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Events with prizes - Linkus - 09-07-2008

Admin authorised events that can give out ships/equipment as a prize to the winner/s.
Currently what we have is a universe where every ship and gun is the same and there are no differences. In a universe full of possibilities, we are restricted in our ships and equipment. No modifications, no changes. Just the basic ship with the usual gun set.

What I am asking for is not a giant change or anything but simply

Look at Mon'Star for example. He has earned his personal ship through his RP (Which some disagree with) yet that is in itself a bit odd. There are RP stories that go on for many more pages than the Mon'Star one and although Mon'Star has good RP in game, there are those who do it better. (Then again, hard to RP a sadistic terrorist who tends to kill everything it sees without actually killing someone and thus ending the RP)

What I am proposing is that certain events, rare ones, take on some more significance. Right now the events just seem to be pointless exercises in fights. They mean nothing save bragging rights, which often people tend not to care about anyway.
The Discovery: Invasion thread essentially speaks of Territorial engagements which are a great way to make the universe seem more alive and dynamic however this idea can also achieve the same, if on a lesser extent.

One idea would be to have some special ships. Essentially upgraded versions of normal ships or just new ones that are not sold anywhere but the admin base/s.
EVE does it and frankly, it gives such a sense of uniqueness that is rarely seen elsewhere.

That single Borderworlds transport with advanced engines, allowing it to go faster than any other freighter and thus be a good smuggling ship.
That small fighter that can out turn every ship in the mod and speed away from anything it wants to.
That mighty fortress of a battleship that is rarely ever seen but makes an impact when it does.

Put simply again:
Admin authorised events that can give out unique ships/equipment as a prize to the winner/s.

Events with prizes - Erythnul - 09-07-2008

David agrees.

Events with prizes - Kuraine - 09-07-2008

It would be nice yes, and I am certainly in favour of doing admin authorised RP events where the prize might be a new set of weaponry or a new ship etc. I was thinking of working on a fairly lengthy RP event after 4.85 comes out that may have a pair of Defiler codenames as a prize, for instance. We'll have to see how it goes though.

Events with prizes - Zapp - 09-07-2008

Interesting idea, to say the least.

Events with prizes - gafwmn - 09-07-2008

Yes.It is an interesting idea,and compleatly do-able.As for the unique ships and items and how to do it,PM me and I can explain it(( Its very simple to do).This part is directed at the admins,not the general public):cool:

Events with prizes - AdamantineFist - 09-08-2008

' Wrote:It would be nice yes, and I am certainly in favour of doing admin authorised RP events where the prize might be a new set of weaponry or a new ship etc. I was thinking of working on a fairly lengthy RP event after 4.85 comes out that may have a pair of Defiler codenames as a prize, for instance. We'll have to see how it goes though.

:shok:I WANT THEM. :crazy:

On a more serious note, I think this is a good Idea. It would certainly make things interesting.

Events with prizes - Boss - 09-08-2008

No, Fist, you may not. I want them for mah Sabre, then I can swap out the Inferno for a Mini XD

But seriously, the idea has major merits.

Events with prizes - Xing - 09-08-2008

I'm thinking of custom ships... hehe

Events with prizes - Orin - 09-08-2008

I agree. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Although I wouldn't want a PvP whore with these things, only respectable RPing players should have the opportunity. Ones that wouldn't abuse the prizes.

Events with prizes - Xing - 09-08-2008

I'm not necesarly thinking about overboosted stats or anything like what hapenned in FW, merely perhaps some different skinning or unique ships using same stats as existing ones, and accesible only through admins. would be quite fun, really.