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To: The Commonwealth's Leadership - Printable Version

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To: The Commonwealth's Leadership - Crimson Cross - 08-02-2014

[Image: OAZ4AVT.png]




To: The Commonwealth
From: Mario Olmos
Hola mis amigos,

I had occasion to speak with a colleague of mine, who mentioned your organization as a possible point of interest to me..

But I'm getting ahead of myself; I am Cardinal Mario Olmos. I oversee many of the day-to-day operations of the Crimson Cross, a sect of the Outcast peoples. We have recently begun a large chain of operations throughout the houses of Sirius; everything from resource... "acquisition" you might say, to the distribution of the Orange Dream. You'll notice I specified "Sirius" in particular there. There is a reason for that.

So before I go ahead and make a fool of myself jumping straight into things, I have a simple query:

How open are your people to the idea of doing a little... delivery job?

We'll be in touch,

--Mario Olmos>

RE: To: The Commonwealth's Leadership - Eduard - 08-04-2014

[Image: l6mfKfu.png]

Bonsoir, Mario Olmos.

Allow me to say that your friend proved to have a mind most vernacular to the realms of common sense and enterprises, rather lackadaisical of vanity and darkened chasms that would have otherwise made him waste a magnanimous opportunity.

But excuse-moi, after all, I am not a person to engage in conversation without honouring the usual traditions of courtesy. Allow me to present myself, s'il vous plait: My name is Robert d'Autoine and ,by the chalices of meritocracy and my silver fist and opportunistic mind that lay a firm grip around them, I am the Head Councilor of this Commonwealth.

I cannot help but commend you for questioning how wide we stretch the legs of our willingness, after all, such is the first step into executing a consensual intercourse of diplomatic enterprise... a mutually beneficial one, if I may say. To answer your question, we are not the kind of organization to shun an opportunity should it present itself, and my perceptions are keen enough to sense the stench of opportunity that your words are coated in.

But there are a few things you may want to know, should you want to do business with us... Assuming you want to assure as much efficiency as possible, that is.

First, as one certain Machiavelli may have said " The goal justifies the means ", well, despite being a Machiavellian myself, monsieur, I will confess to you that the least I know of your goals or interests, the better. Think of it as a privacy policy, our interest should lie exclusively in the matter at hand, business, and not what each of us seeks to do with our harvests. That is of a pure irrelevance and such a detail should not find itself in the premises. I hope that we can reach a mutual understanding here.

Secondly, we have a policy that involves punctuality and secrecy. Services will be guaranteed with utmost efficiency and unparalleled meticulousness but it is imperative that no other third party learns of the services and propositions we offer one another.

If our policies remain unspoiled and respected by you, then I assure you that we will always be open for business and our relationship will thrive. But once they are broken then I am afraid we must cut all communication between ourselves.
I hope you understand that for a zoner, diplomacy in a world dominated by the power of gun is most frivolous, especially where your flickering tongue replaces the cold steel your neighbours employ. Diplomacy is also, the direct sibling of secrecy and where intimacy exists between two partners, diplomacy flourishes.

But now... to the matters at hand, monsieur, assuming you are willing to accept what I threw now on the table, tell me, s'il vous plait, what does this delivery endeavour involve precisely?

Yours faithfully,
Robert d'Autoine

[Image: GivAYnI.png]

RE: To: The Commonwealth's Leadership - Crimson Cross - 08-05-2014

[Image: OAZ4AVT.png]




To: The Commonwealth
From: Mario Olmos
Compañeros de la Commonwealth,

Your descriptive input is... appreciated, and enthusiasm noted señor d'Autoine!

I'll get right to it then, a number of our distributors of the Orange Dream, as we call it here in la nación de Malta, are looking to expand outward... towards the direction of Gallia specifically.

We have a number of dealers who've contacted us about it, asking when they can expect shipments to arrive so they can get their own, and their customer's withdrawals seen to. All we need is a supplier willing to fill this little gap.

Given most people's assumptions and predispositions towards Cardamine, I'm now curious:

Still interested?

If so, I'll be right here.

--Mario Olmos>

RE: To: The Commonwealth's Leadership - Eduard - 08-07-2014

[Image: l6mfKfu.png]

Bonjour again, monsieur.

Forgive the audacity, monsieur, but somehow, the inner cavities of my mind were eager to toss their hand in fire and guess that the subject of this conversation would be none other but the ever tranquilizing realms of metaphysical saffron.

Not that there is any inconvenience from it, monsieur. On the contrary, by the way. The human society is a flawed machinery whose rusty gears are falling one by one, it does not concern us what happens to it, especially as long as we harvest a profit from its... from whatever besets upon it.

Such is the benefit of a zoner's life, by the way, you get to veil yourself under the inconspicuous shadows of solitude while you are caressed to see the Houses mangle each others, corrode themselves from within while you, yourself, are safe in your isolated sanctuary. Perhaps, if you are enterprising enough, you might even win something out of that entertainment. It's nothing more than bread and circus, the world is the colosseum while I am but a mere watcher, a bystander. And we both are fully familiarized with the intrigues, political and otherwise that weaved underneath the distracting shows that unfolded, do we not, monsieur?

But I digress...

You shall find that our interest is as sharp as the Draculean stakes. We will gladly await further details, monsieur. Perhaps a retort elaborated under more... intimate circumstances? The space outside Freeport 10 can provide for an auspicious and appropriate environment...

But until then...

I bid you "Au revoir!"

Yours earnestly,
Robert d'Autoine

[Image: GivAYnI.png]

RE: To: The Commonwealth's Leadership - Crimson Cross - 08-12-2014

[Image: OAZ4AVT.png]




To: The Commonwealth
From: Mario Olmos
Hola mis amigos,

Glad to still have you on the line. I've been busy with a number of ceremonies as of late, ranging from marriages to... "inquisitions" as it were... never quite got that robe clean again, but I guess bloodstains aren't all that bad..

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah; your... enthusiasm is a welcome sight hermano, it bodes well for our future dealings with your peoples. So, the deal: We have a friend of ours on New Paris, Leo Martel, who is ready and raring to spread the Gift of the Gods (Cardamine) amongst the populace.

All we need you to do is get it there,

25,000 containers of Cardamine

In addition to what signore Martel will give you once you land and get it to him, the Crimson Cross will forward 60,000,000 Sirian credits ( 2,400 more credits per unit) to the bank of your choosing (I hope there won't be a currency issue here), to be distributed amongst your vessel commanders accordingly.

We'll be in touch,

--Mario Olmos>