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Event - The Great Orange Run - Printable Version

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Event - The Great Orange Run - An'shur - 07-21-2014

::From: Pedro Alvarez::
::To: NaciĆ³n Maltesa::
::The Great Orange Run! Spread Orange Dream to Gallia!::


Maltese side

I have plan to enforce spreading our smuggling business in this undiscovered country. It is very risky, or to be honest, dangerous.

Objective: Deliver load of cardamine to Chateau-Gontier freeport, be quiet, don't communicate via system-wide transmission, protect the convoy, attempt to not make convoy spread through whole system, this would make it more easily detectible, be compact. // Convoy will not fly above or below plane and outside map, will not use tradelanes and jumpgates. Will use jump holes only.

Route: Omicron Alpha > Omicron 80 > Lorraine > Lyonnais > Burgundy > Ile de France > Picardy > Maine
Convoy's way back to home is not known.

Possible and welcome aid to Outcasts: Junkers, freelancers and independent pirates. ( // Some RP for Junkers Wink : )

RV point: Planet Malta. Convoy will start it's route as soon as possible.

Non-allowed ships and technology:
-Capital ships (Above gunboats) (It is meant to be quiet smuggling run deep into enemy territory, we really needn't make our convoy to be easily detected, thanks to presence of possible strong energy sources on Gallic scanners. It is not raid)
-Barges (Too slow, Barge's speed is maximalising Gallic chance to find us and finish our plan)
-Jump drives ( // There wouldn't be need of some event if we were allowed to jump with it and not be found. JD would make zero chance to Gallics...)
-Cloaking devices (We can't afford to sacrifice cargo space for fuel, we need to maximalise our yield // And similiar reason as with JD)

Allowed ships:
-Fighters, bombers and gunboats (Escort and protection)
-Freighters and transports (Cardamine haulers of course)
To maximalise Outcast profit, every ship will be fully loaded with cardamine.

// Remember fact that Lyonnais, Burgundy, Ile de France, Picardy and Maine are out of Outcast zone of influence! Only self defense or defending other ships in the convoy is allowed for Outcasts!

Gallic lawfull side

Objective: We needn't this poison on our black market. Stop and destroy the convoy, destroy as much ships and cardamine as possible, do not let the drug drifting through space. Convoy will be detected by Luneville guard station in time when it enter Lorraine system. At this time, mission to stop the convoy will start ( // Gallics will not be allowed to move from RV point before first smugglers enter Lorraine. Most logical option will be ambush in Lyonnais system, but it can be decided later )

RV point: Planet New Paris.

Non-allowed ships and technology:
-Capital ships (Above gunboats) ( // Gallia, especially Gallic royal navy have more important jobs to do. Invasion to sirius. GRN is too busy with Bretonia and it's allies to send caps to blow some convoy)

Allowed ships
-Fighters, bombers and gunboats, assault transport
-Royal police cruisers ( // Not bussy in frontlines) Only exception, only lawfull ship bigger than gunboat which is allowed.

Gallic unlawfull and quasi-lawfull side

Another possible convoy's antagonists. They don't want concurent entity on black market. Especially Unione Corse with it's nox.
Council is another case. They may aid the unlawfulls and quasi-lawfulls in stopping the Outcasts.

RV point: Remains undecided. I am counting with some minor pirate assaults or surprise ambush somewhere on convoy's route.

Non-allowed ships and technology: Capital ships (above gunboats) (Council capital ships are needed somewhere else, in Bretonia)


Event start's date and time: Saturday, 9th of August, 18:00 GMT

Both indies and officials welcomed! Registration welcomed, but not mandatory, enjoy!

RE: The Great Orange Run - An'shur - 07-22-2014

Yes... it is attempt to bring back life to Outcasts and to Gallia. This is why it is on 10th 9th of August, not 27th of July. I want to give time to see this event to as many people as possible.
Also... Requesting feedback Big Grin

RE: Event - The Great Orange Run - An'shur - 07-25-2014

I am not sure about event's date. I prefer Sunday, but I'll be propably at work. Will be decided later, but I am sure it will be on Saturday if not on Sunday Wink Looking forward to it...

RE: Event - The Great Orange Run - Highland Laddie - 07-26-2014

Bravo! I will hope to attend!

RE: Event - The Great Orange Run - An'shur - 07-26-2014

So, event's date is now ensured: Saturday 9th of August, 18:00 SMT.

RE: Event - The Great Orange Run - An'shur - 08-09-2014

Starting in two hours!