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Moo, I'm a fish. - Printable Version

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Moo, I'm a fish. - Caelum - 09-10-2008

Heya everyone,

Name's Caelum, the local newbie. I have to admit it, I only started playing Freelancer on multiplayer (that includes Discovery on multiplayer) a few weeks ago (two, three weeks?), though I read an awful lot about it and was helped quite a lot by several community members here.

For the traders among us, if you do know me at all (which I doubt), you'll probably know me as that annoying pirate flying a bomber who robbed ya. Glad to be of service:P

It has to be said really: Very well-organized community you guys set up here.
I personally am not the most active in Discovery, seeing as I lead a gaming clan in another game and have school, but certainly do enjoy it.

In Real life, I'm just another "cute, innocent" - don't let anyone tell ya otherwise :laugh: - kid. I am in fact 14 years old, live in Holland (y'know, small country next to Germany) and enjoy anything from chess, gaming and music to explaining that fish go moo.

At any rate...nice to meet y'all:)

Moo, I'm a fish. - Zapp - 09-10-2008

Hey there! Click the links in my sig (especially the first big picture one) and read my stories! They're good, I promise!:D


Moo, I'm a fish. - Crassus - 09-10-2008

' Wrote:Heya everyone,

Name's Caelum, the local newbie. I have to admit it, I only started playing Freelancer on multiplayer (that includes Discovery on multiplayer) a few weeks ago (two, three weeks?), though I read an awful lot about it and was helped quite a lot by several community members here.

For the traders among us, if you do know me at all (which I doubt), you'll probably know me as that annoying pirate flying a bomber who robbed ya. Glad to be of service:P

It has to be said really: Very well-organized community you guys set up here.
I personally am not the most active in Discovery, seeing as I lead a gaming clan in another game and have school, but certainly do enjoy it.

In Real life, I'm just another "cute, innocent" - don't let anyone tell ya otherwise :laugh: - kid. I am in fact 14 years old, live in Holland (y'know, small country next to Germany) and enjoy anything from chess, gaming and music to explaining that fish go moo.

At any rate...nice to meet y'all:)

Hi there, welcome to discovery, you pirated me a couple of weeks ago and a proper gentleman pirate you were too, say hi to the poor for me :D

Moo, I'm a fish. - Exile - 09-10-2008

He said Moo! I like this guy!

Welcome! :)

Read the rules, bla bla bla, ect ect. Ensure you have fun, and ensure other people's fun as well!

Moo, I'm a fish. - Qunitinius~Verginix - 09-10-2008

Welcome to Discovery! I hope your time here is enjoyable.

Safe Flying and Good Hunting.


Moo, I'm a fish. - Orin - 09-10-2008


You're a smart pirate. I was a' escortin' a trader and a quick "Back off, he's got escort" and you were like "Okey doke, carry on".

Keep it up.;)

Moo, I'm a fish. - n00bl3t - 09-10-2008

Welcome to Discovery.:)

Join a faction and don't buy a capital ship.

Moo, I'm a fish. - Xing - 09-11-2008

hey there. I've gotten lazy, depressed and tired lately, and forgot to greet all the newbies going around... there we go;

Beware of the communist penguins. They roam everywhere, eats everything, kills anything - I heard they recently aquired their own ships and will soon have a Moon Base Death Star!

Otherwise, please ignore drama, rude people and uncivilised "human" beings on the forum, and enjoy roleplay and server~

have fun around, see you in space

Moo, I'm a fish. - DarthCloakedGuy - 09-11-2008


...not knowing you, that's about all I have to say. n00bl3t said it for me.

Moo, I'm a fish. - n00bl3t - 09-11-2008

' Wrote:n00bl3t said it for me.

In RL, I actually made a very cheesy grin when I saw that. :D<Like that, except more to one side.