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To: Government of Kusari - Printable Version

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To: Government of Kusari - Fluffyball - 07-22-2014

....official channel opened.....
..............Katsuyori Takeda......................
........New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: 09-yakuza-5-2-e1358102730968.jpg]

Honors, Government of Kusari.

My name is Katsuyori Takeda, the current head of the Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance, known widely as KTA. We would like to registed our small, Samura Industries affiliated, company as a fully legal company in Kusari Space. We have clear criminal account (despite the one but clear now, disagreement with RKS) with no ties to the Blood Dragons, Golden Chrystantemums or any other Kusari or Sirius unlawful group.

Full name: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance
Shortage: KTA
Tag: KTA|
Leader: Katsuyori Takeda
Current crew: 4 members
Affiliation: Samura Heavy Industries
ID: Samura Industries ID

We can send any other available documents and additional info, if asked.

Katsu Takeda
[Image: small_logo_by_torisjamesgray-d7qxqjp.png]

....official channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: Government of Kusari - The Republic of Kusari - 07-23-2014

Connection established
Ministry of Justice, Planet New Tokyo

[Image: RseZDTT.jpg?1]

Greetings Katsuyori Takeda-san, this is Shouhei Mishima, secretary of the Ministry of Justice. We have received your request and started our inquiries with Samura Industries head office for the proper procedures.

We have however received several mentions of your company from various sources, namely our police forces, regarding abnormal or less than legal behavior by pilots flying under your company registry. In order to correctly judge this "isolated incidents" that involve your company, the RKS| and other police departments will start an investigation this cases.

The Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance is obliged to provide full cooperation to the police inquiries, and to make amends to normalize it's standing with all law enforcement organizations of Kusari.

Further steps of the requested registration procedure are on hold pending the successful conclusion of the police investigation.

May we hear from you again soon.

Shouhei Mishima
Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Republic of Kusari.

-= Link End =-

RE: To: Government of Kusari - Fluffyball - 07-23-2014

....official channel opened.....
..............Katsuyori Takeda......................
........New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: 09-yakuza-5-2-e1358102730968.jpg]

Honors, Government of Kusari & Ministry of Justice.

I have recently heard about unthinkable actions of one of my escort pilots. However, I would rather not fully expel him from Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance due to his astonishing skills as a fighter pilot.

Daishi-kun (escort pilot that was his Solo Wing) testimonted that Hyouge have been behaving strangely because of the artifact and to the fact that he was in Omicrons way before service in KTA. Perhaps he could have several unpleasant encounters with... -that- rumored alien race.

We are aware of the fact that Hyouge Mono broke some serious points of the Kusari Codex, yet he did no factual harm except verbal abuse. Hyouge Mono can be suffering something that would we called "Omicrons Syndrome", yet there haven't been any analysis on this aspect. This however would justify his hostility about the freelancer in possession of an artifact of the alien origin.

We would like ask for no serious measures for Hyouge Mono, because he gave himself into RKS hands as a volountier (no force was needed to escort him to the nearest RKS post, as he did that himself). The other aspect for his lighter treatment is foresaid unclassified mental status, "Omicrons Syndrome".

KTA is also ready to provide full cooperation in this and other matters. The logs of the recent accident have been sent for further analysis.

Katsu Takeda
[Image: small_logo_by_torisjamesgray-d7qxqjp.png]

P.S. I am impressed that Hyouge-san possess a wide knowledge on the xenoarcheology and I am suprised that he did not join Kishiro Technologies or one of Samura research divisions - and I am even more suprised by the fact that he have not included this in his CV while applying to KTA.


....official channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: Government of Kusari - Fluffyball - 08-16-2014