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Zoner juggernaugt. - Printable Version

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Zoner juggernaugt. - Exile - 09-07-2008

Yeah, Zoner Juggs. Everytime i or any other person in my party tries to CD a Zoner juggernaught, the CD has no effect due to the engines being too far apart. Appearantly, you have to hit the buggers from directly below. Which is a hard thing to do in a chase.

Anyone had this problem? And does some one know wether there will be a fix for it?

Thanks for your time.

Zoner juggernaugt. - Jinx - 09-07-2008

who wants to CD them anyway, they don t attack anything, they are guardships and not meant to engage others anyway.

about CDing them - spam train CDs into them - i made some tests and train CDs work from above, from the sides - from behind and below. - just not from directly from its front.... no problem there. but really - i think i had not a single pvp on the persephone in like over 7 months now... there was simply no situation that would have justified to engage anyone with that ship, other than to simply intimidate them by being there ( not even needed to show oneself )

Zoner juggernaugt. - McNeo - 09-07-2008

I know one I like to shoot... *cough* Ableben *cough*

And no, Train CDs dont work from Behind, which is where you are in a chase.

I assume that Jinx's model would fix that (I hope so at least) so yeah...

Zoner juggernaugt. - Jinx - 09-07-2008

yes, it fixes it - the engines are near the middle ( impact of the CD ) - but the ship will be so large ( largest in game; about 20% larger than a rheinland battleship ) that no one will want to fly it anyway - so there won t be a problem.

i sized it that way to
- justify an armour increase to the best possible
- make it a real guardship that is a true pain to navigate around. - so anyone with such a ship is very much encouraged to stay in one place ( one system ) rather than fly around everywhere... .

Zoner juggernaugt. - Exile - 09-07-2008

Who would want to shoot them? I had to kill four in the past 2 days.

Zoner juggernaugt. - Dopamino - 09-07-2008

Because of people RPing Zoners badly?

Zoner juggernaugt. - Exile - 09-07-2008

Yes. But nevertheless, it's a problem and no matter how small, it should be handeld in order to create a fair chase/fight/gaming experience. If you ask me that is.

Zoner juggernaugt. - Jinx - 09-07-2008

well, alright, i wouldn t pvp people when i thought they RP my faction ( or any other ) badly, - but just wait for the next version. - the engines will be within a train CDs blast then. until then... leave them alone, i guess.... or yell at them via PM if they really really RP badly.

Zoner juggernaugt. - Exile - 09-07-2008

Alright, that's all i wanted to know Jinx. Thank you!

Zoner juggernaugt. - Muleo - 09-07-2008

Little trick to cding big ships: target a gun/component which is close to the engine. Then fire your trains away, and they should have a better chance of stopping the bastard.

Outcast dread has the same problem