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To: Order Primary Fleet || Cdr. Grey - Printable Version

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To: Order Primary Fleet || Cdr. Grey - Noraim - 10-07-2014

[Image: Iyx8q1C.png]

Greetings, fellow Agents.

For some time now, a rather necessary goal's been brewing in mind and, as certain situations nowadays demand it, I hereby give the call to you all.

After receiving official approval from the Overwatch, I will personally oversee the formation, training and maintaining of the new Stinger interceptor squad.

Participation is somewhat mandatory seeing most of our agents have been recalled home, though exceptions will be allowed if valid and approved by the Overwatch.

As the title may have tipped you off, this group will focus primarily on combat perfection revolved around our prized yet highly underused Onuris interceptors, though you are allowed to bring your vessel of choice as long as it falls under the same ship category.

Distinction & identification:
-Pilots flying under Stinger colors are still part of the primary fleet.

-Naming convetion is as such: Order|<Name/Callsign>-[S]

Registration form:

-Full name & Rank
-Chosen Squadron Callsign

Registrations will be relayed on this same channel and, I hope to see you all soon.

Wasp out.

RE: To: Order Primary Fleet || Cdr. Grey - 7AlphaOne1 - 10-08-2014

[Image: AukXAKP.jpg]

Good day, Commander.

This is Veteran Agent Johnson, though I am usually called Aaron. Please excuse the transmission protocols, its just some picture I got on the Neuralnet, some James Bond, it seems.

I would like to dedicate myself and my Onuris to the new project. I will take, well, which callsign to choose..............

let me get back to you on that, Ma'am.

for now,

Transmission terminated

RE: To: Order Primary Fleet || Cdr. Grey - Apollon - 10-08-2014


» LOCATION: Taba Border Station, Omicron Mu
» COMM-ID: Aoi 'Red Tail' Kunieda
» TARGET-ID: Commander Grey, Stinger Interceptors.
» SUBJECT: Registration
» PRIORITY: Medium


You already know who I am, Commander. Moving down to the point, I am willing to offer my skills in flying an 'Onuris' class light fighter for the Order. The Order's main intercepting vessel. My Callsign would be 'Papuru Yaksha'.


Red Tail out.

[Image: Fl-OR.png]

For the Order.
Agent Aoi 'Red Tail' Kunieda
The Order.

RE: To: Order Primary Fleet || Cdr. Grey - Doria - 10-10-2014

-- Incoming Transmission --

Comm ID: Agent Andrew Malone
Ship ID: Order|SD-Running.Low
Subject: Registration
Encryption: Standard
Priority: Medium

Greetings, Commander.

My name is Malone. I flew for the 141 and later for the Science Division. And for a long time now, since the SD activity reached an all time low, I've been basicaly doing some regular supply runs on the Running Low, my old Albatross. She's with me for more than 30 years now...

Well, since you said that participation is somewhat mandatory, specially for pilots flying regular duty back home like myself, then here is my info:

- Rank: Agent
- Name: Andrew Malone
- Callsign: Hauler

Anyway, I was issued an Onuris Interceptor about one month ago, but only did the test flight in it... It's sitting on the hangar at Akabat since. Might as well put the thing into use...

Malone out.

RE: To: Order Primary Fleet || Cdr. Grey - Shizune - 10-10-2014

:::Sender ID: Aelita Stone:::
:::Location: Taba:::

[:: No visual link ::]

"I got my own Onuris back on the Atum still, I think I can bring it back up up to Omicron Mu. My call sign works as Kelly Hellion, it's my Liberty covert name." She smiles and winks.

-Full name & Rank
Aelita Xaxara Stone - Agent Veteran

-Chosen Squadron Callsign
Kelly "Silent Hunter" Hellion - Royal Poison

RE: To: Order Primary Fleet || Cdr. Grey - Yukina - 01-24-2015

[Image: dFQG2SP.png]

Greetings Commander Grey,

since you advised me to join this squad I now apply officially.

The callsigns you will be able to reach me are either my name or 'Sandsnake'.

Best regards,
Nym Sand

[Image: LXnTquu.png]