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About GB razors... - Printable Version

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About GB razors... - Ayatolah - 07-16-2014

I had stuck this in mind for a pair of months.... could be possible to add a second option of gb razors with the previous stats?

i mean .86/85 ones...

RE: About GB razors... - An'shur - 07-16-2014

I hope, more diverse weaponnary would be welcomed. I quess by all people. More weapons, not only colors like SNAC. This coloring is nice eyecandy and logical too, not all factions can use exactly same gun. So colours are fine, but not everything, only for nice look. Also faction Cerbs colouring would be nice, but as I said, more weapons, not only colors Smile

RE: About GB razors... - Vredes - 07-16-2014

OLD RAZORS!!!! YESSSS!!!! Or maybe some anti cap guns for bombers. Also GBs are supposed to be frigates why not give them some torps similar to the cruisers in terns of turn rate and speed, but do half dmg and are fired from a 3.5-4k range

RE: About GB razors... - Ayatolah - 07-16-2014

jeje those barrages with the old razors! keeping the timing you were able to shoot 8 shoots in no time (less damage of course....)

RE: About GB razors... - Lythrilux - 07-16-2014

I want a sirius civilian version of gunboat glaives :c
* Lythrilux wants faster rotating razors

RE: About GB razors... - Pinko - 07-16-2014

(07-16-2014, 06:22 PM)Vredes Wrote: Or maybe some anti cap guns for bombers.

Hellfires are your friend.

RE: About GB razors... - Vulkhard Muller - 07-16-2014

I want snacs balanced to their Infocards.

On topic: Faction based Cap weaponry would be interesting. would make it more interesting then just "CERB CERB CERB!"

Thats my 2 cents