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Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Printable Version

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Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Remnant - 09-01-2014

John.Titor has had his reputation adjusted to Rheinland for:

Quote:Official player factions may request that the reputation of a player's ship be changed to hostile with respect to their NPC faction. These requests must be posted within the Player Requests subforum, and include link(s) to valid forum roleplay, as well as actual interaction between the character and the official faction. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right can only be used if it has support of every official faction of the ID, but in case of disagreement between the factions involved, they can post an appeal to the administrators to review the situation and come to a decision.

Consequences: John.Titor - A prankster becoming more and more known to the lawfuls and corporations of Rheinland space. His exploits and stick-ups only marked the beginning of irritating the locals. Banding together, wave after wave of both hired men and military scour the planets surface in order to find the ever so elusive man.

They were getting closer, there was almost no way to escape. Thankfully, there was a friendly civilian on the planet who somehow found sympathy in him and managed to get him back into space by dressing him up as her cousin. It was tiring. Very tiring. Patrol after patrol, his warrant was out. They were not going to give up until he was caught.

Finally after twelve hours of cold-sweat and careful route planning, he makes it out of Rheinland space. The system of Koeln, the lawfuls have been lax in checking that sort of area. The man was lucky. He managed to seek refuge on Heisenberg for the time being.

Rheinland space now recognizes his ship, and doesn't like him for it. He will be shot at. At least the man lives to tell another tale..

(Tldr; Reputation adjusted red to all Rheinland lawfuls and corporations)

Link to original report (Admin use only)



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Pavel - 09-03-2014

DHC leader here.
PM sent.

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Kruger - 09-03-2014

PM sent as well.

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Havok - 09-03-2014

RM Lead here, PM coming too.

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Gundam - 09-03-2014

This is really becoming prank or something ?

I kill 1 IMG guy and get FR5 from every lawful organisation in Rheinland ?

Republican shipping
IMG (which is logical at least)
all those FR5'ed me cuz of what...i collected bounty on 1 IMG guy

RP wise.....I mean SInce when does RM and all other Rheinland organisation care so much about IMG ? The same IMG that befre (dont know now) allowed RHA ships dock on their base and attack Rheinland corporations in o7 ?

Day or two iirc after i shot IMG guy, Jack henderson on his RM indy and his buddy ( trust me Jack i have a guy very close to you and felt bad about it, that told me every thing about that) saw me online and logged on their RM indies...and tried to arrest me because i shot down their IMG mate day knowing if i fight them chances of me getting FR5 were very high, i tried to ignore them...after which they engaged me and forced me to fight them...after which i docked....also i got infomation that both of them were going since logging on their RM indies to kill me or get me FR5...Jack was all happy about it after which he posted a report on me...

Nex day i get FR5 from EVERY RHEINLAND OFFICAL FACTION....without even most of faction listed on FR5 list asking for it...someone made decision instead of them....

EDIT: Proof

Kids how do we call this thing ?

Power-gaming maybe ?

I would like to hear explanation from admin about this

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Havok - 09-03-2014

As the Leader of the Rheinland Military, and Holder of the position of Kanzler in Rheinland, I am posting here to have this sanction reversed.

This Reputation Adjustment was not approved by anyone in the Rheinland Government and to my best knowledge has no Rule basis on happening. To my knowledge of the situation, this was done out of reasons I cannot fathom because the offended party did not like what this certain player did. Furthermore I have gathered that this came from Indy Players, who in my eyes have no right to request an FR5 to all of Rheinland, or an FR5 at all.

So in the name of the Rheinland Government and until such time that WE in the Government decide that something needs to be done against this player, I request this Adjustment reversed.

Thank you.

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Morigan - 09-03-2014

RS| leader here . , i think you has read this and happen what i promised . If others Rheinland official will reversed this , then RS| also .

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Gundam - 09-03-2014

(09-03-2014, 01:20 PM)Morigan Wrote: RS| leader here . , i think you has read this and happen what i promised .

Did I attacked anyone or used your station after that inRP communication you and Jack ?

No i didnt,

And still got FR5ed

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Jack_Henderson - 09-03-2014

The Kruger FR5 may not make sooo much sense, as this merc is an employee of Kruger.

DHC, I don't know whether lawfuls are able to lock their bases to a criminal. Never thought about it. Debatable.

Rep Shipping sent an FR5 themeselves, after you docked on their base while under fire by ALG (in another case).

ALG FR5 makes sense, you attacked a convoy the ALG was escorting and there was fire exchanged. (in another case)

RM/RFP makes sense, as it is the standard reaction to people docking after being told not to dock by a lawful authorities. There is roleplay that allows authorities to know about the criminal activities on the forums, so I do not see why this should not happen.

I mean... do not attack people in STU, inside House space, and crashdock on Rheinland base with an ALG shooting you and hope to get away with it. Don't dock at Planet STU in front of lawfuls and hope that nothing will happen. This is a roleplay world. Your ingame actions have consequences.

RE: Reputation Adjusted: John.Titor - Havok - 09-03-2014

(09-03-2014, 01:28 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: The Kruger FR5 may not make sooo much sense, as this merc is an employee of Kruger.

DHC, I don't know whether lawfuls are able to lock their bases to a criminal. Never thought about it. Debatable.

Rep Shipping sent an FR5 themeselves, after you docked on their base while under fire by ALG (in another case).

ALG FR5 makes sense, you attacked a convoy the ALG was escorting and there was fire exchanged. (in another case)

RM/RFP makes sense, as it is the standard reaction to people docking after being told not to dock by a lawful authorities. There is roleplay that allows authorities to know about the criminal activities on the forums, so I do not see why this should not happen.

I mean... do not attack people in STU, inside House space, and hope to get away with it. Don't dock at Planet STU in front of lawfuls and hope that nothing will happen. This is a roleplay world. Your ingame actions have consequences.

A Rheinland Indie Player has no power over the authority which is every Rheinland Official Factions FR5 and Diplomatic Actions. This should not have happened, it needs to be reversed.