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Vista Cleanup and Change - Ximen_Benitez - 09-07-2008

Hi all!

So today and last night I took the last straw, Vista was going SO SLOW on startup and while running. So I decided it was time to clean up (since I can't reformat, which I wish I could do).

I deleted a bunch of programs and I'm still in the process. I also changed a few things with visuals and stuff.

However I have THREE main questions:

#1. Does anybody know which services of Vista I can turn off without messing everything up? I've looked on youtube, and I just don't trust them as much as I trust you guys. If I don't learn anything here, I'll just use a youtube vid. Anybody have a list?

#2. Hp loaded my computer with a ton of programs, and I don't know if I can delete them or if it will mess it up. Examples are:

HP Help and Support (is that the main computer help?)
HP Photosmart Essential 2.0
HP Quick Launch Buttons
HP Easy Setup - Front End

among others.

#3. I'm sick of AVG scanning for 5 hours then telling me I have 120 warnings.. like spyware, but it can't get rid of it. I want a new anti virus, something fresh. I'm thinking about Avira... any suggestions?

And finally, any tips on clean up programs, tweaks or anything else?


Vista Cleanup and Change - looqas - 09-07-2008

A good clean-up program I use (I've used it for years without any problem) is it's free and reliable.

Ditch the HP stuff. The help thing is not the main Vista Help. It must be about those HP tools. Get autoruns -program (google about it) and tick off all those HP stuff to prevent them from starting. You can trim down also the unneeded Adobe updaters etc. Google about the exe files you can see there and you see what it is and what it does. Then boot and see what happens.

There are a lot of Vista tweaking guides in the net how to trim down those services. One example or take you pick

Just tell AVG not to scan automatically.

Vista Cleanup and Change - Ximen_Benitez - 09-07-2008

Cool. I've already been using CCleaner, I like it a lot! I may try out some of those things on that site to fix services and stuff.