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To: [RM], RFP|, BDM| | From: Krüger Mineralien Subj: UEC| attack - Printable Version

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To: [RM], RFP|, BDM| | From: Krüger Mineralien Subj: UEC| attack - Kruger - 08-23-2014

[Image: Hans_Hofmann.png]

Guten tag mein herrs,

My name is Hans Hofmann, Krüger Mineralien Chief of Security. I'm contacting you in utmost emergency and I'm afraid our fears have come true. This evening in Omega-7, Unidentified ships with UEC| call signs, which was later revealed to mean ''United Exploratory Corpse'' by one of them, entered Krüger Mineralien mining field and stopped 3K from Reutlingen Storage Facility perimeter. First, two ''Montante'' class gunboats came called UEC|SV-Nabigeta and UEC|SV-Naginata and a few minutes later were followed by two more ''Montante'' class gunboats came called UEC|SV-Doubtful and UEC|SV-Alebarda. When said gunboats were asked by Krüger security ships who they were and what were they doing in Krüger mining field in such dangerous and highly equipped ship they said that their presence in Krüger mining field is none of our concern and that they were Ex-GDE| ships; the group which we are all well aware of is supporting Red Hessians, enemies of Rheinland; and that Rheinland forced them out of business for which they mostly blame Krüger Mineralien.

Presence of UEC| ships next to the Reutlingen Storage Facility was witnessed by [ALG] called [ALG]-TGX-Rostock which can confirm their presence at said location. After a few minutes UEC| ships enacted something called ''protocol 43-92-71''. Krüger security ships thinking that it might be a sign of future hostility retreated to Reutlingen and were followed there by UEC| ships. Krüger security ships didn't show any sign of aggression and thus they UEC| ships couldn't attack first. UEC| ships tried provoking Krüger security ships by shooting at Reutlingen Storage Facility hoping they would get engaged first by Krüger ships. But our pilots know better then to engage first, so they stayed put without engaging them.

A few minutes later three ships with Corsair transponders approached Reutlingen Storage Facility. They tried pirating Krüger security ships and asked 5 millions from each of our ships. Their demand was outrageous and Krüger ships denied their payment request. After their demand failed they asked UEC| ships to assist them in shooting Krüger security ships. UEC| ships accepted Corsair backup request and enacted ''protocol R.E.D.''. Krüger security ships suspected the worst, charged guns and prepared for fight. Corsairs engaged first and were immediately followed by UEC| ships, but their imaginary victory soon turned into disaster and one of the Corsair ships was the first to fall. The rest of the ships continued their attack on Krüger security ships UEC| included. Short while later Reutlingen station station defense turrets fired back on hostile targets and manage to destroy one UEC| ship called UEC|SV-Naginata. After that rest of the ships retreated away from Reutlingen but they only retreated so they could engage other Krüger security ships near Battleship Schwerin. Krüger security ships diverted from Reutlingen to assist them. One Krüger gunboat and one bomber were the only things standing against UEC| ships. But then Rheinland Navy Cruiser and bomber showed up and quickly saved the day by assisting Krüger security ships. With combined forces of Krüger and Rheinland Military UEC| ships soon met their. Second to get destroyed was UEC|SV-Doubtful and a while later after a lot of shooting the third UEC| gunboat called UEC|SV-Nabigeta mysteriously in the middle of the battle docked on IMG Freistadt Station right in front of three Krüger ships and 2 Rheinland Military ships. How convenient that the IMG station allowed a criminal of Rheinland docking access in the middle of the fight with Rheinland Military forces present and shooting said UEC| ship. Even though IMG ship called IMG|Minor.Peter[R] was present at the scene and saw exactly what was going on he didn't do anything to stop the criminal from docking. We wonder for how long will IMG Freistadt Station serve as hideout for Criminals and enemies of Rheinland.

Fourth gunboat tried to escape to Omega-3 but got caught there by a Rheinland Military bomber. The rest of the Krüger and Military forces quickly arrived and started shooting the UEC| gunboat. The gunboat tried using trade lane to escape to Freeport 1 but he was prevented. UEC| gunboat then tried escaping and docking on IMG station Aland Shipyard. But just before UEC|SV-Alebarda could have docked it got destroyed. That makes a second attempt of UEC| to dock on IMG station, but a failure this time.

Krüger Mineralien feels that our entire mining operations in Omega-7 system are now jeopardized by today's UEC| attack on both Reutlingen Storage Facility and Krüger security ships.

The entire conversation was logged and documented by one of the Krüger Mineralien security ships and it can be seen HERE.

I look forward to a reply at your convenience.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Chief of Security, Hans Hofmann

[Image: End_Of_Transmission.png]

RE: To: [RM], RFP|, BDM| | From: Krüger Mineralien Subj: UEC| attack - Laura C. - 08-31-2014

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Laura_Carsten9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Polizeidirektor Laura Carsten
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, planet New Berlin
RECIPIENT: Chief of Security Hans Hofmann, Kruger Mineralien
SUBJECT: Re: UEC| attack

Guten Tag again, Sehr geehrter commander Hofmann, Laura Carten from the Rheinland Federal Polizei hier. Danke for your report, I´m sorry for the delay. Event which your informed us about is of course serious matter and is now under investigation. We hope that anything like this will not happen again. It is also gut to see that your pilots kept cold head and didn´t respond to primary provocations.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, polizeidirektor Carsten out.