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S.S.Pandora signing on - Printable Version

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S.S.Pandora signing on - FireDragon40000 - 09-14-2008

Hello, i'd like to greet everyone on the forums so hello! I have a story i wrote to introduce my character but first i want to talk about myself and my veiws on the server.

Im really keen on Roleplay and play dungeons and dragons with a bunch of my freinds alot. I love freelancer for its sci-fi roleplay. Discovery was a chance for me to explore a larger game world and use alot of different ships. I have always played on RP freelancer servers, as that is the way the game was intended to be played.
i dont want my first post to be negative, but the whole faction/ship thing has really been getting to me. I have read the rules every player is given at the start of the game thoroughly and i have read the sections about buying a capital ship. Now i agree that if you join a faction, you should follow their rules, fly their ships etc, but it doesnt actually say that your ID alone restricts you to ship types OR systems/bases.
I DO understand that having a capital ship imposes limits, but i think you should be able to do unconventional things if there is a good RP reason so long as you are not breaking any rules.

I would like to start by saying I have not joined a faction, but i DO have a corsair ID.
I have been turning some heads lateley because i have a zoner destroyer but a corsair tag and ID. Well, i am posting here to say that i have good RP reasons for having that ship and that, even as a corsair, i can still remain on good terms with "enemies" of the corsairs.
It IS possible (in an RP context) for an individual character to have connections that would allow him to dock at an otherwise hostile base etc. That is why they put the bribing system in the game. If i was playing solo, it would be perfectly possible to be friends with everyone!!!!!
Think of my character as a faction in itself and your understanding of my character will be improved. Remember, RP isnt just about factions, guns and ships; its about creating individual characters with their own stories and past too. Good RP means many things, but the ship/gun/bases thing is an oversimplification. You see NPC corsairs and hessians on lawful bases in the game too dont forget, so it should be possible for PC's to dock there if their individual rep allows it. Otherwise, what's the point in all those bribes?

The first story i will post will explain how i got my unusual ship. I will continue posting stories so long as interesting things carry on happening in the game! And if anyone wants to comment on my choice of ship, do so here.

Ok, enough of that, Here's the story!

The bar is dimly lit by floating servitors, their spotlights filter through the marijuana smoke and cardamine-haze to illuminate bottles of tequila that are scattered around. One servitor flickers on and comes to rest over a scruffy, lean looking man. Blond hair like a lions mane frames his head.
There is a livid scar across his stone-cold sober face. Only the dozen or so empty shot-glasses on the table before him betray his steady hand, and steadier gaze. He has just one arm and lounges in the seat, catlike.
He is sat opposite a heavy-set man with long black hair. He is olive skinned and swarthy.
This man speaks: "Tell me again how you got your...unusual ship, Sancho panchez..."
Sancho, as we know him now, doesnt move apart from to down another shot,
his face remains motionless even as the burning liquid hits his throat. He swallows, smiles like a shark, and says: "The S.S.Pandora? But of course, Demitri..."

"I was a trader, aye, and a good one too. I knew the best systems, the most profitable runs and the fastest escape routes. As I became more affluent, I bought larger and larger ships. Business was booming. I didnt care what I sold, weapons, counterfeit software, drugs, even strange and mysterious alien artefacts and organisms. Rich VIP's and humble passengers often went aboard my ship, and always disembarked safely. I was building a good reputation as a stalwart trader.
I was very rich, with a very large ship called the Independent when it happened. I had been making alot of money by making runs in dangerous systems, Omicrons and the Omegas. I was flying through Omega-41, a desolate, dangerous place. An old Hessian and corsair battleground with the ominous and chilling neutron star lurking in the centre of the asteroid field like an evil, bloated spider inside it's own inescapable gravity web.
This system had many abandoned hulks of reckless pilots' ships. Little did I know it was about to have one more.
I was moving fast, my crew steering my craft skilfully through the chunks of rock that had once been lush planets. I was in the hold, bathed in green light as I watched the organisms in their incubation tanks. I ordered the crew to push the ship faster, harder, through the mines and jagged rocks; I hated the thought of my money dying slowly in a tank.
There was a violent lurch as the ship hit a large asteroid, the rock tore a hole in the hull, splitting my ships' belly open like a gutted cattle beast. I was sucked into the void of space. I was lucky to reach the vac' pod in time. I struggled into a spacesuit while inside and watched my ship twist and buckle as it performed its jerking death throes, being pulled ever closer to the neutron star. I passed out under the intense G's. When I awoke, I was in the tangled remains of the pod. My arm and my eye were torn from me and I lay slowly gasping out the last of my life on that barren, radiation soaked rock. I have no way of knowing how long I lay there for, but it felt like an eternity, a zoner destroyer found me. It went by the name of the S.S.Pandora.
I single handedly killed the captain and his crew and commandeered the ship as my own. The ship was low on fuel but I managed to limp into Omicron gamma and onto Crete. I became a corsair that day, my friend, a carefree corsair.

S.S.Pandora signing on - LoE - 09-14-2008

alot of text to read:P


should i post one of these?

S.S.Pandora signing on - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-14-2008

aye welcome to the insane world of Discovery:D:crazy:

S.S.Pandora signing on - n00bl3t - 09-15-2008

' Wrote:alot of text to read:P


Welcome to the server, however with the ability to post chunks of text like that I welcome you to the forums as well.

Join a faction and don't buy a capital ship.

S.S.Pandora signing on - sn!p3r - 09-15-2008

Hey there, welcome.. You don't need to join a faction, and you can fly a capital ship if you want.

Don't pay attention to the ignorant ones, enjoy yourself, follow the rules, roleplay, and have a good time here.

See you in space

S.S.Pandora signing on - n00bl3t - 09-15-2008

' Wrote:You don't need to join a faction, and you can fly a capital ship if you want.

However, regardless of what anyone says, people will respect you more if you do not fly a capital ship and if you join a faction. This respect makes things easier for you here.

S.S.Pandora signing on - Athenian - 09-15-2008

Welcome aboard. Enjoy.

"the neutron star lurking in the centre of the asteroid field like an evil, bloated spider inside it's own inescapable gravity web"


S.S.Pandora signing on - FireDragon40000 - 09-15-2008

cheers guys, thanks for the warm welcome, see you all in spacey space!

cheers guys, thanks for the warm welcome, see you all in spacey space!

S.S.Pandora signing on - farmerman - 09-18-2008

Welcome! It was fun flying around the other day. Hopefully the food helps!

S.S.Pandora signing on - Gabrielle - 09-19-2008

holy brick wall of text i mean Welcome to the community