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The thing about destroying PoBs ... - Printable Version

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The thing about destroying PoBs ... - Oldum - 07-07-2014

Hello everyone.

I've been thinking about the - be it inRP or ooRP - destruction of a PoB by any warship or fleet ... in regards of this to be exact...

I know Core 1 PoBs do not require RP do be shot at, but let's take a look at the RP things behind THIS particular event.

/Please note, this does not cover lawfuls shooting at pirate/hostile bases/

So , as far as I understand , a freelancing trade station in Hudson (please note, Borderworlds) got shot by a Liberty Navy capital. For the moment, let's forget about all the registrations and all that cr*p, just look at the logics.

In RP and technically , you need crew on a base. So that given, a Liberty capital marches in and destroys a base, "killing" all on board , outside of Liberty space. Not to mention if you take the purpose of that given base into consideration, it was full of civilians ....

Am I the only one who thinks this this is bad , pretty much makes no sense, and I could continue ... or am I wrong ?

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - PlasmaSabre - 07-07-2014

I also noticed this particular event (same base), and i agree that there should definitely be some roleplaying involved (even if its just a transport mooring, 'removing' the crew) in the destruction of bases like this. Perhaps not even on the forums, but somewhere, somehow there should be a clear reason expressed as to why the base was taken down.
Obviously shooting at pirate bases is rather justified, but this certain incident seems a bit harsh for the Navy, inRP.
I agree with Oldum here though, this occurance
Quote:pretty much makes no sense

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - Lord.MacRae - 07-07-2014

A sad action of a sad person behaving according to the "laws" but questionable. Was a nice introduced base with heartfelt commentaries.

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - Oldum - 07-07-2014

(07-07-2014, 07:55 AM)TANKinetic Wrote: I also noticed this particular event (same base), and i agree that there should definitely be some roleplaying involved (even if its just a transport mooring, 'removing' the crew) in the destruction of bases like this. Perhaps not even on the forums, but somewhere, somehow there should be a clear reason expressed as to why the base was taken down.
Obviously shooting at pirate bases is rather justified, but this certain incident seems a bit harsh for the Navy, inRP.
I agree with Oldum here though, this occurance
Quote:pretty much makes no sense

The funny thing is, noone cared to answer untill it was about getting more cash for the base construction permission and all... no answer or reply on why the hell would an LNS dread blast a civilian trading base to bits, especially in a place where, due to the RP events of the destroyed gates , they probably shouldn't even be.

I have to say, I just restarted things after almost 2 years of a long break, but things around here tend to dissapoint me more and more about the ways of some factions and people , as at least 50% of players only care about others RP if it's about cash.

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - Pel - 07-07-2014

This is another reason why the current model of POBs is unsustainable.

The current mentality toward them is that they are like individual ships, with the pilot AFK, not subject to the same rules as the Navy (for example) firing on and destroying Barrier Gate Station (if that were possible) or a Freeport (again, if it were possible) and thus harming the entire player base and interrupting the economy.

If the consequences were greater and no other base remained to take their place (the other mentality being, "This base is of no use to me, so let's torch it for lulz.") then the outrage would be more universal.

A corollary of my idea about making POBs (or actually PRBs, player-run bases) near universal would be strict control over who could fly capital ships. Make them available only through certain bases with strict vetting of the pilots and prohibit them from firing on unauthorized targets without threat of a court martial.

This would make the responsibilities and consequences more "real" and make services such as those provided by Tinker's Haven more essential to the smooth working of the game economy, and thus less likely to be attacked (especially by the "authorities").

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - FynnMcScrap - 07-07-2014

I lost an other Newbie player at that day... Skurge is not coming back to Disco server because of the events.

Im not complaining any more... I learned and expanded.

Only thing I am worrying about is that Tinkers Haven will again be bombed after resurrection in Texas. Im not trying to change rules...
I would rather change the Players. But as it is I yust try to survive.
Sonds like a Junkers life to me ;-)

Hiding my Base till its Core 2 ? Why ? How ?
I want Traders to come by !

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - Curios - 07-07-2014

Building POB does not require any RP and very often the POBs are operated with little RP sense in mind. So does the destruction of said POBs are not following much of RP logic.

In my honest opinion the whole "build POB anywhere you pls" idea was super retard to begin with and have produced much more problems than good.

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - Oldum - 07-07-2014

The problem is not building a base everywhere ... Some bases are personal, and will dissapeare pretty soon, but the ones which someone or a group puts together with effort and time, even if the first part of the creation is ooRP , which I don't really understand why exactly in some cases ( like thisone ) , just going there and shooting a base that was announced on forums, has some RP backstory and is suppose to be a civilian trading platform ... RP or no RP , that was just some lolwut having nothing better to do but ruin others fun ... Tongue

Although I would suspect something else, but I am not up to date on which factions are running this place atm, ( eg. who can do anything and get away with it ) so that would be just plain speculations, which I hardy ever get into.

Sidenote: Had to edit my post 3 times, due to content would probably get me sanctioned ... (ragetimer or , 5 minutes ...)

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - FynnMcScrap - 07-07-2014

Theres a Post around in wich I raged.
The Attacker has justified himself with PoB rules.
And I was inofficially warned with Trial by Forum.

So I read quite a lot. Thought about Stories, found friends and allies.
It is part of Disco, after all. Not the best part... but part.

Nice to see that somebody cares. Keep caring.
I will , too.

RE: The thing about destroying PoBs ... - Lord.MacRae - 07-07-2014

(07-07-2014, 09:17 AM)Curios Wrote: Building POB does not require any RP and very often the POBs are operated with little RP sense in mind. So does the destruction of said POBs are not following much of RP logic.
Also piloting a ship, trading or shooting does not need any RP. But as it is a RP server, normally, players do or go to Conn.
As amatter of fact, it is depending on the player what amount of RP he is willing to do and the RP for that base was in my opinion very good, the RP of the destroyer ... hm zero. Ok, understandable as (perhaps, we will never know exactly) his only intend was to destroy it and why RP when the "law" states that he just can do.
Quote:In my honest opinion the whole "build POB anywhere you pls" idea was super retard to begin with and have produced much more problems than good.
"Place everywhere" is an admin rule because they perhaps do not want to restrict by theirselves and want the players and organisation to do. Bretonia for example did that very well in my opinion. Bases have to be registered and there are limitations like not to build a base directly in front of a planet.
But also there are exceptions that could be given if the explanation and the RP is sufficient.
Regulation is a good way, only restrictions are counterproductive because new players are deterred and can not see any chance for their RP ideas.

Also I read many complaints about people leaving and not many new players stay, the server is not crowded as in the earlier days .... Think about just killing someones base without a word instead of RP with him and helping him with the restrictions. Besides that, think about your money-grubbing behaviours and all your "laws because they are laws". What would you do? Having fun and stay?