot : we dont. But a neutral Trader can...

- Probably we will be shot at by Rhinelanders because I plan to build up a Base in Texas.
- Will be searched and mistrusted by Liberty Officials unwilling to accept our innocence *cough*
- Will be scrutinized or even attacked by Hogosha or more official Kusari Forces.

... or we will slip through and make a living. Perhaps not the biggest profit possible, but continuously.

The Cooperation between Junkers and Freelancers will perhaps prove to be fun to play while offering a solid income to both Scrappers in Texas and Traders interested in the Kusari / Liberty Tradeline. No membershiop is required to Trade at Tinkers Haven as soon as construction is completed but there will be a few rules :


Mind your reputation !

We want to be seen as dirty, as quite at the edge of the lawful scale ... but as trustworthy !
No Contraband, no piracy. Ok, self defense is always an option , but remember : if either your Kusari or your Liberty OR your Junker Rep gets to bad, you get Trouble. Of course, the base planned in Texas is all about splitting the scraping and trading sides of the buissness into convenient halves, but remember :
This is a roleplaying server, there are enough Players out there ready for the fun of taking advantage of any slip.

2 ) Mind your Roleplay :

If somebody wants to pick up PremScrap at the Haven and haul it to Malta : feel free to do so ! But ... why ?
This is about good profit per time ( while in the core zones ) , not per haul.
If you want the most per unit... play Miner / Trader.

We are Scrappers ! The underdogs, surviving and thriving. Clinging to the scrap we mine and daring everybody to do the same. We - the players - do this for a good fun / time / roleplay quota.
As I see it, a Scrapper is somebody who wants to have a short route and a good profit, without bothering about trading. Sure, with a Salvager you can take quite a load and do a fine job trading, but it excells at scrapping. And I myself am a fan of CSF and Gunboat. Lots of Indie Junkers around, and nothing wrong with that. Of course a lot then cause problems... but I think thats true with every Indie role.

As to the location : I plan easy access to the station for Traders, meaning I plan to build in clear sight of a tradelane: At Planet Houston, between the two Trade lanes to Hudson and to Bering, facing to the trade lane to NY.
The Defense of Tinkers Haven would be passive ( probably not building any weapon platforms ) I would concentrate on cargo storage.

The "Faction" T&T/ offers a supportive role to Newbies and interested Veterans alike, and we will see how - and if - this will be of interest to the community.

As for other already existing factions like .:J:. , JM| , Liberty Forces, Corporate Factions or Kusari / Hogosha and so on : please DO interact wich me / us.

Let us deal, let us haggle, bribe... perhaps even shoot.
But please remember : The Faction is not meant to be a pewpew Faction. Rather the opposite. I would rather spend half an hour haggling and bribing my way past a suspicious Hogosha and only be spared after agreeing to transport a message or - perhaps a load of Tea ? - to an agreed Base or coordinate than yust pay&fly or restart from Base.

And if I have to explain my flight to an equally suspicious LPI Officer afterwards : then this Faction starts working ! ;-)

( /restart ) used would mainly be Freelancer and Junker ID , and so far I have not jet planned more. I´m not really a long - time player with Disco jet and this is my first try at building up more than a bunch of Alts , so I welcome Tips or assistance.

RE: Tinkers&Transports - Lythrilux - 07-06-2014

The writeup seems a bit unclear, you might want to go over things and arrange it into something more readable and organized.
Other than that, I'll be interested to see what encounters JM can have with you Smile

RE: Tinkers&Transports - FynnMcScrap - 07-06-2014

We buy scrap, we swap messages ... and if you need something from Kusari space that isn´t just flying around in convenient convois - send us a message ;-)

RE: Tinkers&Transports - Tinker and Transport - 07-11-2014

oK ... Im worried ;-)

I had a creative spur today, partly because Im on vacation this week and have the time, partly because of some positive responds from individual players.

But after finishing my work I have a distinct feeling of being a culprit ?

Faction Creation Rules state you first find 5 players, then apply for Faction creation, then get to be Faction ?
Or does this only apply for official Factions ?

Did I post the *Tinker&Transport Regulations* in the wrong Thread / Section or not ?

I would be happy being inofficial till I ( *we* if I can find the interested players ) can proove worthy, but I ceep worrying about being to fast.

*Bad boy, go to the corner for a week* or *go on, its fine* ?

Also :

Feedback would realy be appreciated


RE: Tinkers&Transports - Slainte - 07-11-2014

Sounds like a great idea and could prove to be a real boost for some decent RP.
" starts to make a new alt " Smile

RE: Tinkers&Transports - Ponge - 07-11-2014

(07-11-2014, 07:48 PM)Tinker and Transport Wrote: Faction Creation Rules state you first find 5 players, then apply for Faction creation, then get to be Faction ?
Or does this only apply for official Factions ?

This applies only if you are applying for officialdom. You posted your thread in the correct subforum (unofficial factions).

RE: Tinkers&Transports - FynnMcScrap - 07-12-2014

So... thank you for response so far :-)

I got some advice, thought about it and agree, but also see a chance here.

As of now, the Cooperation is still in its forming Phase.
Allies and Friends have not jet formed, Enemys not jet been made.

So far T&T is establishing direct contact to the obvious factions to see who is supportive, who is responsive and who is indifferent to us. I have even specifficaly assigned a ship to the task, so if somebody wishes to have an inRP chat while sipping some Tea or Grog in the wonderful scenery of Sirius : feel free, I will come.
( And I do hope no Pirate tries to catch my ViP , but he is there to be catched. Fair is fair. )

From the basic concept T&T will try to be neutral to all - and probably this will not work. But we try to have a fresh slate here - so first impression might be important.
And if some other Trading, mining or escorting Faction feels like contacting T&T : please do !

I will try to organize a ( Forum or even ingame ) opening Cerimony at the Haven, meant to finaly establish T&T in the context of Sirius background. It will probably happen this month, as Im itching to getting started again.

If somebody has further suggestions or would like to join from the beginning send me a PM over the T&T Account or Fynn . Or just answer in this Thread.

RE: Tinkers&Transports ( Brainstorming ) - Tinker and Transport - 07-13-2014

Its getting realy interesting :-)

Nice RP , Kudos to Ktayn : ( communication between T&T & SAMURA )

So, all who wish to join T&T , be warned .
Its not going to be easy , we´re going to be the underdogs trying to compete between the big Guys in their own turf.

Let´s rock Cool