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Gunship Power Problems - Printable Version

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Gunship Power Problems - Zeph3r - 07-25-2014

Greetings, Discoverers!

I recently bought a new Border Worlds Gunship and whenever I activate my cruise engines my power reading goes all the way down. When I drop out of cruise my power reading stays at 0% for about 10 seconds before finally recharging again. Is this intentional? With all my other ships the power level goes down to about 8% or so during cruise and starts recharging instantly after dropping out of cruise.

This is very annoying because I can't fire my weapons immediately after dropping out of cruise, I have to wait 10 secs till they start recharging, which makes it hard to chase down fighters because they activate their engines and speed away before I can disrupt them.




RE: Gunship Power Problems - Sath - 07-25-2014

It is indeed intentional. This was done due to some odd reason, that I have no clear idea about.

And this power drain time is higher in the case of vessels with higher power. Meaning, you will be more annoyed when you use a cruiser, and even more annoyed when you use a battleship.

RE: Gunship Power Problems - Apollon - 07-25-2014

This is normal, All ships of class Gunboat and higher, gets their power reading to ~5% when in cruise, when you go back to impulse speed, you can sill fire 1 turret rapidly with the amount of energy. This is intentional.

RE: Gunship Power Problems - Sand_Spider - 07-25-2014

The reason that this was done was because there was a previous rule about "cruising to catch up" being a big no-no. A lot of people ignored it, and it was especially a problem for battleships cruising to catch up and then engine killing while going full ham at cruise speed. Thus the energy drain during cruise was implemented, and the rule removed.

RE: Gunship Power Problems - Zeph3r - 07-25-2014

Ok, thanks for the replies, I will sell my gunship and buy a Heavy Fighter or Transport then.

RE: Gunship Power Problems - Jack_Henderson - 07-25-2014

Just drop out of Cruise about 3k from the fight.
Then thrust towards the target while your energy recharges.
It's really no problem, once you understand how it works and how to adapt to it.