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To: Itziar Leiseka | From: Valente Rossi - Printable Version

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To: Itziar Leiseka | From: Valente Rossi - Stefz - 08-19-2014


From: 101st Maltese Spectres
Valente Rossi
To: Itziar Leiseka, 101st Maltese Spectres Administrator
Source: Corsica Outer Sanctum
Subject: Construction of a Storta-Class Destroyer for Congress

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I am contacting you in order to discuss the conditions under which Congress will be granted a Storta.

As you can see in this transmission, I've already come up with the terms of use, however, they decided not to accept it. They should know better than that. So, let me present you my point of view:

Quote:1. I do not see any harm in them having the code to a self-destruct system too. Only the highest ranked people among them will be given the code, so we ensure they do not blow themselves into the sky on their way back from our shipyard.

2. Regarding the tracking device: It has me concerned. Since it will belong to a foreign party, I would like to know ship's location at all times. Seems like they underestimated our engineers, as I am sure they are able to create a firewall that will resist any hacking attempt. So, it might be a good idea telling them we will not put a tracking device, but we install it regardless. They will not find out about it, I am more than certain. Their engineers are not as advanced as ours.

3. Defense of Rayburn station: I am still not completely sure about this one. A Storta will draw much unnecessary attention in a war zone, and I am not sure we want to have to deal with that too, we have got enough issues as it is. If you agree, I will ask them a couple of questions. The entire Bretonian and Kusari fleets got stomped by the Gallic one, it will be a matter of seconds before they turn a lone Storta to dust.

I hope to hear from you soon, enjoy your afternoon.

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Valente Rossi


RE: To: Itziar Leiseka | From: Valente Rossi - Hathor - 08-20-2014


From:Ghosts of Razgriz
Itziar "Hathor" Leiseka
To:Valente Rossi
Private encryption
Source: New Berlin
Topic: Construction of a Storta-Class Destroyer for Congress

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Vanguard Rossi,

It seems like the Junker congress became too ungrateful for what they are to receive. They could have the finest Storta class destroyer under such soft conditions.

Good, let it be their way, but I want something in return. I'm in need of young people, children...let them deliver me some and they shall have the ship, but some conditions have to be put in place anyway.

Your way of thinking pleases me Valente and your concerns are valid. You have my permissions to let our engineers install the tracking device so that the Junkers will be unable to detect it. But be warned, in case they'll find out, you will be the one who shall take the responsibility.

The third condition is simply stupid, the foreigners in Leeds do not ask questions to any other capital ships they meet that are not theirs, they simply shoot.
I have seen it, you have seen it. Explain the Junkers that it's madness to bring the ship to a war zone.

Vanguard Rossi, do not fail me.

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Itziar "Hathor" Leiseka.
