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Ship Model in MS3D - worldstrider - 09-09-2008

I think it would be nice to have this in the mod update and we are down to the 30 day notice for submissions.

Could someone texture and hardpoint this?

[Image: Barge.png]

What it is:
  • It is a Lifter from the Milkshape 3D model pack of vanilla ships, duplicated three more times.
  • A few boxes and cylinders with no textures or extrusions or vertices--just primitives.
We're calling it a a "Barge" (I grew up near the Mississippi River) and it is for the following uses:
  • Non-power players who can only play limited times.
  • Players who like solitary mining or who want to role play a mining company.
  • As a storage depot for unlawfuls to cache loot so they can sell it at a higher price to other players that can dock and sell it.
  • It has no shields but a huge hull and thus gives players a chance to play a repair ship as a business fixing them.
  • Finally can be used as a clan storage dump. Cargo that noobs can take. Ammo, etc.
Here's the stats we were thinking of:
  • Transport turret hardpoints as on the Lifters but without the CMs and shields.
  • 400,000 hull.
  • 500,000,000 selling price.
  • 45,000 cargo capacity (important!)
  • 10kps impulse speed forward.
  • 5kps impulse speed backward.
  • No strafe.
  • No thruster.
  • Freighter shield (class 6 or lower--ONLY!).
  • Turn as a Rheinland/Nomad BS.
  • To large to use docking rings.
  • To large to use gate lanes.
  • 59 second delay before cruise speed activates.
  • 400 each nanobots/shield bots

    Texturing of any kind is good. the tank will be banged and pitted from rock collisions. The basic Millkshape model I have has no hardpoints or texture so that is what's needed. I'll post the info card here shortly.

    The model can be found at: Barge. Feel free to play with it.

    If anyone does do it and wants to make an engine sound I thought a clank and his like a steam press would be nice: Engine Sound (just wishing here)

Ship Model in MS3D - Tic - 09-09-2008

Wait, is this REALLY getting into the mod or it must be submitted?

Ship Model in MS3D - Caribe - 09-09-2008

' Wrote:Players who like solitary mining or who want to role play a mining company.

And what will they mine? A planet?

Also I think size vs cargo space is not proportional (more like 20000 cargo).

' Wrote:Non-power players who can only play limited times.

To make sure it will stay out of power players hands give it an aluminum foil for a hull (starflier hull).

And of course assuming that the people who can only play a limited who are not power players time will someday reach the price of the ship. The price should be that of a starflier but the ship itself should be deep in nomad/wild territory.

After that everything else is ok. Good luck by the way you have a 0.01% of this getting in here.

I think I can finish the CCC episode 2 with this ship.

Thank you for the motivation. :D

Ship Model in MS3D - kindred - 09-09-2008

It looks like the water boiler downstairs...
[Image: BucknellBoiler.jpg]

Ship Model in MS3D - worldstrider - 09-09-2008

It would have to be submitted and survive the assaults of the nattering naybobs of negativity.

Then it could get in.

It actually fills a good niche and it can be bigger but I didn't know if it would fit the mechanics of the game at that size.

We can have Battlestars but not storage barges...yeah...that's logical.

Ship Model in MS3D - dr lameos - 09-10-2008

I think it needs a hardcore shield - with a class 6 shield, one VHF could come and pirate it. It would even be damaged by NPCs shooting it.

I think a cruiser or battleship shield would be more appropriate.

*decides the previous comment was wrong!*
I suppose the weak shield would mean that there would always need to be other ships protecting it...

A weak shield - good idea!

Ship Model in MS3D - Tenacity - 09-10-2008

The model is far too simple, TBH. It's a cylinder attached to four heavy lifters...

If you were going to store large amounts of bulk items you wouldnt use a single, massive 'tank' anyways - You'd have a lot of little cargo pods attached together by halls/elevators.

Think more along the lines of heavy tanker for the actual barge.

Ship Model in MS3D - worldstrider - 09-10-2008

' Wrote:The model is far too simple, TBH. It's a cylinder attached to four heavy lifters...

If you were going to store large amounts of bulk items you wouldnt use a single, massive 'tank' anyways - You'd have a lot of little cargo pods attached together by halls/elevators.

Think more along the lines of heavy tanker for the actual barge.

Its actually a simply elegant design.

This isn't a massive, complex state of the art ship. It's s ship that can be assembled by hull section by any halfway decent shipyard in Sirius. No complex weapons or thrusters or shields. The cylinder-plate design is efficient. no complex beveling a cylinder's round shape is ideal for hull strength (why subs are made that way). The large armored plate on the front is to catch rock impacts so they don't strike the hull and the other cylinders are shock absorbers to spread the impact so the hull doesn't buckle. The deflector plate also serves as shielding against radiation and weapons(hence the generous hull) and the lifters provide good stern fire against pursuers.

Its a practical, easy to assemble (the hull is very similar to Junker stations) and repair and maintain design--hence "barge" not "ship". The external pieces are essentially an exoskeleton allowing interior space to be devoted to cargo. The box sections protruding from the rear and hull are oversized cargo bay doors.

Yeah Coriko--you got it. we WANT it to be damageable by NPCs and low levels so it needs assistance (both repair and protection)--that helps generate interactive role play--as does the large cargo capacity which allows cargo sale to players. the extreme hull size also makes blowing it up NOT desirable as most of the loot would be lost to space. better to come back and rob it over and over--which makes for even more role play opportunity.

Ship Model in MS3D - Dopamino - 09-10-2008

Round is not convenient for storing cargo though, and storing cargo is the ship's main purpose.

Ship Model in MS3D - worldstrider - 09-10-2008

' Wrote:Round is not convenient for storing cargo though, and storing cargo is the ship's main purpose.

Think, "easily constructed from available materials". It's easy to make "round" out of flat sheets. The size makes it more than practical (the Rheinland will almost fit inside it) and in real life there would be no problem with anchoring containers on a frame on the outer hill (which is what ya do with barges) but then the poly count would be a bit excessive and it would be hard to texture, etc. and prolly not have any chance at all of making it in the mod.