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To Outcast governing body - Printable Version

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To Outcast governing body - Junker Marauders - 09-19-2014

[Image: vkiXtGH.png]
This communication is to inform the Outcasts of what I believe to a breach of Maltese law. In Omicron-80 a group of our Marauders came across a Junker Salvager in the act of being fired upon by what we have since identified as a pirate Big Dragon. After chasing him off we'd discovered that not only had this pirate demanded the Junker turn over all of his ship components bound for your shipyard but in fact knew that your shipyards were the destination.

Name of the attacker : Kasei.Kuro

Communication logs from the attacked ship : 1 2 3 4

Attacked ship safely reaching Valletta to deliver his cargo : 1 2

If I have misinterpreted Maltese law in this matter, I apologize but my current understanding leads me to believe impeding any kind of resources going to your stations to be against your laws.

For correlation purposes, this event occurred less than half an hour before the sending of this transmission.

~ Cash Ivankov, Deputy Marauder

[Image: qff6ZIp.png]

RE: To Outcast governing body - Crimson Cross - 09-19-2014

[Image: 9tpX0Xk.png]




To: Junker Marauders
From: The Speaker of the Council
Hola Marauders,

We have reports of this individual causing similar issues before. However, in all prior instances, those parties that made these accusations had no evidence. Apparently plugging in one's recording devices to on-board cameras is rather hard.

Regardless, the Cross appreciates the Marauders coming forth with this. We have made the other parties involved in Malta's defense aware of the situation, and this individual will be handled with extreme prejudice by all present Crusaders.

Gods guide your path,

--The Crimson Council

RE: To Outcast governing body - Luke. - 09-19-2014

[Image: LOTB.png]

The perpetrator will be dealt with on sight.



RE: To Outcast governing body - aerelm - 09-20-2014


From: 'HundredFirst Ghosts of Razgriz
Valerio Rivera, Vanguard
To: Corsica Sanctum Operations Database
Re-routing/Sigma.broadband.spread - encryption Zeta-Alpha
Source: Corsica Outer Sanctum
Topic: Re: Kasei.Kuro

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We have been receiving complaints from various parties regarding this individual's harmful activity around our borders for some time now, but had not managed to take any action as the past reports were all mainly from the crew of the destroyed vessels so they were unable to provide us with any solid proofs. The evidence you have filed, however, appears to be clear enough to grant certain actions taken.

We will have our pilots on the look out to make sure this particular individual would not be causing problems for our trade partners anymore, and I'll personally handle the paperwork to deny docking access to Outcast facilities. Until this problematic individual is taken care of, we advise you and your pilots to try contacting any of the Maltese patrols logged into Cali comms at the time of your trade run and request escort on the way to Valetta.

V. Rivera,
Razgriz Vanguard

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