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To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - Printable Version

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To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - YashidaHolding - 09-14-2014

ID: Yashida Holding
LOCATION: Planet New Tokyo
SENDER: Master-Yashida
TARGET: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance
SUBJECT: Agreements

[Image: Master_Yashida.2.png]

Konnichiwa people of the Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance

Let me introduce myself, My name is Aiko Yashida and i'm the leader of the Yashida Holding.

My ears have heard that your group is promoting kusari within the rest of sirius and is a main trading corporation. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think your corporation stands for the traditions within the republic.

Now i'll go to buisness or i'll talk the rest of the day for my love of the republic.
Our corporation is prepared to invest in our corporation for fleet extending and research.

Our corporations could go on shared trade trips and share their protection wich will lower the security costs for both organisations. We could also join forces against shared enemies.

I hope that the winds will flow smoothly!


Aiko Yashida
CEO of the Yashida Holding
Yashida Board of directors

RE: To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - Chuba - 09-14-2014

[Image: transbar1_zpsad48c7f6.gif]

Konnichiwa,i like the idea about shared trips and lowered security posts
I will contact leader when i will meet him,but as far as i might say i approve this.


[Image: closingbar_zps52bcc953.gif]

RE: To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - Bretonian Turncoats - 09-14-2014 channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance Official Channel-----
........Planet Kyushu comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]


To answer your question - yes. We are promoting Kusari in every possible way we can. Moreover, we are actively working on fulfilling the Kusari-Bretonia Trade Agreement, supporting Bretonia corporations - one of the most successful operations is supplying of Oceana Shipping Platform (which belongs to Gateway Shipping) in Cortez System with almost 15000t of Industrial Hardware.

We are also the most active company when it comes to shipping Tea from Planet Curacao into Kusari. The export of Furs into Federal Republic of Rheinland is also pleasant for us as it brings the superb income for KTA. The boom on the Kyushu Rice is also the most suprising thing in Rheinland.

But enough about our small achievements for Kusari's glory.

We can and will offer mutual agreement with Yashida Holding. We have built, in cooperation of Yokohama Shipyard belonging to Samura, a small gunboat (KTA|CV-Ryuuzaki) to protect our new vessel (KTA|CV-Kurile), which is one of the most perfect vessel for long-range trade and supply operations. Christening of "Kurile" took place yesterday with two successful trade operations with "Ryuuzaki" escorting it into Rheinland space.

(Status of this operation can be found in our Logistics Declaration, openly available for Samura Heavy Industries.)

"Ryuuzaki" is at your disposal, provided it is not busy with active escort duties. We also can make the joint operations, where your fighter wings will support our KTA trading vessels and our gunboat will participate in escort of Yashida Holding merchant vessels.

We look forward to every possible mutual cooperation. As a sidenote, we are sorry for our recent shift in leadership, but previous leader was unable to fulfill his duties because he have "snapped" and had to be taken into mental elysium.

Junpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649] channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - YashidaHolding - 09-20-2014

ID: Yashida Holding
LOCATION: Planet New Tokyo
SENDER: Nobus Yashida
SUBJECT: Kepler Incidedent

[Image: Nobus_Yashida.jpg]

Konnichiwa KTA san

This is Nobus speaking, I'm the main leader of the Yashida defence devision.

I've heard about the Kepler incident, not that we don't trust you but our organisation would like to take some distance from yours for as well safety as public opinion reasons.

As long as you're not able to proof you haven't got anything to do with this, your organisation will be no loger seen as trade partners!

We've also seen that you're no longer a samura ID using corporation, that is what made us make this decision. As long as we do not know where your organastions is heading you're nothing to us any more!

I'm very sorry it needs to go like this, but we have no choise!


Nobus Yashida
Leader of the Yashida Defence Devision
Yashida Board of directors

RE: To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - Bretonian Turncoats - 09-20-2014

....SECURE channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Secure Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]


We have seceeded from Samura Heavy Industries after a scandal they have made against us. They called us pirates, whilst we were not even involved into Kepler Incident (save for our vessel being stolen and used for filthy purpose). An open insult of official channel was something that we couldn't bore and thus we made ourselves independant from Samura. We regret about the cut relationship between us two Samura subdivisions, but I hope - as situation would become less tense - we could think something up about our relationship. We however, cannot promise anything now.

To answer your question, our association decided on being independant from both Samura and Kishiro, maintaining peaceful-to-neutral stance between both and their associates - this is what we can assure you. For that moment however, we are unable to fulfill Samura Heavy Industries duties, for reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph.

However, we can tell you, in secret, that we have been already asked by someone to hunt down every possible Tomioka-Kyushu Privateer and kill him on sight without any trial. We agreed on that and we will fulfill that order with pleasure, killing every single TKP who was responsible for disgracing our good name. And that is all we can say, due to fragile state of matters.

Jinpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649]

....SECURE channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - YashidaHolding - 09-24-2014

ID: Yashida Holding
LOCATION: Planet New Tokyo
SENDER: Nobus Yashida
SUBJECT: Relationships

[Image: Nobus_Yashida.jpg]

Konnichiwa Jinpachi Saika of the KTA

As you know already my name is Nobus Yashida defence leader of the holding.

Rumours have come to our ears and they said: "Caution the KTA is attempting to ally with the GMG and even Junkers! Be advised"

Ofcource those organisations are not the most beloved organizations by the holding as you might know!

If you did it upset or not can't bother us but you're corporation is now considered a "suspicous/hateful" oraganisation! We advise you to not get into our ways or otherwise we can reveal some "NEWS" about your "Lawfull" organisation!

So if you've got something to say i would say go ahead! Our decisions has been made and we won't get back to them!


Nobus Yashida
Leader of the Yashida Defence Devision
Yashida Board of directors

RE: To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - Bretonian Turncoats - 09-24-2014

....SECURE channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Secure Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]


I see then. We can agree that not stepping each other paths would be the best diplomacy for our both companies. Neither of us would profit from hostility.

We have contact with T&T, Tinkers & Transport, who has some contact with Junkers. T&T however do not make any problems to Kusari, as they are mainly concerned about peaceful trade and supply for their clinic in Liberty Space.

Our cooperation with T&T is limited with providing pharmaceuticals and food rations, as those are the most basic items needed for their clinic.

About GMG however, we do not have relations aside of shipping H-Fuel into Bretonia and Rheinland. And that's all we believe. But we treat it as a tertiary priority goal, as our main goal is to promote Kusari outside our homes - do you not do it as well?

Jinpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649]

....SECURE channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - YashidaHolding - 09-24-2014

ID: Yashida Holding
LOCATION: Planet New Tokyo
SENDER: Nobus Yashida
SUBJECT: Relationships

[Image: Nobus_Yashida.jpg]


I assume that a non-fire protocal has been initiated, we do promote Kusari in the other houses but that doesn't say that we're on the same side! i'll give an example: Outcast pirates and Corsairs pirates, this does not say the're best frieds!

So if you have anything more to say i'd be delighted to hear it!


Nobus Yashida
Leader of the Yashida Defence Devision
Yashida Board of directors

RE: To: Kyushu-Tomioka Alliance (KTA) - Bretonian Turncoats - 09-24-2014

....SECURE channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Secure Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]


Nothing is to be said more on this matter. We mean no harm as long as you do the same.

Jinpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649]

....SECURE channel: CLOSED..........