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To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - Printable Version

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To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - Cryer Technologies - 09-26-2014

[Image: T2aXQSI.png]


Our Project would like to obtain a medical license to transport Synthetic Marijuana and Stabiline into the Kusari systems. Would this license be obtainable?

[Image: shfRuTu.png]

RE: To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - The Republic of Kusari - 09-27-2014

[Image: yOlOrC0.jpg?1]

Konbanwa representative of... Project QQ I guess. I didn't really managed to verify your credentials. Are you somehow related to some... company that we may refer to?

My name is Hitoshi Minami, and I am the representative of the Government of the Kusari Republic assigned to this case.

As you might be aware, currently the status of this synthetic marijuana completely outlawed to possession, sale or consumption to any individual or collective entity, Kusarian or not.
As recent studies did not deviate from the previous assessment made by the Kusar State Police anti-drug department, we are sorry to inform you that this status will not change, and advise you to not carry any of the aforementioned product to any territory under Kusari jurisdiction.
If your project can direct us to academic studies or other governmental reports that might provide a different light on the subject of Synthetic Marijuana, we are willing to examine this documents.


Regarding the case of Stabiline, this is a very recent drug developed by Cryer, for the purpose of combating the afflictions of patients addicted to the scourge that is the Cardamine drug.

Such drug has been strictly regulated and has been tested in controlled environment in our Fuchu prison on drug addicted criminals, under strict supervision of Cryer and Kusari government investigators, and transported by our trusted companies Samura and Kishiro.

Such regulation allowed us to prevent the drug being used for commercial purposes, and from entering the black market flowing in Kusari planets and tainting our people with new afflictions.

Should you wish to receive permission by the Kusari Government to transport this substance, you would have to get permission from Cryer Pharmaceutical offices in Liberty, and to provide heavy assurances on your part of the safety of the transports and the intended uses of the cargo.

We look forward for your considerations on this case and it's proposals.

With cordial regards,
Hitoshi Minami

RE: To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - Cryer Technologies - 09-28-2014

[Image: T2aXQSI.png]

"I should have introduced our project better..." Bob mumbled.

Cryer Pharmaceuticals issued a project called Project QQ. The project is designed to make our medical products appealing to the people. We are the project.

We have some Synthetic Marijuana reports from the Cambridge Research Institute tested on all willing humans-alike.. The reports reported as a relaxative designed to relieve the brain of stress and anxiety. This is important as the chemical allows the mind to focus clearly. Stress and anxiety are mostly caused by work-related problems and thus by using it, work productivity will increase among marijuana user. Not to mention, the marijuana is used for medical properties that are able to treat eye diseases and pain problems.

In the case of stabiline, we would like to transport stabiline across Kusari to Liberty systems. We will not attempt to sell stabiline into any of the Kusari planets and in a matter that we are to be pirated, we are to destroy the products if they attempted to extract it from us to prevent contamination of the Kusari systems.
[Image: shfRuTu.png]

RE: To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - The Republic of Kusari - 09-28-2014

[Image: yOlOrC0.jpg?1]

Konbanwa again.

We have decided to grant Project QQ a license to ship Stabiline through Kusari. However we will require a fee of 20 million credits to finalize your registration. Obviously you are not allowed to sell the Stabiline in Kusari and you may only transport it to Liberty.

On the subject of Synthetic Marijuana:
You have not given a good enough reason for us to allow your ships to carry this substance. Without any concrete evidence that the synthetic marijuana you transport will be used solely for scientific purposes we can't grant you a license.

The Stabiline license will be valid as soon as we received the payment from your account. Please transfer the amount to [KNF]Heikiko.Maru

Hitoshi Minami

RE: To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - Cryer Technologies - 09-29-2014

[Image: T2aXQSI.png]

"20 millions..." Bob hesitated, but was willing to buy the license.

[Image: 80E01C2.png]

He remained silent about the synthetic marijuana subject.

[Image: shfRuTu.png]

RE: To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - Cryer Technologies - 05-08-2015

[Image: 7NwmNBK.png]

Greetings again.

After various experiments and studies, we have compiled the effects of synthetic marijuana and hope you will allow us to distribute the medical products into keeping the good health of Kusari.
Bob Clamor
[Image: CqFMfyt.png]

RE: To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - The Republic of Kusari - 05-14-2015

[Image: yOlOrC0.jpg?1]

Konbanwa again.

We apologize for the severe delay of this answer, but it took us quite some time to properly verify your research. I'm sure you know how these things are.

Anyway, while we are not completely convinced of the merits of Synthetic Marijuana, we have decided to grant you a license for transporting this commodity through Kusari.
However, you may not offload or sell this cargo on stations or planets in Kusari.
For now you will be granted this license for a trial period of one month. If there are no incidents or problems during this month, the license will automatically be made permanent.
If all goes well we will be willing to consider a license for distribution in Kusari as well.

Obviously we reserve the right to revoke it at any time, should we learn of any wrongdoing on your part.

With cordial regards,
Hitoshi Minami

RE: To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - Cryer Technologies - 06-24-2015

[Image: 7NwmNBK.png]

Greetings again.

After our trial period has once run its course, I hope you will consider distribution of the product into the market.

After amazing results over the past two months, we were able to advertise Stabiline as an anti-aging medication. Able to reduce its effect of being in a state of euphoric and energy. We were able to reduce its side effect to very minimal to which we found out there was no connection between its anti-aging effect and its cardamine-like effect. To which we were able to put it into the market of other Houses as anti-aging and beneficial to the populace that have many elderly citizens. Overall, we hope that you can consider a license to distribute stabiline into the market of Kusari.

Bob Clamor
[Image: CqFMfyt.png]

RE: To: Kusari Republic Government; Subject: Medical License - The Republic of Kusari - 06-24-2015

[Image: yOlOrC0.jpg?1]

Konnichiwa Bob Clamor.

We are happy that the trial period for marijuana ended without any incidents and as such are ready to grant you the license for transport and distribution of said commodity in Kusari.

However, the government has decided against allowing the distribution of Stabiline in Kusari. We feel that such a drug is neither necessary nor has a place in the society of Kusari. As such the ban of Stabiline will stay in effect.

We hope that you can accept these terms and wish you prosperity and good business in Kusari.

With cordial regards,
Hitoshi Minami