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NORAD - Printable Version

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NORAD - Balance - 09-10-2008

NORAD Command Headquarters...somewhere in Sirius.

"Let me get this straight...the entire damn ship, all of its crew, the captured subjects and data were lost!? That's a hundred-million credit investment down the tubes and a set back for the entire program Colonel!"

Colonel Merns flinched as his commanding officer's gaze met his. The man was driven--no obsessed and possessed--with a rabid fear of Nomads--and full of fury at having lost his first covert ops crew in its entirety.

"General apologies!", sputtered the Colonel. The Captain of our force recon ship got to cocky with those card huffing, dependent Outcasts." His last transmission showed a battleship at the jump hole and it was an unmapped system. There were two ship waiting for him. There was nothing he could do. His bats and bots were depleted and he had no countermeasures remaining I...I have his..replacement ready now sir."

General Drahl's nostrils flared and he fixed his narrowed eyes on his second. "You have his replacement ready Colonel? You are his replacement! You get your chair polished butt up and take an armored transport out and collect the data from all the passive sensors left in all three systems and get them back here within the next twenty four hours. I'll be damned if those spook loving, Outcast monkeys are gonna get away with this--it's going to cost them this time."

Colonel Merns broke into a sweat and his eye began to twitch. "S-s-s-siiir? You want me to go alone to all three systems in an armored transport and collect the missing data?"

General Drahl slowly turned and without lifting his eyes simply said, "Get going--now." Then he left the room.

Colonel Merns punched the buzzer and barked, "Get an AT decked out asap. Prep it for deep recon in the borderworlds and have it ready within the hour!"

This one will be a real bitch he thought.