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To: {AFC} / From: TAZ - Printable Version

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To: {AFC} / From: TAZ - Gypsie Skripto - 09-28-2014

From: Gypsie Skripto, Editor in Chief of the No Buns No Cabbages Reports, Temporary Autonomous Zoner Ambassador
Location: Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin
To: {AFC}
Encryption: Indie

[Image: xg8mFDc.gif]


Mr. Momomoto told me he met one Sunny, who told him about a good bar on board a base of his ownership, to which my good friend went. There the people on board expanded on the base specs and Mr. Momomoto came to the conclusion that it would be very profitable for both parts if TAZ would get docking rights there.

On a further analysis he pointed out that it would be a perfect sales point for our Niobium Ore products, which we buy from IMG on a regular basis. Your base is pretty close of that commoditie's sell point, so I'm sure you'll see where the profit is in my proposal.

I will be looking forward to your response.

Yours in Eris,

[Image: qbNK5ZX.png]
[Image: S9iYuwQ.png]

RE: To: {AFC} / From: TAZ - The Archangels Fighter Club - 09-29-2014

[Image: ZnqM2h0.png?1]


FROM: Sunny ~ President of the AFC
SUBJECT: Niobium Ore

Dear Mr. Skripto,

Ah well a friend of a friend of a friend of mine also heard about you boys and I heard about it down at Ames. Potential business huh? Well then sir since you seem to be on good terms with IMG then I'll trust yeah. We can have a bit of a talk about this over a drink? I'll send you some co-ordinates. Follow them and you should be able to make it to a place called The Black Cherry.

Ill see you there... and oh bring a sample with you eh?


RE: To: {AFC} / From: TAZ - Gypsie Skripto - 10-20-2014

From: Gypsie Skripto, Editor in Chief of the No Buns No Cabbages Reports, Temporary Autonomous Zoner Ambassador
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
To: Sunny, President of the {AFC}
Encryption: Indie

[Image: xg8mFDc.gif]

Kallisti Sunny!

I'm myself right now outside of Baffin on a mission but I'd like to discuss further with you when I visit your base... There is plenty to put you up to date, although you might just as well know it already. We built an additional Freeport in the Barrier Nebula, Brunswick Shrine.

Now that I come to think of it, I might have a job for you and your people. You go find out where certain rare commodity is produced, and we'll discuss more in person. What you're looking for are Uncut Diamonds.

Yours in Eris,

[Image: qbNK5ZX.png]
[Image: S9iYuwQ.png]

PS: We want to host some races in Baffin once again, remind me to discuss that with you also.

RE: To: {AFC} / From: TAZ - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-21-2014

[Image: ZnqM2h0.png?1]


FROM: Sunny ~ President of the AFC
SUBJECT: Job Request

Dear Mr. Skripto,

First off, congratz on the new build! I hope it's running smoothly and effectively for you. We should grab that drink soon and chat a bit eh? But onto your proposal...

Uncut diamonds? Hmmm... I think I know just who to ask for those.
What are you looking for, Mr.Skripto? Connections or them being delivered?
I'll contact the people I know. Should be I think the D.H.C. that could be of assistance.

Cheers and see you soon,


RE: To: {AFC} / From: TAZ - Gypsie Skripto - 10-21-2014

From: Gypsie Skripto, Editor in Chief of the No Buns No Cabbages Reports, Temporary Autonomous Zoner Ambassador
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
To: Sunny, President of the {AFC}
Encryption: Indie

[Image: xg8mFDc.gif]

Kallisti Sunny!

What I'm looking for is actually having a steady supply, so it's not only finding them and making the connection, no. I'd like to hire AFC for the full job, say grabbing and dropping between 5.000 and 10.000 units a week at Brunswick Shrine.


[Image: qbNK5ZX.png]
[Image: S9iYuwQ.png]

RE: To: {AFC} / From: TAZ - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-21-2014

[Image: ZnqM2h0.png?1]


FROM: Sunny ~ President of the AFC
SUBJECT: Job Request

Dear Mr. Skripto,

Hey if you meant it was a job offer to do then why didn't you say so in the first place!
Yeah of course we can help you with that. 10,000 of those shouldn't be too hard to do I bet. I'll pull a few strings, check some things, and have it done soon for you.

Here is the thing though... when we get down there to drop if off my boys might be getting a little restless... if you know what I mean....
You got access to any... booze? Dope? A good shot of something?

Or maybe if you don't then is there anything from the base you need an hand exporting? You know that Niobium you brought before to us what quite nice.

Cheers. We will get started on this ASAP,


RE: To: {AFC} / From: TAZ - Gypsie Skripto - 10-21-2014

From: Gypsie Skripto, Editor in Chief of the No Buns No Cabbages Reports, Temporary Autonomous Zoner Ambassador
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
To: Sunny, President of the {AFC}
Encryption: Indie

[Image: xg8mFDc.gif]

Kallisti Sunny!

Well the place has a Bowling Alley where your boys and everybody is welcome! There you can find drinks, first round is on the house heh. As for drugs... We do distribute Cryer's Synth Weed products, though it's not the real deal. We Popes grow natural weed too, but not in quantities large enough for comercialization. If you find any TAZ though, ask for a joint and it will be delivered. As for other products, we don't deal in Cardamine or Nox (though you may find the latter if you cross some Brigand or Corse perhaps). We might be able to get our hands on some Stabline from Cryer if that suits you. Just let me know and i'll tell the boys of north S17 to bring some next time they send a shipment of S-Maria.


[Image: qbNK5ZX.png]
[Image: S9iYuwQ.png]