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Baffin Pentabarf Updated Version - Printable Version

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Baffin Pentabarf Updated Version - [TAZ]Polyfathers - 08-09-2014

Bafflin' Pentabarf
(or What Not To Do When Visiting Baffin, a guide for Cabbages)

1) NO Spittin',
2) NO Cussin',
3) NO Shootin,
4) NO Ignorin', and
5) Pueblo Bonito is Off Limits to All but TAZ, and bonafide "Temple Acolytes".

Current Password Protocol Status: "Off"

Current List of Bonafied "Temple Acolytes"
(Allowed Access to Pueblo Bonito)

All TAZ Members (Of course..)
Mrs. Midori S. Holliday
Omicron Supply Incorporated ships [OSI]
Velvelt Organization Velvet|

Now, we welcome everyone to visit and/or pass through Bafflin', but if you violate any of the above Laws, the wrath of the TAZ will rain down upon your head like Precious Mao buttons from the Region of Thud!

!Note!: The TAZ also reserves the right to declare anyone who irritates, shoots, sniggers at, or otherwise falls within the "hostile" purview of our Zoner and Zoner Guard charters as "Enemas of Eris".

Mad John Rackham, Administrator
Skarsi Wyrdmake, Grand Flaxian Inquisitor of Baffin
Gypsie Skripto, Ambassador

Approved "Contractors" for Pentabarf Violators:

Approved Pentabarf Collectors of Cabbages

"Enemas of Eris"
(Banned in Bafflin')

Gallic Royal Navy Any ship of theirs that enters Baffin is to be dealt with. We didn't choose them as an enemy, they chose us. Valid in the system of Baffin only!

Dankien Moebus: Cabbaged for threatening to have an ex-Omicroner capital ship fleet enter baffin and work with the Order. To be escorted out of Baffin. If he resists, resort to lethal measures. [TAZ] vessels only.

Shikaru - Independent Pirate
Cabbaged for Multiple Violations of the Pentabarf including:
3) NO Shootin,
4) NO Ignorin',
Attempted Assault on a Pope.
Attempted Piracy within Baffin
Destruction of a civilian vessel within Baffin space.

Black.Angel - Freelancer
Cabbaged for:
Attempted extortion of a Pope
Making threats against Baffin or her station.

See Also: The TAZ Enemas Bounty List.