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To: Liberty High Command Sbj: Bethlehem Station - Printable Version

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To: Liberty High Command Sbj: Bethlehem Station - Ingenuus Research Group - 08-02-2014

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level Alpha :-_-_-_-_-
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Greetings esteemed representatives of the Liberty High Command -

Allow us to formally introduce ourselves. We are the Ingenuus Research Group, a organization of scientists and researchers from across Sirius. While we mainly operate outside of Liberty, one of our more public and corporate stations is Bethlehem Station, of which we acquired last year from the previous administrator whom is now living a very comfortable life after our negotiations.

The purpose of this comm is one of importance, as it pertains to not only yourselves, but anyone whom frequent Bethlehem and the space surrounding the station. We have sent numerous reports to the Naval fleets in hopes to assist in a growing problem of pirates in the area whom have abused our kindness. We are tired of having to constantly remove ships from the docking rights list, as well as the ignoring of our requests to assist us. The point is, we have had enough and action is needed, from both sides.

Some time ago, there was an agreement between the Zoners at Bethlehem and Ames stations, titles the "Treaty of Bethlehem". Unfortunately, due to the previous administrators leaving or passing off their responsibilities to others, that treaty was announced null and void, as indicated here in this recording.

We are here to re-negotiate this treaty, albeit only for Bethlehem Station. The administrators of the other stations may be interested as well, but have not come forward in an attempt, hence our message to you all. We are hoping this will establish more cooperation from both sides, as well as limiting piracy and illegal activity to a minimum from those who wish to abuse our kindness.

We await your response, and we hope this will be the beginning of a prosperous relationship.

IRG out.

RE: To: Liberty High Command Sbj: Bethlehem Station - Fuski - 08-04-2014

:: INCOMING Message ::
**Target ID: The IRG**
**Location: Commander's quarters aboard the LNS-Cincinnati**
**Subject: Intriguing.**

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[Image: ThenewT-bar_zps91a14012.png]

Hello there of the IRG. My name is Captain Maverick O'Howell, Commander of the 5th|LNS-Cincinnati, and chief of communications of the 5th|Fleet. It's good to see some group taking interest in the treaty. If we can get some gents taking Beth off the patrol list, then we'd save some in fuel. However it's unfortunate to see that the High Command has let this form slip under their desk. I'll have this sent back to the top of the pile (//Bump) and hope they at least take a glance over it. Perhaps would be better to contact the Government about it?

That is all. O'Howell- Out.

**Transmission link severed**
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_-Signal Relay power Draining...100%-_

--To reply to this message, contact the command quarters of the Cincinnati.--

RE: To: Liberty High Command Sbj: Bethlehem Station - Teerin - 08-05-2014

COMM ID: Fleet Admiral Rohj Teerin
TARGET ID: Ingenuus Research Group, Captain O'Howell
SUBJECT: Treaty of Bethlehem
PRIORITY: Moderate

[Image: v9ZdQVu.png]


It has been quite some time since any of the more prominent Zoner groups have shown interest in their Pennsylvania installation. The previous administrator, whose name escapes me at the moment, had no qualms with the nullification of the Treaty. Nor did Isaac Porter of Freeport Two, though I suppose he did the best he could to avoid any and all politics.

The Republic of Liberty will agree to negotiate a new Treaty of Bethlehem. Your decision to work with us to unlawful presences and abuse of your way of life is welcomed. I believe I can free myself from the office in a few days; where would you like to meet? Also, forgive me but I do not think I caught your name ...

Now, Captain O'Howell, I am not accustomed to how the Fifth Fleet's Admiral delegates work, but usually a message sent directly to the high command is to be received by such. This was seen as soon as it was sent, however my response was delayed due to the vast amounts of other paperwork I've had to attend to.


Fleet Admiral Teerin,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.


RE: To: Liberty High Command Sbj: Bethlehem Station - Arioch - 08-06-2014

[Image: 17uDmdH.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level Alpha :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Finn McCool :-_-_-_-_-

Greetings Admiral Teerin -

You are quire right, in that my name was not provided in ta initial comm. I am Finn McCool, Director of ta IRG. It is a pleasure t' meet you Admiral. I hope this marks ta beginning of a beneficial agreement between us.

While I cannot speak about ta previous administrators, I and ta IRG definitely are interested in re-establishing ta Treaty, as we see ta value in having an agreement in place t' protect ourselves as well as those whom come t' Bethlehem. Coincidentally, I have spoken with ta Phoenix group of Zoners whom were also interested in discussing bringing Ames Research Station into this treaty as well.

As far as a meeting place, I suggest we meet aboard Bethlehem station itself. I can have one of our larger conference rooms reserved for discussions, and with it's location, shouldn't be too far for you t' travel.

Please let me know when would be suitable for you t' meet, and I will ensure you are warmly received at Bethlehem. I do hope you enjoy Whiskey, as I have a full distillery aboard. Anyway, I await your response.

Finn out.

RE: To: Liberty High Command Sbj: Bethlehem Station - Teerin - 08-08-2014

COMM ID: Fleet Admiral Rohj Teerin
TARGET ID: Station Administrator Finn McCool
SUBJECT: Treaty of Bethlehem
PRIORITY: Moderate

[Image: AqTt5gq.png]

Mister McCool,

I should be able to head on over to Bethlehem in three days. If your friends from Phoenix are indeed interested, let them know to send a representative over by then. From there, we can discuss revisions for that old Treaty.

Whiskey, you say - my drink of choice. Perhaps if one of the meetings finishes a bit early, the Ames delegate and myself can take a brief tour of this distillery?


Fleet Admiral Teerin,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.


RE: To: Liberty High Command Sbj: Bethlehem Station - Arioch - 08-08-2014

[Image: 17uDmdH.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level Alpha :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Finn McCool :-_-_-_-_-

Greetings again Admiral Teerin -

Wonderful news. I have already informed my staff here t' prep for your arrival, along with ta representative of Ames and ta Phoenix.

I hope you don't mind, but I have taken ta liberty of including Mr. Burton from ta Phoenix on this comm, so that he may as well coordinate with us t' come visit Bethlehem.

I look forward t' meeting you soon Admiral.

Finn out.

RE: To: Liberty High Command Sbj: Bethlehem Station - RedEclipse - 08-08-2014

[Image: 1MX5lzg.png]
Greetings Liberty High Command,

First off all, let me introduce myself. I'm Christian Burton, leader of group known as Phoenix.

We are grateful for being invited into this discussion, as treaty is indeed what we are looking for Ames Research Station, to ensure peace and order in our area.

I decide to come up myself to this meeting, though travel from the Omicrons may take awhile. Ship will be prepared soon as possible. As for point of destination, I guess Bethlehem is the right place. Keep me updated, in case we will change point of arrival.

[Image: Jh16c.png]