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To: The Maltese Nation and its allies; From: The Campania Cartel - Printable Version

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To: The Maltese Nation and its allies; From: The Campania Cartel - Jansen - 09-20-2014

***Incoming Transmission***

Comm ID: Siro Capon
Location: Omicron Alpha, Planet Malta

Dear Maltese citizens, dear friends of our glorious nation,

today, not even an hour ago, one of the Campania Cartels transport vessels has been attacked by the ruthless vermin we all know as the Independent Miners Guild.
The vessel in question did nothing to provoke an attack, nor did it carry anything these fools would declare as "contraband" to hurt our economy.
Fortunately the vessel was able to escape and none of out people got hurt, thanks to our Junker friends, that outfitted the vessel with heavy armor plating.

Now it is upon me to ask you, how long will we tolerate these Miners in our space? They have no worth for us and have proven to be nothing but a nuisance for us and out operations. We have lost good pilots to their guns, pilots that could have served us in a better way against the Corsair Empire or the Gallic invasion fleets.

On top of these issues they cause, they also work on depleting the Niobium fields that have always belonged to us. This Niobium could be put into good use in our hands as well, so we should not let them take, what does not belong to them.

Lately they appear to be feeling comfortable in our space, daring more and more, which endangers not only our supply lines and people, but due to this even our whole existance.

Due to todays incident, the Cartels pilots have been given orders to ensure that the Miners will get a taste of their own medicine, they should not find a safe place in the Taus and wherever the Campania Cartel can reach them.

What I ask of you, is to strike against these Miners as hard as you can, whenever possible. We should make sure that they feel, that they are not welcome here. They have caused us enough trouble, , its time to show them what happens if you anger the Maltese. We should make sure to get rid of them for now and for all eternity.

--Siro Capon

***Transmission Ended***

RE: To: The Maltese Nation and its allies; From: The Campania Cartel - Luke. - 09-20-2014

[Image: LOTB.png]

Siro Capon,

Miners striking against the Outcasts is nothing new, nor was it ever even remotely tolerated by any one of us. What you've just described to me is nothing more than a daily occurrence that comes as a consequence of trafficking and/or patrolling Tau space.

Though I'm sure you're aware that we'll be ready to assist you should we witness a criminal act or if you call upon us for assistance, in the meantime I suggest making sure you have the numbers or firepower to support yourselves against their pathetic attempt at retaliation.



RE: To: The Maltese Nation and its allies; From: The Campania Cartel - Sciamach - 09-21-2014

[Image: OAZ4AVT.png]




To: Siro Capon
From: Crimson Council Cardinal Mario Olmos

I feel like there's the opportunity for a joke here.. something about Miners fighting Farmers...

Can't quite think of one. Regardless, the Miners have struck a number of blows to us, and this has been addressed in kind. Violation of the laws of Malta within our territories will be met with force, and should you require assistance, the Crusaders of the Light are more than willing to purge these insolent upstarts at every opportunity.

Good news however, just earlier today, I received word of an attack on the miners... a group of them, combined with some out-of-place Gallic filth thought fighting against a Cross patrol was a good idea.. Needless to say, they were quickly dealt with.

Rest assured, they won't feel comfortable in our space long.

--Cardinal Mario Olmos