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To : Kishiro Technologies / from : T&T/Tinker&Transport - Printable Version

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To : Kishiro Technologies / from : T&T/Tinker&Transport - FynnMcScrap - 08-11-2014

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Greetings, honoured representatives of Kishiro Technologies.

I am sorry that I do not know about the right and polite way to express myselfe as I do not have the honour of being educated in Kusari tradition, but I hope that you accept my sincerety instead.

As I met some Pilots using the Kishiro transponder codes while trading in New Tokio with the Skipper of the T&T/.Tinkers.Pride I wondered if there could be some mutual Interest in trade between our young and specialized cooperation and famous Kishiro Industries.

We offer premium grade Scrap and recycled materials for sale at our newly opened scrap rig at Tinkers Haven, a trading base set for easy acces about 15k from Planet Houston, System Texas in Liberty. As this is our mayor trade we naturaly are interested in exporting our commodities to Kusari but we are not set upon export only. Usualy throug the efficiency of our scrapping crews and the fast acces to our raw material we can fill our stores quite fast even though sorting, refining and conveniently packing the material takes some time.

We would gladly offer the same prizes on our sales as we do to all our customers to any Kishiro traders interested in picking up Premium recyled resources at the Haven dock and offer to oper full docking rights to all vessles with Kishiro transponder code if you are interested.

The Prime Secretary of our Board of Trustees follows my lead in these dealings, but would greet any sort of negotiation about further trading deals or mutual interests to discuss.

I wll await your reply on this.


[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: To : Kishiro Technologies / from : T&T/Tinker&Transport - Manny Calavera - 08-15-2014

[Image: wFK7UCg_zps4cfc0b40.png]

Konnichiwa McScrap San , Its a pleasure to finally meet you.
Kurosawa San mentioned in his report that spoke with you. Lets get strait to business. You mentioned that you could sell us some of your premium grade scrap, which would benefit our company well. You see even though we manufacture new ship parts and technology, some very old parts, which are found in premium scrap have no known origin or have just been lost in blueprint records. We like to study these parts for improvements on new upcoming technology we are creating and those parts that are useless to us sell nicely to be refurbished. Since your company has no direct ties to the Junkers, we find that dealing with your company is more satisfactory for us.

In return for selling us your premium scrap we can sell you some of our helium-3 and grant you access to our restricted station Saitama. Let us know if you are interested in this proposal.

Best Regards
Hiroto Yukimura, CEO of Kishiro Technologies

[Image: 9WYZ76B_zps1487091d.png]

RE: To : Kishiro Technologies / from : T&T/Tinker&Transport - FynnMcScrap - 08-15-2014

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Greetings, Hiroto Yukimura - sama.
I thank you for your reply to our communication.

I have set the Kishiro Transponder code to free access at the Haven docks and will inform our skippers about the offered docking license at Saitama Station. Thank you very much, your generous offer is appreciated and our traders look forward to visiting Saitama.

If any of your traders are interested we have a list of currently imported or traded commodities . ( acces here )
We will pre-sort the tradable material to fit your interest, ensuring it can be loaded readily as long as we have some available. Usually we have an available store of about 10.000 to 25.000 tons of sorted materials at the Haven and store up to 50.000 tons before concentrating on distributing our recycled stores.

Also if any interest in other commodities occurs, I am sure we can fix a price and deposit the commodity at our stores for your transports to pick them up. As we do not currently plan to build any fabrication site and are still expanding there is enough storage space left for most orders. Currently we can not offer any timed delivery contracts due to limitations of our trade fleet, but I am sure you know best if and how you wish to use this offer.
We have easy acces to all but gallic legal markets.

With best regards

[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]