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Noelle's Diary. - Printable Version

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Noelle's Diary. - Noelle Chevalier - 09-06-2014

This Diary is the Personal Log of Noelle Chevalier, Directeur of the Direction du Renseignement Extérieur,

Diary Log 1: 6/9/821 AS

"In my capacity as the Directeur of the fledgling Direction du Renseignement Extérieur, i took off in the EIN-Arbalest and joined a raid on the Magellan system by the brave forces of Gallia. After a period of waiting, punctuated by occassional firing from deranged gunners on the IMG Freeport, the enemy fleet slowly moved into range.

The brave crews of the Gallic vessels moved to position and opened fire with their superior weapons, while the smaller ships harassed and attacked their very minimal fighter cover.

When the battle ceased, Our forces were the clear victors with the enemy fleeing as fast as their inferior ships could go.

On return to the Oubli, i had the extra armor plating added to the Arbalest.

End Entry."

RE: Noelle's Diary. - Noelle Chevalier - 09-07-2014

Diary Entry 2: 11:37 pm, 6/9/821 AS

"Today was a busy day.

The amount of paperwork was higher than expected. The mess left by ONI has certainly caused more problems than i expected. Nameless functionaries kept bothering me about this or that, hindering my ongoing work.

I received a response from the Kusarian Kempeitai agency, a curious organization from what little i have been able to glean from official documents. They do seem willing to cooperate, which is a good sign.

I'm still waiting on a response from the BDM, or acknowledgement from the government at that. Typical government bureaucracy. When someone actually tries to accomplish something, in come the flunkies and self-important types to foul it up.

I have reached out to the Unione Corse, a shady albeit seemingly trustable group, for information on the ever growing outcast threat on Gallia's northeastern border. An offer of monetary reward may encourage them to take up the work.

Im so tired. I think its time to get some beauty sleep.

End Entry."

RE: Noelle's Diary. - Noelle Chevalier - 09-08-2014

Diary Entry 3: 12:13pm, 7/9/821 AS

"The mounds of old paperwork are slowly decreasing.

Among the endless reports, forms and other paperwork, i found a small report submitted approximately a year ago that details the presence of 2 unknown ships near a high security station in Gallia. Precise location details are listed as being in another report which has not been seen yet.

It says one was shot down while the other managed to escape after being damaged. Scrawled on the margin was what i assume to be a ship name, "Grand Rose Petal". I will look further into this, because the pilot may be of use if they are still alive.

I was contacted by someone calling himself the "Black King". He alluded to being part of ONI, though that is yet to be confirmed. If it is, then it seems like there is at least one competent person associated with ONI. An unexpected, albeit useful, development.

Back to paperwork.

End Entry."

RE: Noelle's Diary. - Noelle Chevalier - 09-09-2014

Diary Entry 4: 3:32pm, 8/9/821 AS

"This 'Black King' had an interesting offer. Due to current circumstances, i found it prudent to accept. However, something does not feel right. I will have to investigate this person as a precaution.

Arrangements with the Kempeitai are progressing well. Once i finish up some important paperwork, i will be departing for Kusari to meet, and also set up a secret operations base. I have reason to suspect that elements in the GRN oppose this Directorate, so the more distance the better.

A reply has been received from the Corse. They seem eager to work, but money is definitely their motivation. A reasonable offer will need to be made.

Note to Self: Start organizing alternate plans and gathering allies in the event of actions against this organization.

End Entry."

RE: Noelle's Diary. - Noelle Chevalier - 09-10-2014

Diary Entry 5: 3:33 am, 10/9/821 AS

"Arrival in Kusari went smoothly. The weather on New Tokyo when i arrived was gloomy. But it eventually cleared up.

After the long journey to Kusari, i took the day to relax and pamper myself.

I found a lovely 'onsen' i think the Kusarians call it. Its a hot spring where you can bathe and relax. I'm staying at this wonderful hotel that is part of it.

The response from Grand Rose Petal was most pleasing. I've assigned them their first mission, a fairly easy one at that, and decide on primary targets once i receive the information.

The arrangements are slowly being made for my meeting with the Kempeitai. The BDM have responded with suspicion. I think there may be a little bit of ONI's influence lurking in their response.

All other plans are proceeding at good pace. I will make the most of this relaxation and may make New Tokyo the primary operations office for the D.R.E. If it keeps me relaxed and away from those scheming ONI heads, the better it is.

Now, for some good long beauty sleep.

End Entry."

RE: Noelle's Diary. - Noelle Chevalier - 09-12-2014

Diary Entry 6: 9:57 pm, 11/9/821 AS

"I received the first report back from Operative Petal. Very detailed and contained some useful information. The report mentioned something called 'Zone 21'. A heavily fortified and defended section of the New York system with a jumpgate to an unknown area. Further investigation is required, if possible.

I was able to get secure communications with the 'Black King' now identified as Lelouch D'Aramis, former Directeur of ONI and declared a traitor to Gallia. Bring the Pragmatic type, i have no problem with working with him. He passed me the name of his trusted assistant directeur who worked under him at the time, a woman named Aurelia Landreau.

My operative pool is slowly growing. That will aid in both short and long term plans that are underway.

Ahh.... These Kusarian onsen resorts are wonderful. So relaxing, and so unlike Gallia. If all goes well, i shall take up permanent residence in Kusari and one of these resorts in particular.

Now, time for another relaxing soak.

End Entry."