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Unique Ship Requests Procedure Adjustments - Printable Version

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Unique Ship Requests Procedure Adjustments - aerelm - 09-21-2014

Ever since the unique ships request system was reintroduced various interested parties have been working on their own little projects, but due to the extensive amount of roleplay such a request requires, we've been receiving multiple suggestions along the same lines which pointed out the issue with the previous 2-stage approval system. So, the unique ship request system is adjusted and the regulations are changed from:
Quote:0. Requests for unique ships require approval of both administrator and development teams. The initial request will undergo an admin vote and if approved, the request will be forwarded to dev team for approval and implementation. Due to technical limitations, it would not be possible to implement a unique ship server-side, so the applicant must understand that the actual implementation of their ship, if approved by both teams, may take up to a few months.

1. One billion credits is the fee for a unique ship application. It will be taken from the character identified and is not refundable, success or fail. Put more than 1 billions on the character at your own risk, as we'll just be zeroing its bank balance.

Quote:0. Requests for unique ships require approval of both administrator and development teams. The initial request can be relayed through an official faction to be posted in the following subforum for development team approval using the first template provided below and requires the roleplay to be already in the construction stage, but can be posted before the roleplay is concluded. Once the roleplay is finished, the final request can be posted in this subforum for admin approval using the second template provided below. Once a request receives an initial approval it will be added to the game with the next mod update, and upon admin approval the individual will be provided access to the ship.

1. One billion credits is the fee for a unique ship application and must be provided during the initial request stage. It will be taken from the character identified and is not refundable, success or fail. If the request receives initial dev team approval but fails to receive admin approval the owning player could try again with a similar concept in 2 weeks but would have to provide the 1 billion fee again. Put more than 1 billions on the character at your own risk, as we'll just be zeroing its bank balance.

This means while previously individuals had to finish their roleplay before posting the request, which would've meant upon approval they would've had to wait for the next mod update until they could fly their ship ingame, now they can post a separate request to the dev team for an early implementation of their ship into the mod files. With the above adjustments made, applicants may still have to wait until the next mod release to have their ship implemented ingame, but the ability to request an early implementation is intended to reduce the post-approval wait time down to minimum.

RE: Unique Ship Requests Procedure Adjustments - pitockm - 09-24-2014

ruined. thx.

RE: Unique Ship Requests Procedure Adjustments - Switchback - 09-25-2014

So the end result is somewhat similar to the old SRP system where you needed an official faction to back the SRP request.

While it cuts down on unique ship requests, it brings back the "Faction oorp friendships" argument. Pros and Cons to each approach, really.

RE: Unique Ship Requests Procedure Adjustments - Mímir - 09-25-2014

Dunno, it's all turning very world of warcrafty with all these customizable things and ways of being "special" and "unique".

Besides most/all srp roleplay is just half-baked clichéed stories written on the forum so people can get in game and pew away on their kraken chimera or whatever is in fashion these days.

Don't really see the point in this, it's not like it promotes roleplay save for filling up the forum with a few static stories no one cares about or read anyway.

Now if you found some way for players to claim systems or gather resources to actually build a cap or something in-game (like EVE!), I'd be interested, because that would promote game- and roleplay in-game, which is where 99.9 percent of all interactions take place.