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Liam 'Carrick' mac'Carthaigh, the past, the now and then. - Printable Version

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Liam 'Carrick' mac'Carthaigh, the past, the now and then. - Captain - 08-06-2014

[Image: Alpha_zps359b8009.png]

"Príosún Vierlande"

Soon i'll be free again, after several years of imprisonment here
and on Nua gate, when I'll be free I will get me ship back,
get me my precious load of gold and sell some of it to buy
me a decent fighter, or shall oi buy me a bottle of scotch first.

Bells ring and the doors automatically open, recreation time,
one of the other prisoners move a bit quicker then usual, and he's coming my way.
are they trying to get me dead? again??

as I see him closing up to me with his self-made shank, I tab one of my hired men to intercept him,
and he does, with a small wound to the arm but nonetheless the shanker was stopped,
nobody saw it, not even the gaurds.

RE: Liam 'Carrick' mac'Carthaigh, the past, the now and then. - Captain - 08-08-2014

[Image: prison2_zpsa5435084.png]

"Príosún Vierlande II"

it was a bit dark here, evening dinner was served,
well dinner, the gluey grayish stuff from synth foods,
jugh, soon it will al be over and can I afford some good real beef.

bells ring, time to back the cells, bit ealier then expected,
must have been because of that guy who tried to shank me, but got shanked himself for trying,
now some inmates would think 'I must have been something wrong better lay low'
I think that the 'chiefs' here think that I'm getting too powerfull around here.

today was a good day I wrote into my journal, a week from now and
I'll be free and rich!

RE: Liam 'Carrick' mac'Carthaigh, the past, the now and then. - Captain - 08-26-2014

"Príosún Vierlande III"

'There was a delay in my release due to unforeseen circumstances'
Said the director to me, unwillingly he told me what happened out there,
I was surprised they succeeded, I really was,

A prison ship from Bretonia was headed this way several weeks ago,
holding some high value targets for freedom fighters and terrorist alike,
yet it was ambushed on its way, several prisoners and their guards killed,
bridge deck completely ripped apart.

It was hard for the director to tell, as he knows, weakness should never been showed,
certainly not by him, next week will my transport to Neu Berlin arrive.

RE: Liam 'Carrick' mac'Carthaigh, the past, the now and then. - Captain - 09-07-2014

[Image: berlin_zps0550f375.png]

"Nua Berlin"

The prisonship landed on the specially prepared landing site,
it was special because it was reserved for prisonships,
there where prisoners board the ship and those who've done theirs

It was loud and noisy, the prisonship was keeping its engines
roaring all the time, just in case they need to evacuate the site, as I walk, still in shackles,
towards the security gate with my other 'friends' the ship departs for the next pickup site.

Freedom, one could shout, like in those remakes of ancient movies and are vaguely accurate,
I put my hat on, and walk to the nearest commercial port
hoping to hitchhike for some some labor,

RE: Liam 'Carrick' mac'Carthaigh, the past, the now and then. - Captain - 09-09-2014

"Friedrich hafen"

I found my return flight to Bretonia with a freelance pilot,
it costed me my credits I had stored here on Nua berlin,
however the ship wasn't going to depart before the end of this afternoon,
so I walked to the nearest bar,

Before I knew it I was alone, yet I wasn't.
a man, not far from me looked like,!
who'd the heck was he, it can't be.. no it can't be!
my mind going crazy about the fact that Andy is standing there...

I still have that package, well disk im my pocket I had to give Andy,
should I? heavily doubted I didn't noticed Andy noticed me, and before
I knew it he punched me hard in the face, knocking me over,

RE: Liam 'Carrick' mac'Carthaigh, the past, the now and then. - Captain - 12-07-2014

[Image: VFfHEc4.png]
"Friedrich hafen II"

As I crawl back up, I see myself looking into his gun,
shouting to me furiously as he checked the disc I gave him,
honestly scared for my life I said from whom I think I got the disc from,

He looked to me with this crazy look,
I can't figure out why he's so furious, but it doesn't matter now,
he's gone, he took off in a Titanic with destination Bretonia.

Later that afternoon I was aboard a Freelancer's ship, The captain
was a Bretonian, but the corporation was founded in Liberty,
it was a comfortable flight home,
the place I haven't seen in a long time...