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Liberty LF replace ? - Printable Version

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Liberty LF replace ? - Slainte - 09-08-2008

Although im not talented to create new ships i do like to browse t'net and see whats about. Turbo Squid is a favourite of mine and i came across this ship. Liberty LF replace perhaps???

Liberty LF replace ? - Linkus - 09-09-2008

Polygons: 237,579

Freelancer starts to scream at around 20,000.

The design is nice however so recreating it would be worth it.

Liberty LF replace ? - kingvaillant - 09-09-2008

Wow, kick ass design. Worth remaking it:)

Liberty LF replace ? - Slainte - 09-09-2008

Alas, i have no idea at where to begin ship modeling. But if some of you talented guys/girls out there fancy giving it a shot it would be awsome :D

Liberty LF replace ? - - 09-09-2008

My god it''s beautiful make it make it now at 20,000 pix

Liberty LF replace ? - Orin - 09-09-2008

Oooohh... Aaaaahh...

Patriot can stay the same. This can be the Liberator.

We seriously need updated copy-upgraded ships.

Valkyre > Wrath
Defender > Guardian
Crusader > Templar

Very unimaginative. This looks like a great start.

Liberty LF replace ? - Slainte - 09-10-2008

I am now in touch with someone who can redo this model to fit FL. Ill let you know what happens :D

Liberty LF replace ? - Boss - 09-10-2008


Seriously, looks like that ship from the intro!

You have 25 days.

Liberty LF replace ? - mjolnir - 09-10-2008

It looks really cool.. BUT... what do you need all those air intakes for.. in space ?

Liberty LF replace ? - Boss - 09-10-2008

They also make up ~25k of the polys, 's my guess.

Nuke 'em, simplify, and HP/texture!