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Epic books - Strichev - 08-07-2014

No, not boobs. Books. You know, those things made out of paper, the things lifeless people carry around with them. But not just any books. Epic ones.

Which book you are reading would you like to share with the world?

Currently I'm reading "A Wild Sheep Chase" . It's quite odd, takes place some decades ago in Japan and has several interestingly "empty" dialogues. The main character is never named and (as far as I've got) and lives for work, various bars and things men usually do with women (not going to mention it here due to the possibility of children browsing these forums).

As far as I can tell, it's an interesting read.

So, what are you reading?

RE: Epic books - Vredes - 08-07-2014

Twilight( I mean the polish twilight) or Sumerki etc.

Dream Trap

The Witcher( the polish book not the game!)

A Song of Ice and Fire

and many more, these 4 are enough for now.

RE: Epic books - kikatsu - 08-07-2014

I just started reading Asimov's Foundation series, it is supposed to be pretty good, and so far it is interesting I have to say. I have a couple complaints about lapses in logic in the book but we will see how it all plays out. I also recently picked up a book that has the entire fictional works of HP Lovecraft, so that is a very fun and creepy read.

RE: Epic books - Stone21 - 08-07-2014

I'm currently reading Dmitry Glukhovsky's - Metro 2033. The book seems to be 10 times better than the game and I am at the beginning.

RE: Epic books - Slappy - 08-07-2014

A few books that I enjoyed:

The First Law by Joe Abercrombie - Or anything by Joe Abercrombie

The Acacia Trilogy by David Anthony Durham

The Stromlight Archive - Currently on book two, but I know of 9 or so more to come if you can be patient.

RE: Epic books - Highland Laddie - 08-07-2014

Post Captain by Patrick O'Brian - 2nd book in the Aubrey-Maturn series (Master & Commander)

RE: Epic books - Corile - 08-07-2014

I don't have favorites (I mean not just books, at all), but if I were to name some books that I've enjoyed, I have a few that come to mind.

- The Witcher saga - one of the best fantasy series I've read, considering most of them were community translated to English they're pretty much for free.
- Weatherlight saga - If you're into Magic the Gathering, that's a must-read. And even if you're not, it's still very good.
- A Planeswalker Novel series - See above.
- Karl May's western books - I'm not sure if they're in English, but they're certainly one of the best adventure novels I've read.
- Assassin's Creed novels - The first one is bad, the second one is mediocre, the rest are pretty good. I prefer these to playing the games themselves because books are better and cheaper.

RE: Epic books - Arioch - 08-07-2014

- Ender's Game/Series
- Myst books
- Dune
- Dan Brown books (DaVinci's Code, Angels and Demons, etc)
- Inca Gold
- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
- Lord of the Rings (Be cautious about trying to read the Silmarillion. It's rough)
- Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus.
- Many, many more...

RE: Epic books - foveros - 08-07-2014

(08-07-2014, 10:30 PM)Slappy Wrote: The Stromlight Archive - Currently on book two, but I know of 9 or so more to come if you can be patient.

The second book of the stormlight archive is out? Definitely buying it, I really liked the first one.

RE: Epic books - Havok - 08-07-2014

(08-07-2014, 10:27 PM)Stone21 Wrote: I'm currently reading Dmitry Glukhovsky's - Metro 2033. The book seems to be 10 times better than the game and I am at the beginning.

11/10 can +1. Epic book.