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WANTED -- Sarawr requires a new lawful Siggie! - Printable Version

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WANTED -- Sarawr requires a new lawful Siggie! - Sarawr!? - 07-14-2014

So, some of you might know, and some of you might not...but I've created a Kusari Police group in the past couple of weeks, and I've been playing the heck out of it, SO in short, I would like a signature to represent my new character and group.

I already have a character picture in mind, so really it's just a matter of all you wonderous artists deciding what to do with the image and details I supply.

I'm willing to pay anywhere between 50 to 100 million space monies, for quality work.

SO, to business then.

This is the character I'd like used.

I'd like "Akiko Kojima", "Police Sergeant"and "Kusari Territorial Police" somewhere on the signature as well, and overall I'd like to see a purple/gold (think Kusari ships) color scheme used, as long as it doesn't look totally ridiculous or something (So really I'm not totally adamant on the color scheme)

Some kind of starsphere would work as far as background goes and maybe a Raijin or Ahoudori thrown in somewhere as well.

Other than specific things I've pointed out, anyone who thinks they can do what I've asked for should feel free to take some liberties while working on the design.

Anyway thanks guys, looking forward to seeing what might pop up here 8|

RE: WANTED -- Sarawr requires a new lawful Siggie! - Luke. - 07-14-2014

Weeelll here's my attempts because why not.

No head popping out the top.
[Image: SKTAST-1.png]

Full hat on show.
[Image: SKTAS2-2.png]

I'm aware both have the rough edge on her right side, if it bothers you then i'll happily fix it up or just not use a transparent layer at all...but i'll let you make your judgements first Smile

RE: WANTED -- Sarawr requires a new lawful Siggie! - Foochow - 07-14-2014

I'll try something too in a hour

First try:
[Image: 24QR9Zz.png]
[Image: YV3SEL8.png]
[Image: pUSCs2x.png]

Can do modifications if requested.