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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - me_b_kevin - 09-05-2008

I once told myself that i would never make one of these threads. i told myself that no good would come of it. that being said after over a year of Mon'Star running rampant and 6 forum pages of RP stories later, i would be lying if i said that i'm not a bit curious as to how i'm doing and what people think.

i've not been super active online in a few weeks due to health problems but i'm better now and should be back in action very soon.

so, let me have it

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Boss - 09-05-2008

I wanna see the new Necrosis. 'Nuff said.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - ProwlerPC - 09-05-2008

I believe I saw it in Omega-3 one night, I was experiencing yelllow lag so it kind of popped up real fast out of the trade lane, scared the bejeesus out og me heheh.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - teschy - 09-05-2008

Mon'Star ? Ah sh...

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - bluntpencil2001 - 09-05-2008

An intereting character, and well-played, although not one of my favourites due to personal opinion (not my favourite type of stories or character), but that's only my own taste, really.

The character is played well, and also does a great job of incorporating other players into both stories and events.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - El Nino - 09-05-2008

I don't see Mon'Star much, but everytime I do he's every bit fiendish as I'd hope "it" would be... The stories itself are grusome, not really for my eyes, (and i'm about 24).

I hope i'll see you ingame, if you need a sidekick, Mon'Junior, let me know...

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Primus Avatar - 09-05-2008

' Wrote:I hope i'll see you ingame, if you need a sidekick, Mon'Junior, let me know...

he has a robo-sidekick, ive read that the drone once asked him of banding with other killers to make "desinfection" faster and he replyed something like "less things for mon'star to kill? nah hahahahaha"

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - MB52 - 09-05-2008

Best use of the terrorist/terrorist type ID on the server.

Thats bout all that needs to be said, keep up the good work.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - monsterlancer - 09-05-2008

' Wrote:Best use of the terrorist/terrorist type ID on the server.

Thats bout all that needs to be said, keep up the good work.


The first time i ran into Mon'Star was in NB and I was a noob in a transport. He was chasing a couple of Corsairs. I came out of the TL and *POP* there he was. I dodged and burned at a tangent.


Mon'Star: You don't have to run. I can't destroy you.
Me: You think I want to be in the same system as a Madman in a Destroyer?
Mon'Star: *evil laugh*

I never calmed down till I had two systems behind me:lol::lol:

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Erythnul - 09-05-2008

I dislike Mon'Star. He's a fairly generic terrorist that draws upon the tired old "genetic experiment gone horribly wrong/superhuman" concept without innovating. The story itself has no sense of proportion - Mon'Star kills absurd amounts, his powers are illogical and frequently inconsistent, his actions aren't motivated by any form of comprehensible reason - and Mon'Star is one of dozens of characters here that twist and harm the Outcast character model. Mon'Star fails to tie into fluff or canon in any way, he receives the standard portrayal as a god amongst men, and his name and star scar are cheesy. Sort of like a B-rated sci-fi movie, or like that Pokemon movie years back, the one about Mewtwo I watched when I was seven or so.

Yeah, not my type of story. No offense meant, of course, and I have no doubt your role/gameplay is sound; I merely dislike the character's concept and exposition.