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Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - Printable Version

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Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - An'shur - 07-15-2014

Discuss. All ideas are here:

I would like to know if this would be possible.

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - Sabru - 07-15-2014

anything is theoretically possible.

but thats different from "could it fit in the nonsense we call "disco logic"?"

i assume you mean to ask the second version?

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - Zayne Carrick - 07-15-2014

It's possible.

It won't happen cause there's noone to represent Synthfoods.

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - Knjaz - 07-15-2014

(07-15-2014, 05:37 PM)Sabre Wrote: anything is theoretically possible.

but thats different from "could it fit in the nonsense we call "disco logic"?"

i assume you mean to ask the second version?

I suppose that's correct. Will bring parts of my replies on the matter from that previous thread. For the sake of convenience.

(07-14-2014, 10:11 PM)Blodo Wrote: Nomad War ends: Rheinland is left with no money and is back with the Liberty debt, they have to literally sell a planet to keep themselves from defaulting (Planet Stuttgart),

(07-15-2014, 12:21 PM)Knjaz Wrote: A very questionable decision, at the very least, If we take real world analogy , Russia defaulted “just fine” in 1998. Granted, it was a very rough year – but nobody in their right mind was proposing to sell part of the country to someone. Such decision would create long lasting political consequences and would apply huge pressure on the government from patriotically oriented population and parties drawing their electoral support from it. And that’s in addition to LWB issue.

Seriously, selling off one out of 4 (I think it was 4 at the time?) inhabitable planets to foreign entity instead of defaulting… it made Rheinland look like idiots

…now, lets get back to whole Stuttgart issue again. During the war with Liberty, the political pressure on the government to return the planet into “rightful ownership of the people of Rheinland” would be damn huge. So huge that I personally find it highly problematic for it to resist such demands – especially because they would come from the very same population part (patriotically oriented) that would provide biggest political support to the Kanzler and his government in times of war, as well as numerous “hawks” in the government itself and Rheinland’s Elite. Especially from Rheinland financial/business circles/corporations that would greatly benefit from such a move – the pressure applied by this political group would be severe. Not meeting their demands would, again, have grave consequences on the stability of current government by losing trust of both patriotically oriented citizens, patriotically oriented elites and business-oriented elites. I honestly don’t see Kanzler getting through all of this easily if he’d insist on keeping Stuttgart deal, because he wouldn’t be just dealing with his opponents like previous Bundsomething, or socialists, or whatever – he would be dealing with the circles he’s drawing his own support from.

(07-15-2014, 03:32 PM)Knjaz Wrote:
(07-15-2014, 01:48 PM)Absinthe Wrote: Also... Can Rheinland government simly nationalise Stuttgart fields? This would mean less Libertonian influence and LWB would be happy.

Been pushing that idea in Rheinland indie chat (since I'm no part of official faction) a couple years ago.
The concept was: Grab SynthPaste production for yourself (though, guys related to that were claiming that it's seeds are not capable of reproduction and are delivered from Liberty, but I had some doubts about that given technological and logistical problems in achieving that.

Receiving access to large scale SynthPaste production, Rheinland would be able:

1) Grant part of the planet to farmers, work out preferable conditions to them. Will fix things with LWB. They can turn into quasi-lawful Farmer's Alliance equivalent.

2) Return to large scale planetary mining operation. (Don't tell me it doesn't have any mineral resources. Such planets do not exist - or at least can't be habitable).

3) Most importantly - implement certain social policy aimed at supporting poorest/lowest class of citizens through additional SynthPaste rationing for low-income families. Due to very low base cost of SynthPaste it won't be harmful for Government's budget, but it will directly affect the part of population Hessians are drawing their support from, and at the very least will reduce the potential supporters from those who didn't yet come to final decision who the support.

But here I'm starting to play Space Strategy, I guess. Big Grin

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - An'shur - 07-15-2014

(07-15-2014, 05:44 PM)Zayne Carrick Wrote: It won't happen cause there's noone to represent Synthfoods.

That is bad, but imagine I am government (nice imagination indeed). If I want to nationalise something, I would simply take it right?
Some RP however is required.

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - Jack_Henderson - 07-15-2014

And what would happen by doing it?

Another interesting place vanishes.
And is replaced by a boring RFP or RM docking base.
Roleplay opportunities are lost.

It's the same as the Bonn-takeover which killed roleplay interaction and rendered Bonn boring and usless. It used to be an interesting base that drew people to Rheinland and offered all kinds of people a chance to dock there. Now, as another RFP base, it is totally unnecessary, unimportant and simply redundant.

Let's not make these mistakes again.

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - Vredes - 07-15-2014

(07-15-2014, 06:35 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: And what would happen by doing it?

Another interesting place vanishes.
And is replaced by a boring RFP or RM docking base.
Roleplay opportunities are lost.

It's the same as the Bonn-takeover which killed roleplay interaction and rendered Bonn boring and usless. It used to be an interesting base that drew people to Rheinland and offered all kinds of people a chance to dock there. Now, as another RFP base, it is totally unnecessary, unimportant and simply redundant.

Let's not make these mistakes again.

Despite the idea sounds good I have to agree with jack... everything that will help the community is welcome. But this will be the downfall of many players operating in Rheinland.

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - An'shur - 07-15-2014

(07-15-2014, 06:39 PM)Vredes Wrote: Despite the idea sounds good I have to agree with jack... everything that will help the community is welcome. But this will be the downfall of many players operating in Rheinland.

For all Rheinlanders. I believe Rheinland economic situation is bad enough to be RP'd on forums and possibly solved to be better. Having planet with 90% of food production belonging to hostile nation is like thorn in the eye. I sympathise with the LWB only in this way, not in the other (Hessian allies)

Retaking Bonn station was logical step because:
-Supplying Unioners, Bundschuh and Hessians

Retaking Stuttgart would be fine too because:
-Money from harvests goes to Liberty

---Both made Rheinland government quite out of controll.

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - Omicron - 07-15-2014

It was done once with Bonn, it brought drama.

Drama fuels disco. While I didn't agreed with Bonn take over (or at least the way it has been finalized), Stuttgart could use a major turn-around... that could fuel or upstart some new and fresh conflict to deal with.

I would say, go even further. Redesign a couple of systems, hand over some assets and perks to underplayed factions (I am looking at Bundies more specifically). LWB in current form and shape has no purpose, drowning among factions that already do it - revolution is already heeded by Bundies, Hessians (more piratey way) and to some degree - more ideologically sound Unioners.

RE: Can Rheinland nationalise Stuttgart? - Tabris - 07-15-2014

While Rheinland COULD nationalize Stuttgart the simple fact is that doing so wouldn't be in the best interest of the mod at this time, for one it would completely remove any justification for the LWB and hit the lore of Rheinland's unlawfuls VERY hard. Plus without a Synthfoods faction it is unlikely to happen as that would also be seen as 'unfair' to the vanilla faction being sliced-diced without representation.