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To: Borderworld Exports - Printable Version

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To: Borderworld Exports - Wildkins - 08-04-2014

[Image: 9X4a2Mw.png]



To: Borderworld Exports
From: Capitan Diego Rodriguez, 9th Cruzados Maltesas, Holy Knights of the Crimson Cross

Buenas noches, directors of Borderworld Exports:

I am Capitan Diego Rodriguez, commander of the 9th Cruzados Maltesas, the primary fleet of the Holy Knights of the Crimson Cross. We are a religious organization operating within Maltese space, dedicated to the Church of the Spirits. We were originally dedicated to the destruction of Corsair heretic vessels, but after our rebirth we have found ourselves without a capable fleet, and many new enemies, in particular - the Gauls in the north. We are requesting your aid as a well-known shipping company to supply us with commodities needed for vessels. In return, we can promise protection from Gallic vessels and a large pay-out for this contract. We may not have had the most fond of reputations in the past, but I believe we can work out our differences to help each other out, si?

Camina con los espiritus,

--Capitan Diego Rodriguez

RE: To: Borderworld Exports - Wildkins - 08-04-2014

[Image: avatar_31217.png?dateline=1406436899]

==]+Boosting Transmission+[==

To: Borderworld Exports - Captain - 08-05-2014

[Image: Andy-transbar_zps96d62941.png]

Captain Rodriguez

I wonder how a criminal organisation even comes up with
the ridiculous idea that a lawful firm would fund an criminal organisation,
so in short, our answer is NO.

in long, Borderworld Exports does not negotiate, work with, support unlawful,
terrorist and / or criminal organisations, we do not want to be associated with any of such
I hope you are sufficiently informed.

~ Andy mac'Millan
ceo of Bowex

RE: To: Borderworld Exports - Wildkins - 08-05-2014

[Image: 9X4a2Mw.png]



To: Borderworld Exports
From: Capitan Diego Rodriguez, 9th Cruzados Maltesas, Holy Knights of the Crimson Cross

Buenas noches, CEO MacMillan:

I can't say I expected your response. With all due respect senor, have you read your own laws? La Nacion Maltesa is treated on the same level as Rheinland corporations and groups such as the Blood Dragons and Junkers. I also question your...hostile tone and lack of helpfulness considering Bretonia's current state of war versus the Gallics. And let's not kid ourselves, you're not winning that fight. We have offered our support and you are turning it away - that is not a wise move, senor. Other corporations and even your Government has accepted our assistance graciously...perhaps you should reconsider, si?

I await your response.

Camina con los espiritus,

--Capitan Diego Rodriguez

RE: To: Borderworld Exports - Captain - 08-05-2014

[Image: Andy-transbar_zps96d62941.png]

Captain Rodriguez,

I have contacted the ministry of trade,
and did found out the Bretonian Goverment is allowing
'entrance' in Bretonia with conditions applied,

my tone was strict business, as I have none with you,
now, inform me why I should change my mind about
your, or the organisation you work for,

~ Andy mac'Millan
ceo of Bowex

RE: To: Borderworld Exports - Wildkins - 08-07-2014

[Image: 9X4a2Mw.png]



To: Borderworld Exports
From: Capitan Diego Rodriguez, 9th Cruzados Maltesas, Holy Knights of the Crimson Cross

Buenas noches, CEO MacMillan:

Mr. MacMillan, to put it simply, Bretonia is in dire need of friends at the moment. The border is holding only barely at Newcastle, and even that will fail sooner than later - that much is evident. Assisting an ally against the Gauls is one of the best things you can do in your current situation, which is why I even contacted you in the first place. We ourselves are not even the strongest force in Malta, yet we wish to help you out as neighbors and enemies of our enemies. Destruction of the Gauls is one of our goals and that is something that coincides nicely with yours.

It is ultimately your decision whether or not you choose to do business with us, but keep in mind that if you decide that you will not assist us whatsoever, you will only be shooting yourselves in the foot, and dooming your House to a life of Gallic imprisonment. I only pray to the Spirits that you make the right decision.

I await your response.

Camina con los espiritus,

--Capitan Diego Rodriguez

RE: To: Borderworld Exports - Captain - 08-09-2014

[Image: Andy-transbar_zps96d62941.png]

Captain Rodriguez,

Some of our captains say it aint a bad thing to 'support'
your criminal organisation, so I let them do so
however on my terms, as I qoute,

Quote:Agreement between Borderworld Exports, from here on called Bowex
and Holy Knights of the Crimson Cross, from here on called CC.

the following cargo have been approved as support goods;
Food rations
Medical equipment

Ambulance and hospital

the following services and cargo are to be shipped to either a Private Operated Base (POB) or a freeport nearby.
Borderworld Exports is not held liable for casualties on the side of CC
nor is it liable for financial problems on the side of CC,
Ships of Bowex have the right to withold shipments if the route is deemed dangerous and/or highly active in piracy.

Bowex holds the right to end this contract withouth the need to inform the other party.

To be signed by;

for Bowex; Andy mac'Millan, CEO of Bowex
for CC; Diego Rodriguez, Captain of CC

this is my answer,

~ Andy mac'Millan
ceo of Bowex