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To: The Council, from: LPI- - Printable Version

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To: The Council, from: LPI- - Techpriest - 09-29-2014

To: The Council
From: Adam Cast, Liberty Police Officer

Proof: 1 2
The Council has been questioned for:

Quote:Additionally, all transport-class vessels of Gallic origin - the Rock Badger Light (Mining) Transport, the Taureau Gallic Assault (Medium) Transport, the l'Ane Brigand Heavy Transport, the Vache Heavy Transport (Train), the Lucullus Gallic Liner Transport, and the Pachyderme Super Transport - are not permitted within the House of Liberty.

Exceptions: Only when crewed by and flown under either any banner of the Council or the Unione Corse organization identified by the [UC] tag, are Gallic Transports are allowed.

A vessel named House.Of.Cards has been found in Liberty space under the banner as a Freelancer. Although, the vessel's identification says the vessel is from The Council, why would the vessel fly under the banner of a Freelancer? Am I to suspect that this Freelancer modified his or her vessel's identification? Not to mention that the pilot of House.Of.Cards broke the law of:
Quote:Any individual preventing, evading or delaying the administration of punishment on to an individual found to be breaking the law will be subject to any punishment deemed necessary by the ranking officer on duty.

The pilot has also told me to back off and prevented the administration of punishment on Kira.Yokota, a Kusarian who bought pirate transport turrets produced by hostile factions viewed by the government of Liberty.

RE: To: The Council, from: LPI- - Thyrzul - 09-29-2014


Intensité de signal: _ 090%
Encodage: __________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ [REDACTED]
Expéditeur: ____ General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Officer Adam Cast ____________________ LPI-

Sujet: _________ Re: -

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Officer Cast,

Gallic civilians, who do not actively serve in The Gallic Council paramilitary organization but are protected by it, are allowed to choose a Freelancer IFF instead of the Council IFF to represent their civilian status. There is nothing wrong with that.

However I do not really understand your second point. In Council space a captain of, for example, an Interspace Commerce tradeship could say anything they want, there would be no way to prevent an inspection verbally, et I expected things going the same way in Liberty as well. Then how exactly did the captain of said vessel "prevent" the inspection et sanction of that Kusarian pilot? Were his words paralyzing, maybe in a more literal sense? Or what?

I'm sure the officers of the Liberty Police Incorporated are competent enough to deal with the situation appropriately. Punish those, who really broke the law et leave undisturbed those, who didn't, that's how you do it, n'est pas?

General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil


RE: To: The Council, from: LPI- - Techpriest - 09-30-2014

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Well, first of all, he...

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