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Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - Printable Version

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Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - aerelm - 07-23-2014

To keep this as brief as possible:

After various suggestions from the community, cloak plugin is now adjusted so cloaked ships cannot talk in local and system chats anymore. This is only a test period to assess the impact of this change on the server gameplay and no decision is yet made. The trial phase will be running for two weeks from the time of this post and then this change will be re-discussed by the admins team to see whether we'd want to keep this change on Discovery GC or revert back to how it's been until now. Until then, use this thread for discussions, suggestions, and any possible bug reports regarding this change.

Various minor fixes mentioned in Alley's Dev Log are also included along with this change.

P.S: No, this does not include ammo-based cloaks. Those would have to wait for the next actual mod update.

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - sindroms - 07-23-2014

[9:11:15] Sindroms (Spazzydragon): Nah
[9:11:29] Sindroms (Spazzydragon): You should have not disabled the chat while cloaked
[9:11:35] Sindroms (Spazzydragon): BUt rather the /l command
[9:11:37] Sindroms (Spazzydragon): (nerd)
[9:11:47] Sindroms (Spazzydragon): So cloaked ships would need to type out their engagement themselves.

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - Sciamach - 07-23-2014

Not a fan honestly...
I like what the addon is trying to do, but when you have someone like me, who pre-types his messages, sends them in local, and immediately de-cloak.... things become difficult

I recognize that I could just type the message after I de-cloak but... well... Squid, and people tend to see jellies and just immediatly open up without RP...

Suggestions? Comments? Copious swearing? 'Elp?


EDIT: Of course, this could be the oppertunity I've been waiting for to learn to use setmessages....

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - Vendetta - 07-23-2014

This is going to cause a lot of problems with ships that use cloaks.

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - Connor - 07-23-2014

Why do you guys complain when you can just decloak and then /l1?

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - sindroms - 07-23-2014

Because you need to give the target sufficient time to respond to your engagement.
Giving them said time in the safety of your cloak is easier than AFTER you uncloak.

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - Connor - 07-23-2014

Well yeah, of course but that's always been the case. People can still decloak, wait a little bit then /l1. I don't see what their problems are.

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - Remnant - 07-23-2014

I don't see the problem with waiting a few seconds before immediately opening fire. Typing up a line if you 'must' engage is what everyone else has to do. If you type slowly, uncloak away from the target, type your line, and move in. Just like they do it.

Cloaks are for moving from point A to point B undetected. I wouldn't really call it very ethical to use it as a tool to insta-kill or severely damage someone within seconds due to proximity and surprise.

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - Blanket - 07-23-2014

Because you can't instakill people like that. They'll actually register that you've just decloaked and they'll move. You can't just insta snubs with a cloaky Carrier now.

+1, Devs.

RE: Developer Notice: Cloak Changes Trial Phase - Swallow - 07-23-2014

Prevents from trolling as well Wink