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Freighter wanted... - Printable Version

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Freighter wanted... - PlasmaSabre - 08-15-2014

Hi, I'm looking for a lawful freighter for RP purposes mainly. It doesn't have to have huge cargo or look nice, but I'd like something with a bit of character, something uncommon or unusual. Also are there any majorly asymmetrical freighters out there?

So any suggestions? Please post some links/images below.


RE: Freighter wanted... - Findarato Veneanar - 08-15-2014

I've always liked the Camara, but going by interesting looks you might want to look into the Garanchou or the Correo.

RE: Freighter wanted... - Highland Laddie - 08-15-2014

X-Shuttle is good and fairly rare
[Image: 254px-X_shuttle.png]

Aurochs is good and rare if you're gonna use Gallia
[Image: 254px-Ga_freight.png]

And, of course, the wonderful Anki
[Image: 254px-Dsy_renzu_fr.png]

[Image: 254px-Council_freighter.png]

Courier for Brigands
[Image: 254px-Courier.png]

Grizzly for Liberty
[Image: 254px-Grizzly.png]

Dromedary if you like the vanilla, Borderworld-esque ships
[Image: 254px-Dromedary-s.png]

And, generic Civilian freighter
[Image: 254px-Dsy_civilian_freighter.png]

Also..the rare Gallic Repair Ship....I've never even seen one in-game before.
[Image: 254px-Ga_repair.png]

RE: Freighter wanted... - PlasmaSabre - 08-15-2014

Thanks guys, very helpful indeed Smile

I love that image of the X-Shuttle, looks very aysmetrical (flew all the way to Tau31 to discover it wasn't XD)
So i think I'll try the Garanchou or the Tarvos next.

Thanks for all the replies Smile

RE: Freighter wanted... - Tenacity - 08-15-2014

(08-15-2014, 11:36 PM)TANKinetic Wrote: Thanks guys, very helpful indeed Smile

I love that image of the X-Shuttle, looks very aysmetrical (flew all the way to Tau31 to discover it wasn't XD)
So i think I'll try the Garanchou or the Tarvos next.

Thanks for all the replies Smile

Looking through the wiki, none of the freighters appear really asymmetrical.

The arrastra is, though, and it's a super-heavy fighter with 120 cargo space:

[Image: Dsy_miner_shf.png]

RE: Freighter wanted... - Flashâ„¢ - 08-16-2014

Rhino of course. The ship is awesome.

[Image: 254px-Li_freighter.png]