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A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - Printable Version

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A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - Gypsie Skripto - 08-06-2014

From: Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord, Temporary Autonomous Zoner
To: The Zoner Community
Encryption: Godly

[Image: vansda_zps9969c44d.png]

Kallisti brothers and sisters!

This is Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord, but most importantly, a Temporary Autonomous Zoner. I write to you in this time of discord and confusion to tell you that we know we are not alone. We're certain that there are many of you out there who have a clear picture of what's happening.

The ties between The Order and the Zoner community goes back a long time. We've stuck together with them as true brothers during some of the most dire events in the history of mankind. The bonds and cooperation between both parties have resulted in some of the most marvelous achievements our age has known.

Truth is, my beloved friends, that if it weren't for the Zoners, The Order would not exist. And it's also true that if some day their apocalyptic omens come true, and these beings called "Nomads" by most attack Sirius at full strenght, there will be a Zoner there to watch (in tears probably) the last Reseph burn. This is because we are the real fringers, we were here before them, and we will be here long after they are gone.

It is because of this that I call all of you who support the Temporary Autonomous Zoners stance in this last Order outburst. You need to make your voice heard. We Zoners as a community cannot let this kind of things happen. If we don't teach The Order where their reach ends right now, we'll be soon regretting it.

I will not live a life moulded by the laws The Order pretend to enforce on all mankind, and neither should any of you.

Yours in Eris,

Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - hydrolux - 08-06-2014

From: Kerberos Battleship (Omicron Lost)
ID: Trevor Peres (zoner)
To: All recipients of the previous message

Kallisti Dr Mojo,

From our point of view it is extremely hard to make an opinion about this internal conflict. Indeed, we always considered both TAZ and the Order as trustable source of information. However, the lack of cooperation between your two groups, the detention of an important part of the zoner community on Shasta station and the impossibility to transmit or to receive messages to or from the zoners on board of Shasta station make us think the situation is going out of control and we seriously begin to think the nomads could be behind it. Indeed, it appears nomads would take great advantage of a conflict between zoners and the Order.

So, as sign of good will, we ask you to release the zoners detained on Shasta.

Trevor Peres

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - Gypsie Skripto - 08-06-2014

From: Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord, Temporary Autonomous Zoner
To: The Zoner Community
Encryption: Godly

[Image: vansda_zps9969c44d.png]

Kallisti again!

This update is to communicate that we have had enough of this claims of people being arrested at Shasta. People were taken from the dome to safety rooms because of the Order strike. As soon as we can guarantee their safe passage through Baffin they will be cleared to access the hangars.

I beg you understand that we're looking after our friends, and not arresting them as some claim. Furthermore, now that this has been cleared, any future claim of this nature will be considered a diplomatic attack and the perpetrators will be excommunicated from the Church of Eris Esoteric until they offer their apologies. Goddess prevails.

Yours in Eris,

Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - n00bl3t - 08-06-2014

*Audio file*

Hello there robed important looking granite-chiselled person,

Can't pronounce your name. Too many consonants. Way too many vowels. Causing my tongue to swirl around like .oiuojemrlriu

Ermagawd teng meh teng...

Wait. Okay. All good. Maybe. Tongue's back. We're in business.

So, I'm broadcasting from Freeport 9. Oh The Nine. Where you have several fighters and what not. I saw a tank in the biodome the other day. What the hell are you thinking? You'll destroy the cabbages you fool!

But here's the thing: I'm not scared of you. Or your fancy words. I worship cabbage. THE ONE TRUE GOD AMONGST ALL MORTALS AND IMMORTALS. Screw your tanks.

Most of all, broadcasting about taking people to rooms and not allowing them to broadcast? Saying we'll only let them out once the "situation" is handled, when we all know The Order won't back down? Oh that codswallop my deer feathered amigo thing makes you look like a liar. Worse, it makes you look like the fabled OSI, which probably stole the word liar from someone else and then claimed to invent it. Someone should really check the history books.

So yeah, I'm making my voice heard. Screw you and your lies. I'd rather have my rear end invaded by parts of a nomad whilst pleasuring a Corsair then kowtow to your way of thinking.

Good luck dying fool.

-Mike Rotch.
King of The Nine.
Zoner Extraordinaire.
Saviour of Sirius.
Better than you.

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - Gypsie Skripto - 08-06-2014

From: Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord, Temporary Autonomous Zoner
To: Mike Rotch
Encryption: Godly

[Image: vansda_zps9969c44d.png]

Kallisti Mike!

You are hereby excommunicated from the Church of Eris Esoteric and flagged as a cabbage to be eaten with or without diningware. Goddess prevails.


Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - RedEclipse - 08-06-2014

[Image: 1MX5lzg.png]
Dr. Van Van Mojo,

So instead of being more reasonable and trying to find a compromise with the Order, you want to throw more Zoners into this conflict?

As you have pointed out, the Order has been our ally for years. We are not sure how you feel there in Baffin, but we Omicron Zoners are faced with constant Nomad activity and are aware utterly of the danger the Nomads represent as we face it every day. If it were not for the Order we would have been eradicated from the edge systems within months of our arrival if it even took that long. So your understanding of the threat the Nomads represent has probably been deluded by rumors you hear and your divided attention dealing with the forces of Gallia and other human “threats”.

We have enough reasons to respect the Order when it comes into question if Nomads are involved as we utterly support their elimination of this Sirius wide threat. You may perhaps find this stance to be bordering on the edge of paranoia, but it was inevitability as we have become hardened after countless battles with these merciless monsters.

To sum this up, if you cannot show the Persephone to the Order scientist it would indicate that you in fact have something to hide from them. This is very suspicious, as you could have clearly cleaned this mess up easily but instead decided to misdirect the information and shift attention away from yourselves. This is a tactic not employed by people attempting to show the whole truth to anyone would ask. For the safety of our vessels, we will avoid any and all contact with TAZ vessels. You have pushed this situation to a breaking point through your stubborn and suspicious behavior. Do not call other Zoners into your conflict as it is your own problem.

[Image: Jh16c.png]

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - Arioch - 08-06-2014

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level Alpha :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Finn McCool :-_-_-_-_-

'Ello Dr. Van Van Mojo -

I can't say we've had ta pleasure of meeting you, though have met quite a few others throughout the years. Friendly bunch, despite being a little chaotic at times. Not t' imply that a little chaos isn't a good thing now and again!

Regardless, per your comm I would like t' state our stance in this matter, as ta Ingenuus Research Group. We don't wish t' see any hostilities against Zoners. But ta cost of directly assisting ta TAZ, and get ta attention of ta Order is too great. While ta Order can be a force for good, and we have had plenty of dealings with ta Order as Zoners, ta Admiral can be a little... hot headed at time, and not open t' reasoning. Whether or not you have offered t' have him scan ta Persephone, ta fact remains that ta Order are not fans of anything alien or unearthly in it's nature. While I won't go into details, just trust that we have more at stake should ta Order set their eyes on ta Ingenuus and ta IRG.

As such, we will offer any assistance or aid as we can, should hostilities occur. While you TAZ may be quite stubborn, we don't wish t' see any harm come t' Zoners. So should you need any supplies or a retreat should a resolution not be found, please let us know.

Finn out.

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - Gypsie Skripto - 08-07-2014

From: Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord, Temporary Autonomous Zoner
To: The Zoner Community
Encryption: Godly

[Image: vansda_zps9969c44d.png]


Mr. Christian Burton. You side with Order suspiciously quickly sir. I remember the time of the Omicroners, bear that in mind before hearing what I will tell you. Your speech about The Order's "great mission" doesn't touch me at all. I do know that Zoner lives have been lost to the "Nomads". You reap what you sow.

We at TAZ have always preferred a more pacific approach towards the cultural phenomena meeting these beings involves. The results, as many a TAZ is able to speak about, including Doc Holliday, are outstandingly positive. There hasn't been a single Discordian dead to these aliens. Actually, the contrary has happened. We've found the study of their ways of communicating utterly fascinating. For instance, we've found that they seem to share a certain musical affinity which enables them to express thoughts and emotions even to us humans, using concepts that are closer to poetry or symphonies.

Perhaps it is time that we Zoners debate the real mission of The Order. Are they here to save humanity or to lead mankind into a war that is not necessary, and may delay our progress as a race in space for centuries, if not thousands of years?

The Order doesn't want to inspect anything. The Order wants the Holy Motor and The Original Snub. Both items do not represent a danger to anyone but those who wish to bring us Temporary Autonomous Zoners harm. The Order has no sovereignity over the subject, Baffin, or any TAZ controlled vessel or station, and our intransigence will stand because we will bow to no militaristic secret society.

If it comes to unveiling The Order to all four governments as it has never been unveiled before, I will not hesitate to do it. The Goddess prevails.


Dr. Van Van Mojo, Second Apostle of Eris and Patron of the Season of Discord

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - hydrolux - 08-07-2014

From: Kerberos Battleship (Omicron Lost)
ID: Trevor Peres (zoner)
To: All recipients of the previous message

Kallisti Dr Mojo,

Thank you for the clarification. However, I am a very septic person. Thus, I am afraid it will take more than your words to convince me.
Understand my position, you are suspected to be under a nomadic influence...
So, what about letting me contact directly some of the zoners on board of Shasta? I mean non-TAZ zoners for obvious reason.
You could allow me to talk to... let's say 4 people 1 Phoenix, 1 OSI and 2 non-affiliated zoners.

Trevor Peres

RE: A letter from Dr. Mojo to the Zoner Community - RedEclipse - 08-08-2014

[Image: 1MX5lzg.png]
Dr. Van Van Mojo,

We side with who supported us for the years, and you pointed right about Omicroners - especially in these times.

As you said, - "You reap what you sow". So deal with consequences. A scientific travel over Persephone for Order scientists is not so much trouble for my eyes, especially as I myself know this ship inside.

But call Zoner community for waging a conflict for that? I hope you are not serious.

[Image: Jh16c.png]