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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-05-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2prfkfo.gif]

Ensign Lucas Alexander, you are showing quick progress in the armed forces. For the small time of service you have achieved:
- 13 hours of Flight Time
- 4 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (3)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#FF6600]Lieutenant
without hesitation.

Congratulations and keep up the good work.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 09-05-2011


Comm ID: James Barett
Subject: Patrol report for today

Today, I took off from Leeds and saw a miner coming out of the Stokes Mining Station trade lane. I explained the situation to him, and he told me he would remember the laws next time.
Afterwards, I patrolled Cambridge and Manchester. There was nothing to report, apart from the fact I downed several Corsair and Molly fighters. Guncam images are available on request.
Total flight time as of today.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 09-05-2011

[Image: Rene3ltcdr.png]

To:BAF Admirality
Priority: High
Subject: The Necrosis


At my standart patrol at leeds my scanner showed me a ship with a wired signal type.
I was to far away from this ship for a complete scann.
It cames from Edinburgh Jump Gate.

This ship send a signal which i catched,it seems this ship scanned the area around the trade lanes
Edinburgh>Leeds / Leeds>Stokes / and it seems it scanned...Planet Leeds.

All what i saw in that distance,was the ship signatur on my scanner,this ship called PSI.BORG.
After this i talk with Lt.Alex.Clarke about that who saw this ship too.

We came to the same decision that this ship are one of the spy drone from the Necrosis.
We compared the signal structure and saw that they was the same like the Necrosis use.

This ship disaperd so fast like it was there,i lost the signal when it was heading to Stokes.

The time when we got contact was at 0230 sirius time.

Thats all Sir´s.


BAF|Lt.Cdr.R.Ree end...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 09-05-2011


Comm. ID: Ensign James (Jim) Barnes

Reports to date: 7
Total Flying hours: 23

Good Afternoon Sir!

Here is my mission report for 4th September 819 A.S.

I reported to Salisbury for further training today with Commander (Captain) Clay. We conducted Fleet tactics and Battleship attacks with HSM Royal Sovereign & HMS Conqueror (I think) and some ship to ship battles.

About an hour into the training we received an EAM Flash Transmission from Lt. Cmdr. Sinclair of a Rheinland Battle ship coming through the Leeds / Stokes Blockade.
All ships answered the call with Lieutenant Clarke and Ensign Alexander first on scene; we were delayed because Louis (Ens.L.Barnes) had to make an emergency stop off at Southampton Station as Louis had a problem with his engine throttle jamming.

The encounter with the RM Destroyer Cristi went on for sometime; I will not pretend to understand what was happening, I kept my distance most of the time (having no Razor fitted to my ship) but I stayed within 2K so that I could disrupt its engines if it tried to get away. However I think my ship needs it'€™s systems checking over as I could of swore the ship was destroyed, but would then re-appear again coming through the Stokes Trade Lane. The other possibility is a temporal anomaly near to Leeds causing everything within 5K to jump back in time; if this is the case it needs further investigation.

Shortly after these events a Freelancer with callsign of April Cain undocked from Leeds in a Kusari Explorer. After we explained to her (at some length) that she can not fly a Kusari ship in Bretonian space, she agreed to be escorted out of Bretonia by Lt. Clarke and Ensign Folge.

At this point I realised that I was over my flying hours and docked on the Derby for a rest period. Unfortunately I must have been more tired than I realised; as I slept right through the squadron scramble when Admiral Fraser'€™s ship came under attack by the Necrosis and nobody bothered to wake me!

With this in mind, I take it this not a good time to ask if my application for promotion and transfer to the Ark Royal has been accepted.

*Looking nervous and seeing the Admiral'€™s scowl*
No, I thought not; sorry sir.

Good day to you Sir!


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 09-05-2011

connection established
password *********
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upload report050981803.nfo
file found, streaming...

Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lt. Alex Clarke

High Priority


The atmosphere at deck of Derby was extremely heavy just before my launch, and nobody could tell why. I jumped into my templar and launched, to see what i hoped to be the biggest troubles i've seen this day. Ensign Folge was engaged with KNF pilot, but he had everything under control, so I didn't interfered, after Folge's victory, he headed for a long range scan, while I headed to dublin for standard recon. The jump hole reading were a bit off, but still within safe margin, so I decided to jump. The second I arrived into the dublin, I knew what was the source of the strange readings... A ship I never saw before flowed slowly through void, meters from my ship, and it's lenght was at least of two Dunkirks. I barely managed to call Folge to order him not to use the Jump Hole under any circumstances. He jumped anyway despite my orders, and we were both neck-deep in some serious troubles.

I commenced immediate retreat to essex, and announced on public system-wide channel, that area surrounding Leeds jump hole is off-limits until further notice. I did not revealed any more details, panic is the worst enemy in such situations. I immediately called for backup of any form, but the only backup I found was a Bretonian Civillian Army pilot, Thomas Grayson. In the meantime I fined two traders that breached Essex NFZ, reminding that they can enter only if under attacl. After a short while I ordered everyone to see if Hood is still secured, unknown vessels remained in the vicinity of the jump hole. On our way to Hood we saw pilot from secondary fleet engaging a corsair, just 10 clicks from the unknown vessels, I ordered him to break off and form on us, his comms must have been jammed since he did not respond to my signals, the unknown vessels have noticed this skirmish, and moved towards the combatants, effectively terminating the duel, our force of 4 fighters then once again retreated to Essex. And essex control has given us intel that vessel matching Rheinland Wraith profile has just entered the system. Since our firepower did not allow for any offensive action against the unknown vessel, I've sent all forces to spread out and find the intruder. I was the one to find him, and Folge managed to rejoin me. The rheinlander started babbling about Bretonia-Rheinland conflict, and enough to say, was going to leak intel regarding the incident to Rheinland Military. As I believe this kind of matter is too delicate to allow for such leaks, I ordered the folge to engage.

At the same time, I received a distress signal from rest of my wing indicating that Essex is under siege from unknown vessel, I rashed back, ordering Folge to destroy the vessel at all costs. I myself made it back to essex, and the distress signal was true: Essex was under heavy fire from enemy ships. At the same time I received a comm transmission from HMS-Daishi, stating that they are ready to assist, I ordered them to move on full speed to Dublin, and await further orders when they get there. Both of remaining pilots have went AWOL, and ignored my further orders, they did not ran away though. Still, my lone templar had no means to assist essex in any way, so I headed back to Folge, only to see that an unknown gunboat-sized and one fighter-sized vessels were also at intercept course, and soon we both came under heavy fire from both fighters and gunboat [color=#C0C0C0]*Yes, the rheinlander seemed allied with those vessels, they did not attacked him and he sent no comms regarding their help, as if it was what he expected*
. Thankfully, within few seconds Daishi showed up on my scanners, and I've sent him a distress signal. I ordered everyone to focus fire on gunboat, and after a few salvos from Daishi main cannons, the enemy vessel was destroyed, or should I say, it looked like shredded jelly. Then I ordered the same about the unknown fighter, but it proved too agile to take it down, and I commenced another retreat to Essex, the gunboat was no match for their cruisers-size ship and what seemed to be equivalent of dreadnought.

Suprisingly, the reinforcements came from direction I did not expect them from: The Order cruiser Excelsior have jumped into the system, and proceeded to engage the unknown vessels destroying one fighter almost instantly. As i saw no real choice but to accept it's help, i tapped him into our comms on temporary access protocol, also IMG forces have joined the fray, assisting us with a gunboat, focusing on fighters. I began target designation, beginning with cruiser-size ship, which slowly succumbed to the fire of our combined forces. During the assault on the cruiser, Commander Woodrow and Lieutenant Commanders Sinclair and Ree have joined our forces and I tried to relieve myself from command, but as they were not yet engaged, they managed to notice that enemy Battleship has began to retreat, along with one remaining unknown fighter; and created a second squad to pursue them. Unfortunately the unknown vesses have entered unknown space and Woodrow's squadron was forced to withdraw, focusing their attention on the corsairs in the area that took advantage of chaos in the system, hoping for easy loot and credits.

Order vessel confirmed that all large-craft has left, and dissapeared itself. The only thing remaining now was the rheinlander's vessel, which started to run for omega systems, the pursue consisted of me, Folge and Daishi, with me still in command. The Commander Woodrow and Lt Commanders Sinclair and Ree were already busy and too far to be able to assist, so we were on our own during the chase. During lenghty pursuit across three omega systems we managed to heavily damage his vessel, unfortunately during the pursuit the Folge's ship went on bingo fuel and had to withdraw, and without his eagle, the rheinland craft gained agility and speed advantage over our templars, and eventually managed to get away, although the intel he carried has lost it's value: We may have allowed for intrusion of those strange forces, but we have repelled them without any losses on our side, proving bretonia superiority in every angle.

During our return to Dublin, we received intel about small corsair raiding party in the Leeds orbit, cosisting of two fighters and a cruiser. Commander Woodrow and Lt.Cdr Ree have managed to catch one of fighters at New London and destroyed him, although Lt.Cdr. Ree had to eject during the skirmish. Daishi was already worn due to low H-Fuel reserves and multiple hull breaches, and had to withdraw from action, he's attending repairs next to essex as we speak. I myself quickly docked on essex and grabbed a challenger, and headed for Leeds. Along with Sinclair we proceeded to bomb the cruiser into oblivion after a quick chase to Newcastle gate, while our templars took care of the remaining titan on leeds orbit,

<div align="right][color=#9999FF]Alex Clarke
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terminating transfer
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-06-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander]
[Source: Winchester Station]
[Priority: Medium]
[Subject: Training Session]

Good Evening.

I started my patrol by launching from New London and immediately found Lt Clarke, Lt Cdr Ree and Admiral Hunter in combat with 3 Mollys in close proximity of the planet. 2 were quickly dispatched and Admiral Hunter personally took care of the other one.

We all returned to New London orbit and after a few minutes we were joined by Ensign J Milton, then we all proceeded to Salisbury to train. Originally we trained in group combat, with myself and Lt Clarke against Lt Cdr Ree and Ens Milton. After a few bouts of group combat. We decided to train in one on one duelling.

Needless to say, I feel we all benefitted from the training and I am now more aware of my strengths and weaknessess thanks to Lt Clarke and Lt Cdr Ree.

::Attached files::

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander

[Ending Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 09-06-2011

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]
ID:Ensign William Folge
SOURCE:Battleship Essex
SUBJECT:Battle versus unknown ships


Good day ladies and gentlemen *salutes*

I must report with pride the following events:

Yesterday I undocked from Planet Leeds to do a routine patrool as always.There I met a KNF fighter,which I exterminated swiftly.Lieutenant Alex Clarke was near me to support me if things were to get spicier,but fortunately I didn't need any help *smiles*
[Image: KNF.jpg]
[Image: knf_dead.jpg]

Afterwards we meet some Order ships,I asked them to halt,one of them had some unknown alien beings inside his hold,so Lt Clarke asked them to drop them.He dropped it,and shortly afterwards destroyed it.Since the Order ships were no threat to us,we let them go.
After the Order ships carried on,we went to check the Dublin system.After I jumped in,I've seen some unknown ships belonging to a unknown faction.They weren't using any radio equipment at all,so we couldn't contact them.
[Image: nomads.jpg]

Lt Clarke ordered a swift retreat to Essex.There we meet some traders who breached the Essex No Fly Zone and Lt Clarke fined them.
Independent BAF pilot Michael Harding picked up on his scanners some cannibal,so he warned him to leave,he disobeyed and was engaged by Harding.Then those unknown ships started moving towards Harding,breaking the duel.

We spotted there a Rheinlander,and we suspected he was gathering secret informations.We looked for him,Lt Clarke found him and he ordered me to engage him.After a short fight,the Rheinlander broke off from battle and started retreating scared.After some time pursuiting him,those alien beings came to his help and engaged me and Lt Clarke.

I will upload my guncam link later on.
Then a hell of a battle started.Order ship came to our help,more BAF's came,along with HMS-Dashi.We managed to beat the aliens together and make them retread.The largest ship unfortunately escaped.

After the aliens vanished,we continued pursuit of the Rheinlander,jumped in Omega 49,but then my fueltank was almost empty so I had to pull of from fight for resupply.

Another day,another battle....


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-06-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander]
[Source: BattlWinchester Station]
[Priority: Medium]
[Subject: Patrol and Training Session]

Good Evening.

I started my patrol from the Battleship Suffolk, where I met Lt Clarke and Ens Briggstock. As Briggstock was a new recruit. Myself and Lt Clarke helped him get the proper papers, transponder and assist on fitting out his Templar. We were later joined by Ens Folge and Ens Moore.

**Note: Ens Folge was attacked by a ship, callsign I_am_Legend, who was piloting a Havoc Mk II bomber. Ens Folge quickly dispatched him. I recommend the BPA investigate this. As he was also disrupting traffic in New London by shooting the trade lanes.

I recieved Intel that a Molly, callsign [color=#FF0000][M]-Queen's.Lover|MMC
was operating in Cambridge attacking traders. We all headed for Cambridge and after scouring the system quite thoroughly, including Lisburn Rock. We found no trace of the Molly and assumed he fled or was forewarned of our arrival. Ens Folge experienced some engine problems and had to dock on the Essex.

The rest of us headed to Leed to ward off any Kusari incursions and maintain the Embargo. However, traffic through Leeds was quiet. A member of the EDGE group did congratulate the BAF on combating crime and piracy in Bretonia.

After scanning a few ships. Lt Clarke decided to test Ens Briggstock's combat abilities so we all headed to Salisbury for some training. While Lt Clarke was giving Ens Briggstock helpful tips and pointers about dogfighting in a Templar. Ens Moore and I decided to have a friendly duel. Which Ens Moore won. I would like to congratulate Ens Moore, his combat skills are quite good.

I decided to end my patrol and docked on Winchester.

::Attached files::

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander

[Ending Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 09-07-2011

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]
ID:Ensign William Folge
SOURCE:Battleship Essex
SUBJECT:Battle versus unknown ships

Here is the guncam I promised yesterday I would upload



Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Snow - 09-07-2011

*** Incoming Transmission ***
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*** Decrypting................. ***
*** Message Recieved ***

Pilot ID: Ensign David Crowley
Location: Planet New London
Subject: Patrol / Combat Report

Good evening, I started from Battleship Essex and joined up with Lt.Alex Clarke in Leeds system. We started monitoring the trade flow, when two traders tried to take goods into Kusari territory. When Lt.Alex ordered them to cut their engines and turn around the ignored him wich resulted in their ships getting blown up saddly. Im afraid i only could catch one of the traders call sign wich was Salzonne wich was shot down by me.

Right after this an Corsair gunboat with the call sign [El_Rosario] was spotted. By this time Ens.Kennedy was on his way with his bomber and Lt Axel was on his way to get his bomber, leaving me to monitor the corsair. Wich i failed on, by the time Lt Axel and Ens Kennedy reached Leeds the corsair had gotten outside of scanner range, wich i shouldnt have let happen.

But a moment after this i got to show my worth to the Lieutenant when a KNF showed up with the call sign [KNF]Da.Takata. First the Lieutenant wasnt about to send us into a fight with a high ranking member of the KNF but since he called Bretonians cowards, i couldnt let that go so i requested that i should engage and destroy to show that Bretonia bows to no one. The fight was intense since it was my first real fight with the Naval forces, but after some harsh minutes of fighting i breached his hull and destoyed him.

After this i went back to Derby to refuel and a quick repair. We then decided to raid stokes mining station, but then we got reports of outcast 3 sabres and one tridente gunship around planet Leeds orbit, when we arrived we noticed that it was new Outcast pilots that was abit lost, so we directed them to Kusari, where they belong.

Then we took a patrol trough Dublin, wich was really quiet and nice, on oour way back to leeds we discovered an SCRA member, so we tried to stop him but he managed to dock on a molly base and eluded us. We then returned to Leeds, The Lt ordered me and Ens Folge to patrol New London wich was clear and no threats found. I then Docked on planet New London to get some paper work done.

Ens. David Crowley signing out.

*** End of report ***