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Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]Austin[T] - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]Austin[T] - Remnant - 09-09-2014

[*USI*]Austin[T] has been sanctioned for:

Quote:2.1 System and local chats are to be kept in roleplay and in English at all times. Any OOC (Out of character) chat should be marked with " // " and only used when absolutely necessary. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.

2.2 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions or attempting to pose as an Admin is not allowed.

Consequences: When you feel there is an issue that you would like to address on how someone is playing their character, you do not do it in local chat. Make sure to stay in character unless you're talking through either a group chat, or a private message.

On top of that, giving threats that you will report someone on the forums for that very same matter is another big no-no. If you feel there really is a problem, turn in a report without holding it over their head.

Your guns and cargo didn't like this and decided to run away. A chunk of your credits will be found missing as well.

Link to original report (Admin use only)



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]Austin[T] - US| - 09-09-2014

[Image: ubpozlJ.png]

As president of Universal Shipping Inc. I request that the evidence be sent to me so that i can also internally punish this employee as well.

Tam Nyund
Universal Shipping, Inc.

RE: Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]Austin[T] - Remnant - 09-10-2014

Evidence Forwarded

RE: Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]Austin[T] - US| - 09-11-2014

[Image: ubpozlJ.png]

The employee has been fired from this company therefore we consider this sanction resolved

Tam Nyund
Universal Shipping, Inc.