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To: [KNF] From: [ASF] - Printable Version

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To: [KNF] From: [ASF] - SnakeLancerHaven - 09-23-2014

[Image: 2dtskev.jpg]


As already mentioned on our previous Conversation with Commander Shimoe, we will provide you with documents of our organisation.

We are the Sirius Alliance, I speak of the behalf of the Alliance High Command. We're building up a Sirius Alliance Star Fleet and wish that the Houses support us in this matter.

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If you need any more informations, we're available in this frequency.

RE: To: [KNF] From: =/SASF\= - WesternPeregrine - 09-28-2014

[Image: oQbOKAV.png]

Sender ID: Nitto Kaisa Katsuo Shimoe
Receiver ID: Vice Adm. John Hayter, Sirius Alliance
Location: Battleship Matsumoto, Hokkaido System

Konnichiwa Hayter-chujou, this is Commander Shimoe speaking.
The Kusari Naval Forces have received your documentation, and the first set of conditions have been achieved.

The Naval Forces will recognize your actions on behalf of the Republic of Kusari protection that are reported in this channel, and that follow the guidelines provided.

Although not officially supervised by the Naval Forces, we are aware that Samura Industries provides additional bounties that might suit your operations, contact them to see their conditions.


As for the Sirius Alliance assets in Kusari, I shall now resume the terms we have agreed on the meeting:

-The Sirius Alliance Star Fleet (SASF) is able to deploy it own fighter and bomber assets in Kusari space, and use the services of all facilities open to them.
[Although not mentioned in the meeting, access to the Tohoku and Hiroshima systems are not granted unless elements of the Naval Forces are on the field to provide an authorization and oversight of the operations occurring in those systems.]

- The SASF may deploy any freighter/transport class trade ship, as long such vessel is not under the outlawed ship classes. Refer to section 5-5 of the Kusari Law Codex for more information.
-The SASF Pilgrim Liner will then be not authorized to operate within Kusari space, until the Naval Forces High Command issues an exception (or legislation changes).

- V. Adm. Hayter-san has declared that none of the Alliance heavier assets were planned to be deployed in Kusari space. Should the SASF decide to change its decision, we would like to be informed beforehand.
- Should the SASF desire to bring gunboat/sunship class vessels to operation within Kusari, they may do so, provided that the KNF is informed of such presence within the first week of operations.
- Should the SASF decide to have any heavier assets pass or operate in Kusari (destroyers and above), we require that a notice identifying such vessels be transmitted before such actions are attempted to the KNF and other law enforcement organizations. It seems that the SASF currently does not possess such capabilities, so we this situation might not occur soon.


Should any other requests to or from the KNF exist they will be presented on this channel. I or any other element of KNF command will be able to provide information on your inquiries.

Looking forward to see your performance.
Katsuo Shimoe, Nitto Kaisa of the Kusari Naval Forces.

RE: To: [KNF] From: =/SASF\= - WesternPeregrine - 11-15-2014

[Image: oQbOKAV.png]

Sender ID: Nitto Kaisa Katsuo Shimoe
Receiver ID: Vice Adm. John Hayter, Sirius Alliance
Location: Battleship Matsumoto, Hokkaido System

Konnichiwa Hayter-chujou, this is Commander Shimoe speaking.

It has been a while since we last held contact. I hope your forces still retain some combat readiness to provide support, should Kusari required it in the near future.

I come to you with a piece of information regarding our arrangements, and a small request.

First the good news: recent legislation changes have granted the Pilgrim class liner a "regular" status, meaning it's operation within Kusari border is permitted once again. You had consulted us about using one as a forward base of command, and now the obstacles for such operations have been lifted.

The second topic of conversation is a request by the KNF to the Sirius Alliance Star Fleet to provide a complete report of all and any activities that it has performed within Kusari space, and with Kusari forces in the last... 60 days, more or less. We need this to evaluate any changes in procedures and operations that we might enact in the future.

I look forward to hear more from you, vice admiral Hayter. Hope to meet you for a dinner or something at the officers mess aboard the Matsumoto, or in the Headquarters in New Tokyo, depending on the circumstances.

With cordial regards
Nitto Kaisa Katsuo Shimoe, Kusari Naval Forces.

RE: To: [KNF] From: =/SASF\= - SnakeLancerHaven - 05-02-2016

Incoming Signal
ID: Adam Rockford, Alliance Fleet Admiral
Encryption: HIGH
[Image: latest?cb=20120622212547]

I'm resuming operations of the Alliance Star Fleet thus I would like to reform our previous agreements. Every ASF vessels shall follow the rules given by the KNF.
Quote:As for the Sirius Alliance Alliance Star Fleet assets in Kusari, I shall now resume the terms we have agreed on the meeting:

-The Sirius Alliance Star Fleet (SASF) Alliance Star Fleet [ASF] is able to deploy it own fighter and bomber assets in Kusari space, and use the services of all facilities open to them.
[Although not mentioned in the meeting, access to the Tohoku and Hiroshima systems are not granted unless elements of the Naval Forces are on the field to provide an authorization and oversight of the operations occurring in those systems.]

- The ASF may deploy any freighter/transport class trade ship, as long such vessel is not under the outlawed ship classes. Refer to section 5-5 of the Kusari Law Codex for more information.
-The ASF Pilgrim Liner will then be not authorized to operate within Kusari space, until the Naval Forces High Command issues an exception (or legislation changes).

- V. Adm. Hayter-san F. Adm. Adam Rockford has declared that none of the Alliance heavier assets were planned to be deployed in Kusari space. Should the ASF decide to change its decision, we would like to be informed beforehand.
- Should the ASF desire to bring gunboat/sunship class vessels to operation within Kusari, they may do so, provided that the KNF is informed of such presence within the first week of operations.
- Should the ASF decide to have any heavier assets pass or operate in Kusari (destroyers and above), we require that a notice identifying such vessels be transmitted before such actions are attempted to the KNF and other law enforcement organizations. It seems that the ASF currently does not possess such capabilities, so we this situation might not occur soon.

These are the changes we would like to propose to the Naval Forces.

Signal Ended.

RE: To: [KNF] From: =/SASF\= - WesternPeregrine - 05-04-2016

[Image: oQbOKAV.png]

Sender ID: Kaisho-ho Katsuo Shimoe
Receiver ID: Adm. Adam Rockford, "Alliance Star Fleet"
Location: Battleship Matsumoto, Hokkaido System

Konnichiwa Mr. Rockford, this is the now Admiral Katsuo Shimoe speaking.

I and several people that I have consulted with found it odd to notice an old channel flaring back to life, a familiar face indeed, but with a new name backing it up in the place of the old. I recall from my conversations with then Vice Admiral Hayter that the... Sirius Alliance had suffered some setbacks with its leadership during their activity in Liberty, and that Mr. Hayter was conducting investigations regarding that. Seems he was not been able to succeed before more changes were enacted on this organization.

Before we begin reviewing the agreements that we had with former Sirius Alliance, I and the KNF Admiralty request to be informed of the new situation with this organization. Where is it based, who are the key figures we can trust (since Hayter is seemingly absent), and what has the organization performed and collaborated with in these past.... this past year, it seems. I suppose you managed to retain some importance between your peers, Admiral?

Do you still retain the use of the old Pilgrim liner that the Vice Admiral Hayter used to employ?

Let me know when you have the answers needed to continue this.

With cordial regards
Kaisho-ho Katsuo Shimoe, Kusari Naval Forces.

RE: To: [KNF] From: [ASF] - SnakeLancerHaven - 05-05-2016

[Image: Sasf.png]

Forwarded: Kusari Naval Forces
Sender: Adam Rockford
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Accessing Files

[Image: Faction05.png]
"Greetings Admiral,

Firstly congratulations on your promotion, the last time our organisation met you were still a Commander. *Smiles* Mister Hayter has been elected to Senator of the Sirius Star Federation, he's no longer in command of any assets regarding the Alliance Star Fleet. He has been busy thus he couldn't respond about the investigation that he planned. The investigation has been disrupted due to Alien and Coalition attacks near Rheinland and the Omega borders. We deployed our fleet back to defend the Omega and Omicron citizens.

Things were rough as the objective was to draw the Coalition Remnant Army's attention away from the House borders, same with the Aliens. However... We failed to do so and currently the Coalition are rising with an even bigger Strike Force than we could've ever imagined.
As soon as Hayter got elected as Senator he also informed us that any investigations regarding the suspicion in Liberty House Enforcement are to be 'eliminated'. Appearantly there was a huge misunderstanding in his suspicion and he told our Covert Ops Forces to withdraw in this operation."

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"Our forces are based in the Omegas meanwhile focusing on the Coalition Remnant Army. From time to time we also go up to the Omicrons to assist Core forces against the Alien threat and the suspiciously growth of Coalition Agents amongst Order Borders. Those are the only terms we fight alongside, but neverthless do we have any connection to them, we are our own Organisation split from the goals of the Core. Speaking of which, we do also assist House Enforcers against any 'Revolutionary' Groups as the growing support of the Coalition and their interest in Revolutionary groups is increasing. However...

We cannot deploy more than simple Squadrons lead by Squadron Commanders under a Gunship. This should also answer your 'Pilgrim Liner' pact, we do no longer seek the usage of that old pile of Junk. However, we do deploy 'Democritus' class Envoy Vessels inside Houses, mostly used by the Alliance Senate. I sincerely hope we are still welcomed inside your borders. *Salutes* Rockford out-"

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RE: To: [KNF] From: =/SASF\= - WesternPeregrine - 05-06-2016

[Image: oQbOKAV.png]

Sender ID: Kaisho-ho Katsuo Shimoe
Receiver ID: Adm. Adam Rockford, Alliance Star Fleet
Location: Battleship Matsumoto, Hokkaido System

Concerns about the frequency of alien attacks and the presence of foreign revolutionary forces outside of their natural environments have been a recent topic in the Admiralty of the KNF.

Our staff has reviewed the data you provided, and I have been authorized to give you clearance to resume your activities in Kusari space. Each pilot of yours is responsible to follow the directives of our agreement, and to obey the established laws of the Republic of Kusari.

With cordial regards
Kaisho-ho Katsuo Shimoe, Kusari Naval Forces.

RE: To: [KNF] From: [ASF] - SnakeLancerHaven - 05-10-2016

[Image: Sasf.png]

Forwarded: Kusari Naval Forces
Sender: Adam Rockford
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Accessing Files

[Image: Faction05.png]
"Greetings Admiral,

I apologize for the late responce. We thank you in the name of the Alliance and will resume our operations in Kusari."

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"If you have any tasks for us, feel free to respond and we will try to carry out the mission as best as possible. Maybe you have ideas or plans in Omicrons/Omegas? Give us a sign. *Salutes* Rockford out-"
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RE: To: [KNF] From: =/SASF\= - WesternPeregrine - 05-16-2016

[Image: oQbOKAV.png]

Sender ID: Kaisho-ho Katsuo Shimoe
Receiver ID: Adm. Adam Rockford, Alliance Star Fleet
Location: Battleship Matsumoto, Hokkaido System

Greetings once again, Fleet Admiral. Recent developments have been at the forefront of our focus, and perhaps they provide a good test for our collaboration.

A few days ago, the KNF has received information regarding these newly accessible systems in the Sigma region, namely Sigma-15 and 21, with an additional link to a 59 detected by our survey teams.

However, said survey efforts were assaulted by large forces of Aoi Iseijin, a Kusari group of pilots and conspirators aligned with the major Nomad threat, that perhaps you are well familiar from your time in the Omicrons.

For the moment, we request that the ASF performs some recon duties on these new regions, to complement our own efforts in mapping and determine any possible passages and common routes in the area.

Later on, your assignment can evolve to more detailed investigations, once we have a clearer picture of the situation.
The KNF is willing to discuss any terms of support that might be deemed suitable for your operations in the Sigmas.

With cordial regards
Kaisho-ho Katsuo Shimoe, Kusari Naval Forces.

RE: To: [KNF] From: [ASF] - SnakeLancerHaven - 05-18-2016

[Image: Sasf.png]

Forwarded: Kusari Naval Forces
Sender: Adam Rockford
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Accessing Files

[Image: Faction05.png]
"Interesting task,

The Sigmas... About time that we get operations in that sector. Consider the task accepted, while you hold off the Infectee forces we shall have an easier time surveying the mission locations."

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"About the support in the Sigmas. Indeed if it would be possible, we'd like to request a couple KNF ships to operate there while we can focus our own ships on other battlefields. You may have expected it, our force is yet not that Big to fight on all fronts, thus we'd ship our Soldiers with a Troop Carrier into your Territory and could launch the Operation from Kusari. Will you be able to provide us with such assets? We'll try to inform you about our progress as soon as possible. Rockford out-"
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