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The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - Printable Version

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RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - APDAF - 08-07-2014

Mara reappears from the back room.
"Whoa... this got busy quickly..."
She places a load of drinks on the bar.
"I think that is everything..."
She looks at Logan and Flora.
"Hey Logie..." She giggles.
"Is this your latest girl?" She winks at Flora showing that she is joking.

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - TheSauron - 08-07-2014

Flora choked up with her wine and started to giggle.

Me? His girl? No way! - she grins at Logan. - Not in this lifetime, at least.

She took another glass of wine and turned to Sunny.

So, where's your next party? I can't wait to see how much worth are your modified engines. - she smiles - I have a feeling that you have overpaid for them. A lot. - she takes a sip.

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - Big_B - 08-07-2014

He shrugs "Your decision" He take a deep breath from the weed again and blows it into the air
"But you dont know what you are missing, am I right Mara?" He laughs

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - APDAF - 08-07-2014

Mara giggles.
"Yeah... you don't know what you are missing..."
She moves closer to Logan.
"Where have you been... I have been worried about you..."

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - Big_B - 08-07-2014

He smokes the weed until its end and puts out the rest in the ashtray before he turns to Mara "I was here a bit and then there but you know me. I dont stay at a place for long"
He takes his drink and takes a sip from the glass "But I think I can imagine to stay at this place for longer. Its impressive what Sunny and the AFC guys build up here"
He takes another sip "And the scotch is also really good" He smiles and slides a bigger sum of credits over to her "Your tip" He winks

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - nOmnomnOm - 08-07-2014

Sunny just smirks back at Logan at his comment and laughs a bit lightly as he responds with a "we will see... we will see."
He turns to Flora and grins a bit at her comment.
"There's no such thing as overpaying for quality. That's how I see it anyway. I used my Arrow in the last races we did... but now im thinking of switching it up a tad. This place has got its own little uniqueness to some interesting access to ships... Plus... Im quite interested at some of those black-market engines they sell down in Coronado. I saw someone mounting one with a long orange tail the other day."
He had been sipping his drink listening to them and had sipped the last of his bottle dry again. As much as he wanted another, he though a bit to pace himself... just for now at least.
He shrugs. "I happy though about my Arrow. Kusarian engine running on H-Fuel. It runs clean and smoothly. Can barely hear it. That and also one of the top brands of the Cheetah Thrusters I could find.... plus the lights."
He looks back and thinks for a moment, thinking if he should it shouldn't get another drink. He turns back shaking it off.
"The ship that you were on before looks quite unique. Are you going to use that? Or find something else?"

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - James Greed - 08-07-2014

As a bigger crowd approached the bouncers, Aya managed to slip right through them. This is not exactly a place where she feels comfortable. Since Logan have told her about this place, she thought " Why not?" - but she almost immediately regretted her decision. Most of the faces around seemed to be quite repulsive.

" Now I know what kind of man he might be..." she got lost in her thought for a second.

Upon spotting Logan, she decides to move closer, but as soon as she spots the people around him, she just steps back, and finds an empty table, where she takes a seat. She decides not to go there yet, she rather watches, and waits for the right moment. She pulls her scarf to her face, to prevent him to recognize her, in case he glances in her direction.

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - Walligig - 08-08-2014

Steven burst through the doors of the Night Club once again."Incompetent Junker!!!!!!!!!" shouts Steven as he strolls back towards the bar. Looking quite frustrated Steven sits in the same bar stool as he did before this time slamming his fist down on the bar. "Bar maiden!!!!!. I need a drink pronto!!.. The strongest stuff you've got."
He begins to mutter to himself, but not so discreetly. "The finest merchandise in Kepler turns our to be a shipment of Kusari rice? How useless!! Why are my business contacts always complete morons..."
Steven then turns and glances at Sunny, Logan, and Flora. " Present company being the exception of course" He then straitens up in his stool and waits for his drink " Perhaps someone could fill me in on what is going on?? hmm?"

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - nOmnomnOm - 08-08-2014

Sunny looks up from his conversation with Flora as they both look at the sudden entrance of Steven back into the bar. He smirks a bit too himself as he makes out the mumbling and nods a 'hey' to him.
"Kusari rice huh? What kind of contracts are you dealing with? The type of people I know that would need that kind of goods would the Corsairs... but that's not the best stuff around Kusari to do business with... and with a Junker? Rice? You nuts?"
He watches the barmaid walk back with a bottle but the label was not readable from his distance nor was the light so great for him to make it out.
"Hey cheer up, buddy. Get a drink and grab a girl." He grins a bit devilishly.

RE: The Black Cherry || Blackport 66 's Night Club and Bar - Walligig - 08-08-2014

Steven glares at Sunny for a second. "How was I suppose to know junker was actually going to try to sell me.............. well.... junk.? And the Corsairs....... well that deal sounded like a situation that I want to steer clear from."
He finally nods at Sunny in agreement. "You are probably right. maybe being in prison has made me stress out a little easier then I use too." Steven glances over at the bar maidens and the rest of the dancers... and then looks back towards Sunny.
"Sunny, Do you think you can get your friend behind the bar to hook me up with one of these..... " he begins to smirk and raises an eyebrow " entertainers........ After spending a month in that cramped cell I feel I really need to be .................................... entertained...." Steven looks at his glass and notices that it has been filled. He raises his glass."This should take the edge off" Steven takes a drink and then starts to violently cough. " What the!!!! What in gods name is this stuff!!!?