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To GRN| Drugs smugglers within the rows of the GRN| - Printable Version

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To GRN| Drugs smugglers within the rows of the GRN| - R.Valland - 09-08-2014

Expéditeur: Rose Valland (Ex Sergent-Chef GRN)
Récepteur: Gallic Royal Navy Headquarters - Procureur Général
Sujet: Drugs smugglers within the rows of the GRN|

Mesdames et Messieurs,

I feel the need to inform you about the doubtful activities of two of your officers that I've "cought" smuggling NOX from Planet Marseille with destination Planet Leeds.

The first one I stumbled over in system Tau-23 piloted a Vache transport and the captain identified himself as "Maillard".

The ships callsign is: GRN|NSL-Granville

The second one I noticed in system Tau-31 just a few minutes later was another Vache transport, also hauling almost 4200 units of NOX like the first one did.

The ships callsign is: GRN|NSL-Chaulieu

Evidence 1

Evidence 2

Communications Logfile

Even when I'm now a member of the Brigands I still feel the need to fight corruption and crimes within the rows of the GRN, as far as I can.

In particular as corrupt managment officers have been the main reason for me to leave the kings services and become what I am.

Cordialement votre

Rose Valland

(Ex Sergent-Chef GRN)

RE: To GRN| Drugs smugglers within the rows of the GRN| - Omi - 09-08-2014

SUJET: <no subject>
ID: Marine Royale Gauloise - Sébastien Deschamps

Bonjour, criminal,

The Royal Navy does not care for transmissions from Brigands or other such filth. Your 'evidence' - little more than a poorly-scrawled, counterfeit waste of time, I daresay - means about as much to me as the dirt I scrape off my shoes. I find it amusing that your skills at conjuring up false accusations do not even extend to producing any sort of admissible evidence, as there is no actual 'proof' of any violations committed.

Go away.


RE: To GRN| Drugs smugglers within the rows of the GRN| - R.Valland - 09-09-2014

(09-08-2014, 10:22 PM)Omicega Wrote: TRANSMISSION ENTRANT
SUJET: <no subject>
ID: Marine Royale Gauloise - Sébastien Deschamps

Bonjour, criminal,

The Royal Navy does not care for transmissions from Brigands or other such filth. Your 'evidence' - little more than a poorly-scrawled, counterfeit waste of time, I daresay - means about as much to me as the dirt I scrape off my shoes. I find it amusing that your skills at conjuring up false accusations do not even extend to producing any sort of admissible evidence, as there is no actual 'proof' of any violations committed.

Go away.


Expéditeur: Rose Valland (Ex Sergent-Chef GRN)
Récepteur: Marine Royale Gauloise - Sébastien Deschamps
Sujet: Drugs smugglers within the rows of the GRN|

Monsieur Sébastien Deschamps,

when I sent my "report" I actually didn't expect much more than I received, but I did hope I was wrong how the GRN deals witch such incidents, at least this time.

The evidence is clear and not to question, named officer Maillard even stated unquestionable what I accused him for.

And you dare to call me a "criminal", even a "liar" accusing ME to have counterfeit the evidence, being rude and offend me with almost every single word.

If you are really in charge of such matters, represent the GRN's way of dealing with criminals in their own rows - it can just be a question of time till the Kingdom will be annihilated.

And "officers" like you were right the main reason for me to quit my duty within the GRN.

If someone can be called "filthy" my dear Monsieur Deschamps, then it's individuals like you, pulling the reembrace of all fallen comrades into the dirt, betraying all ideals the Kingdom once stood for.

And even if your kind doesn't care, I do and I will, and maybe this affair will also be noticed by someone more responsible than you, and dealt with accordingly.

Saluer avec dégoût

Rose Valland (Ex Sergent-Chef GRN)