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Conference Room Mendocino - The Junkyard - Printable Version

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Conference Room Mendocino - The Junkyard - Stoner_Steve - 08-11-2014

Conference Room Mendocino was on level 2 of the Junkyard. While being one of the few conference rooms on the Junkyard; Mendocino also had the pleasure of being the cleanest. Namely used by Congress members in business transactions with other groups.

Additionally this room also had its own gatekeeper per-say. Jane had been an administrative assistant at the Junkyard since its inception. No one was quite sure who paid her, or what she did when the conference room wasn't in use. But when it was, you could guarantee she would be there. Smiling Steve walked past, no doubt she was already aware of who needed to be let in.

[Image: 845392ef-92bf-4901-a96b-9e9864315b04_zps19d5f7d1.jpg]

Steve entered the room, activated the lights and took a seat at the conference table. He was early, but it didn't bother him to wait, opening his data tablet he started to review the various items he had hoped to discuss at the meeting.

RE: Conference Room Mendocino - The Junkyard - Arioch - 08-13-2014

[Image: ZekxPoR.png]

As Michael opened the door from the hanger, he was surprised that the interior of the Junkyard was more well kept than the hanger. On his approach, the station he was to be docking on left little to be in awe over. But he had to hand it to the Junkers. Despite appearances, they did know how to tidy up when need be.

As he walked down the hallway, his attention was caught by a voice on his left. "Can I help you sir?" Following the sound of the voice, Michael saw a plain looking woman sitting at a desk in the center of a decently sized room. "Hello ma'am. Michael Vallon, here to see Mr. Squigs. Conference room Mendocino I believe was the requested room for us to meet."

Not a second after finishing, she pointed towards another hallway without looking up from her console. "Down the hall, on the right. Should you need anything, just comm in from the desk." Nodding, he continued down the hallway towards another set of large metal doors.

Taking a step in, he saw Steve sitting on the other side of the table, facing the door. Michael Walked over, and extended his hand towards Steve. "Mr. Squigs I believe? Michael Vallon, a pleasure to meet you."

RE: Conference Room Mendocino - The Junkyard - Stoner_Steve - 08-13-2014

Steve stood and smiled as he grabbed Michael's hand "I'm so happy that you were willing to meet with us on such short notice things have gotten quite hectic around here. Please take a seat" gesturing to the table before them, "Can I offer you something to drink, tea? or perhaps something stronger?" Steve chuckled as he took a seat at the conference table.

RE: Conference Room Mendocino - The Junkyard - Arioch - 08-15-2014

Shaking his head, Michael sat down opposite of Steve, continuing to gaze around the room before fixing his attention on his host.

"A pleasure to meet you. I must say, you Junkers have a knack for appearing unassuming. Your hanger was very... well, as expected. Once stepping into the station proper, I was mildly surprised at the decor. Seems there is taste after all. No offense intended of course."

As he finished, he continued glancing around. Noticing a few instruments here and there, he recognized one of them as an Infusion Pump. Raising an eyebrow, he assumed that this must be a conference room in the medical wing of the station.

"Forgive me, but am I safe in assuming that we are located within the medical wing here on the Junkyard? If so, well... I think I will take you up on that drink. A glass of Bretonian Gin, with a splash of Bitters. On the rocks please."

RE: Conference Room Mendocino - The Junkyard - Stoner_Steve - 08-17-2014

Laughing loudly Steve punched some commands into his data-pad,"Not exactly" gesturing to the center of the table the holo-projector activated as the room darkened considerably. A schematic of the Junkyard appeared, their location was shown as a dot."This is the Junkyard, you'll notice that we are along Level 2, this level was designed namely for outside organizations to set up shop, sort of a promenade of the best Sirius has to offer." The schematic suddenly zoomed into a location close to them and highlighted a roughly rectangular area. "This space is roughly 1000 square meters and available for immediate use. We were hoping Cryer would turn this space into not only a medical facility, but a store front for your various medical products" The room brightened at the conference room door opened and an attendant entered with drinks for both for them. Steve spoke again as he was handed his drink "It is my hope that Cryer be willing to move in, but I have a feeling there will be a cost involved." taking a drink from his glass he sighed appreciatively before adopting his business like tone again. "Given the situation within this system and various other projects, namely the Refugees a fully functional medical facility would draw quite a bit of business. And we at the Junkyard certainly hope you consider this while factoring in your costs to build here."

RE: Conference Room Mendocino - The Junkyard - Arioch - 09-07-2014

Sipping his drink, he scratched his chin thinking. Certainly Cryer could move into this space, but to what end, and with what profits?

"Hmm, an interesting proposition. Of course something like this is not a decision made lightly, and will have to be discussed with the other directors. As to the the details you provided, your argument towards a cheaper cost is counter-productive. Using the same reasoning you provided, this station will be seeing a lot more flow of people and hence forth a lot more business. Which means you will more than make up the cost we would need to move some of our people here."

Taking another sip, he smiled and looked at the hologram in front of him. Pondering how 1000 meters for a full medical facility as well as a pharmaceuticals store could work, he pulled out his datapad.

"Let me run the numbers and see how much such an endeavor will cost, and I will run it by the other directors. In the meantime, is there any other free space here in the Junkyard that could b used?"

RE: Conference Room Mendocino - The Junkyard - Stoner_Steve - 09-07-2014

Steve folded his hands together as someone would do when they were uncertain about broaching a certain subject. "There is one more thing you could perhaps assist us with." leaning back in his char he took a deep breath before continuing. "With the evacuation of Leeds many refugees have found themselves, uh, self medicating, to deal with the stress of losing their home." He started laughing, "With that in mind the station administrator has started working with the Bretonia Police Authority to help, uh, legalize, the sale of Synthetic Marijuana. Currently many refugees work though less legal channels to gain supplies but we are interested in legitimizing the delivery of the substance." Steve leaned forward again while smiling. "Addionally I don't think we would say no to a head shop opening up. But our first priority is to secure regular, lawful, shipments. We estimate currently that no more than 500-1000 units are needed weekly to satisfy demand."